May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Suzannah B. Troy bye finally East Village East East Village hello + street photo section

Goodbye to this blog finally,  I still have a ridiculous flu part 2 but still tried to get out there and enjoy some nature because life is too short.  Wearing Kat's recycled sweater and scarf.   Visit her site and you will see her bus which many of us see and "hear" around the city.   She is magical and bohemian, what the Village once was.

Ready for change...

See you there

street photo section including protests, fire, police, youngest protestor in the East Village and more....

done with this blog, but I have more to come

I returned to this blog, NYU made me feel so violated, destroyed the East Village, mega dorming it to death East and West including Washington Square Park , I believe that NYU is the no. 1 reason the city felt the necessity to rip out trees and flatten (to discourage the theatre spectacle and protests the fountain was a magnet for) and centering the fountain with wasteful and unwanted "improvements".   NYU owns the majority of property around the park including the most hideous ugly buildings, again NYU's improvements.   NYU turns the public out of a public park every year for graduation which hardly seems legal but NYU is above it all even using Broadway and Lafayette as their parking lot for buses and trolleys.   The mayor puts NYU before the people of New York City.  Amanda socialite mega millionaire city planner acts like she is NYU's city planner.   Everything has been about  catering to NYU, the no. 1 real estate magnate and Evil Empire, purple reign of terror.  NYU's purple reign of terror tearing down St. Ann's at 120 East 12th Street and the terrible upset that came along with it all still gets me so upset and I find myself returning to this blog.  

I believe NYU and Cooper Union have supersized in the East Village by Union Square subway and Astor Place subways which are rotted and leaking, that are infrastructures so many are in terrible shape so that when it rains it is like Venice, Italy in the streets and in the subways.

NYU weighs heaviest on our old infrastructure with all their mega dorms in the East Village.

NYU destroyed the East Village and my life in the East Village along with some very disturbing circumstances all documented and I pray there will be films is my own "Murderville" or "Murderville in the East Village" and I have written so much on this on this blog...Now that I have seen Mickey Rourke's lastest performance I would love him to have a small part in the film but I really prefer any films if they get made be made after I am long gone and they tell the truth even if it is thru a fictional tale like Murderville about what went down here -- including the big picture.

I don't want to come back to this blog yet I find myself returning. NYU's 24 mill thanks to Madoff but if it had been 24 mill NYU made in profit -- we would not hear it in the news but feel it in the community with more NYU buy ups and push outs all in the name of higher ed.

I do feel I am in the midst of change and there are some people I will never talk to again.  I could imagine them bragging they were my friend, I knew her, people who were very cruel bragging somehow trying to act like they were anything but -- if you do hear this ask them -- why if she was a friend was she not part of your life...There is one friend I miss love and cherish "J" and the only one I would want to "recycle" and have back in my life at some point down the road if there is that point. 

Once a character told me he ate dinner with Uma Thurman and her than husband, no. 2.   When I asked him questions I found out he was only in the eatery not with them.   It was fantasy. It doesn't matter but my point is ASK QUESTIONS.  
To those that held my belongings and cared for my plants thanks and gratitude. Special shout out to Beth and Shayna.    A magical soul sister is still holding some of my stuff tucked away in a basement in the East Village thanks and gratitude.  Flower Power where I hope to get more healthy items to get healthy and Lata so compassionate.  So many wonderful people when I think of it...just get upset, yet again , post traumatic stressing but focusing on everything good all the good people, good energy and there is so much.

So many people that are good souls thanks and gratitude.  I know everyone is going thru rough times now and we are all in need of miracles.

Part 2 of Suzannah B. Troy on her art, watch part 1 first please

Suzannah B. Troy on her art part 1 of 2

Friday, December 26, 2008

GoodbyeEastVillageeastvillageblog NYU white collar investments gone bad brought me back but I am done

My goal is never to return to blogging at this site but yesterday NYU got me so upset yet again, they want to sue for 24 million, go sue yourself the pts had me back here....I may set up a new free blog site but for now I will post at the link above....

I have yet another cold -- the move -- moves have been more than unsettling and yesterday reading the papers was post traumatic stressing for me. NYU wants to sue for the 24 million they lost but if they had won big bucks they would have used that to continue to buy up destroy our communities all in the name of higher education although NYU's big bucks go to real estae wheelings and dealings and other great white shark dealings that include great white shark lawyers.

I am done with this blog but NYU and it evil empire in the newspapers so upset me I came back but I don't want to anymore.  Goodbye.

Just made a 10 minute youtube and I couldn't even fit in the positive memories of the Letters Editor at The New York Times that was a genius and other positive thoughts regarding people that handled me: Utopia Dystopia, The Wall Street Journal the person that edited my letter,  and my art with super star energy that I so appreciated so sometimes artist do have the positive experiences.
Did a long long youtube about wall street, my art my short story chopping the street, my thoughts on mickey rourke...

I wrote this how long ago and talked about how difficult it is to police and prosecute white collar crime and how much it costs the tax payers in billions but never imagined the meltdown would be a tsunami and Maddoff would replace Ivan Boesky has the next great white shark who is going to be serving time for what I call the Boesky shuffle, a term I made up...

Go to the youtube site for links and more info and to my apple mac blog until I get a new one set up.

Thanks as always to the people that visit my blogs and are coming from a good place, back at you, happy holidays, a blessed safe new year and thanks and gratitude,
Suzannah B. Troy

Thursday, December 25, 2008

in my opinion NYU is the Bernie Maddoff of higher ed

In my artistic opinion NYU is the Bernie Maddoff of higher ed using their not for profit status to devour real estate like the great white sharks of wall street....


just examine the USPS air sale over St. Ann's and NYU's "purchase" and supersizing and the State of New York to date was never notified as legally required -- air right over a historical site although not landmark protected requires notification -- the State comes in and examines environmental, infrastructure concerns and is this in the best interest of the community.

The USPS which continues to lose billions each year need the millions and they felt as usual their federal status buts them above the law, like blocking a fire hydrant as well as other usual activities they jokingly call customer service ---

Seems like Halloween and everyone is posing as higher ed, USPS but take off the mask and they are all doing the Boesky shuffle -- and the real face is Bernie Maddoff.

They are all Berni Maddoff -- NYU might as well sue it's self. NYU hires white shark lawyers to beat down the communities law suits.

NYU is a Bernie Maddoff wanna just seems like the use the students as another shelter but they are all about mega real estate wheelings and dealings and wall street ones as well. If Maddoff had been the real deal


+ how ironic NYC tax payers are paying for top law firms to represent Christine Quinn and her staff and I think certain city council members in slush gate...and I fear tax payers and people just walking on down the street may pay with their lives because of this real estate tsunami and "old" New York's infrastructure.

NYU loses 24 million in white collar crime aka ponzi I call "Boesky Shuffle" and it proves NYU really about mega real estate & mega bucks crushing us

NYU has crushed our community in the name of higher education not even needing to abuse eminent domain to push us out.  Mike Bloomberg is there front man with their dear friend mega millionaire socialite city planner Amanda Burden who acts like she is NYU's personal city planner and not our's the people of New York.  They crushed out community in this tsuanmi of developmment and this article proves their greed and just gives you a small inside what feels like NYU's corruption as they use the term "higher education" more as a tax shelter to continue to buy up as much property here in NYC and I am guessing abroad -- I am guessing major real estate holdings as well....

I have always say the only think John Sexton, Mike and Amanda have not done is provide NYU buses, trolleys and trains to move us out for NYU's unending need to expand.

John Sexton ran down to testify that Mike the mayor who would be King of New York must stay in office and I told  you he did so protect his real estate -- oops I mean NYU's real estate holdings.

When I complain about conflict of interests at community board level --  no wonder people laugh -- shrug their shoulders or tell me the bourough president is just as guilty, etc.   We are lucky Bloomberg news reported this, hardee har....does this mean NYU will be slowed down just a little as they continue their purple reign of terror tearing down our historic communities from Stuy Town to the Village East and West down to the tip of Manhattan?  No.  NYU has too many powerful connections and none are a conflict of interest, 24 million to NYU is like 24 mill to Goldman Sachs -- not enough to make a dent....NYU just gets to use the term "higher education,

Goldman Sachs, hey Hank Paulson, you want to help rescue Wall Street, give the firms the status of higher education -- so they can abuse their not for profit status like NYU and besides Wall Street has given us quite an education. How about Goldman Sachs University or Morgan Stanley University? We all got quite a lesson and they could use some more tax breaks and shelters like NYU, Columbia U. and Cooper Union!

I am sick again -- it was beyond unsettling to endure what I did and I have not settle in...I am sick and I have to rest.  I want to make a youtube.  I didn't want to come back to this site but NYU murdered St. Ann's Church which was mysteriously not landmark protected although a historic site from 1847.

I wrote so many short stories and 3 on wall street.

"Chopping the Street" talked about the tax payers paying billions to prosecute white collar crime but who knew Wall Street, NYU and the USPS would cost us so much as well including with the USPS's shady air sale over St. Ann's to try and make up just a little of their billions of dollars in losses because they have not been able to run a business that can even break even....
People don't have a lot of faith in our government here and abroad and why is that?

I had to write this on this blog because NYU mega dormed the East Village to death.  NYU and the USPS's shady wheelings and dealings at 120 East 12th Street next to my now ex home of 20 years and what I endured I pray will be in a film that tells a story -- a much bigger story and I would be happy if it was made after I kicked the bucket but smiling down knowing the story got told.

click here and click on chopping the street, one mega million at a time....for any underachiever that thinks it is about an infamous motorcycle club -- got to the back of the class -- it was written about white collar crime --how much it costs the tax payers and how they give to charities and are above the radar....

read it and enjoy -- it is on or listen to the podcast in itunes or on the podcast link at above

****Happy memory...carried "Chopping the Street" with me every where. Dad who is now 84 picked me up and took me to the Met Musuem for brunch. We sat on the rooftop of the museum as I worked on the story I carried with me like a 2nd skin.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Suzannah B. Troy says "bye" to

That is me and the top part of   "wear technology responsibly" and you can see her on   Those are old fashioned computer connectors and she has a dress of floppy disks and was on display at NYU's Bronfman Center in an exhibition, Eden: Utopia Dystopia  (2001)

I am moving my blog yet again...

I still have my apple one

This website has my podcasts and a blog but I have not fine tuned the blog yet.
I most likely will have a free google blog like this but it will be about me which as an artist is my starting point.

I have aprox. 80 youtubes at this point to check out.

TO EVERYONE THAT CAME TO MY BLOG with a good heart, positivity energy wishing you good karma x 100!!!!!

thanks and gratitude with New York attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye bye and good night.

Suzannah B. Troy

I have 3 youtubes on Peter and Whole Earth Bakery so check em out and better yet go in shop, say hi, if you have a miracle Peter is there nights & Su

Peter Silvestri Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen St. Marks Place in need of a miracle

St. Marks Place looking towards Tompkins, the snow flakes are falling again tonight

big picture sky over concrete and a top of tree so high reaching for Heaven

concrete structures, sky, tree so high reaching for the sky some dark clouds but there is light shining from above...

supersized buildings, mirrored sky piercing buildings a narcissist's wet dream
 egos with uncool agendas 

but there is a bigger picture
and the light is shining down from high above

Karen Love Saves the Day, she is still looking for a place to sell her treasures here in the East Village!!!

rebel females filmed inside Love Saves the Day and read the comment on the youtube website!

As cars zoom in one direction this ambulance is parked in the other

Carolyn Myss who I once listened to speak in person and found very disappointing once said when you see an ambulance send a prayer.  I do and that includes the people in the front seat as well.

Slumdog Millionaire, everyone told me it is a great film and it is but I almost ran out

Everyone said "Slumdog millionaire" is a great film and at the end of the film I agreed. I cried. It was so jam pack no one noticed.

This is an uplifting film BUT there are all kinds of horror imagineable and unimagineable that could happen to a child growing up in India (and elsewhere) and so ask me me how could I say it is  happy....?

At first it was so upsetting I felt I had to leave but I am glad I stayed.  It all comes together in a way I couldn't imagine that was uplifting despite the poverty and strife because of course as always there is the beautiful humanity with in that some how can survive.

By the end of the film including the ending credits it all comes together in the most positive way and celebrates the survival, ingenuity and love capable by the human spirit.

I was writhing in my seat yet again, I yelled out a couple of times and yes, tears.  I am not renting this film when it comes out on DVD, once was enough but wow....everything that happens to this young man literally has taught him something valueable and the acting is superb especially the children and young adults and the adults and they show all three at once on the screen at the end...
Very moving, I feel better but exhausted.  

FDNY, beautiful tree shelters EV, Santa on the move Billy's antiques, a New York minute tonight!

Ladder 20 whipped around the corner and my heart almost stopped as I watched the young man piloting the truck from the back through the snow and traffic.  This is Engine 28 and Ladder 9 and Engine 33 showed up kind of like this morning but no BC.    The streets are so congested with traffic, people, snow and slush, I am in awe...
Beautiful tree working hard to fight pollution and shelter us from the storm and mayhem...too bad behind bars, Houston St.
Santa on the move already, Billy's Antiques, Houston Street

inner beauty switch on despite batteries almost dead, attitude of gratitude

We are getting close to the holidays and happy holidays what ever you are celebrating and a blessed happy healthy new year.

So happy my cats both on lives 9 are with me, this year they both almost took the express to Heaven and amazing doctors at 5th Ave Hospital, Chelsea Vet and Animal Medical Hospitalplus Claudia and all helped us thru so meows, thanks and gratitude.  Dr. Sola you saved my cats life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To every person that shine positive good energy at me back at you, wishing you a 100x good karma in your direction.

To the NYPD, that goodies that do such a good job we take for granted that you are doing what ever you do to keep us safe and that includes Commish Kelly, he is the only one in city government I actually like except for Tony Avella.  I also really like Bratton and I will always remember him talking to us at the New School about the community.

I am so tired and drained and the last year has been very disturbing.  There is an NYPD sgt., I remember your name but sorry I can't remember your face but you exuded integrity and you did so in front of a young officer so thanks and gratitude...

I do hope the mayor continues to have "reality checks" wake up calls ephiphanies as he is beginning to do re: many topics like Senior citizen center to just about everything including the most simple honor due, honoring the largest loss of our rescue workers in our nation's and city's history, how about their rank and that doesn't begin to touch on "Betrayal at Ground Zero" the title of my letter published in The Wall Street Journal; who knew the betrayal would grow exponentially.  Thanks to the younger fireman that had a five alarm fire in my ears and heart about surviving downtown by seconds because his 5 alarm fire inspired that letter and to all those rescue workers that took the Express to Heaven -- a world wide audience saw your courage even if the mayor and John Whitehead erased this historical fact of history from the WTC site all theses years.  To their families and to everyone who lost loved ones in away that took them too soon.  I also included Fireman Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffaginino on the list of heroes and everyone taken by the death dust that ran down there that day and the days and months following.   

There were too many people that died too young and I think of Tina Negron, Adrienne Shelly who does deserve an Oscar posthumously and I think of Keyanna Jones although the list is so long...

I love this city so passionately but it does feel like loving an absolutely crazy lover and what is good is really really, realllllllllly good and what is bad is very, very very bad.

I do love New York.

p.s.  Thanks to my 2 Dads, Lai and Gregory at Vidal Sassoon who could tell from the state of my hair I needed help and they worked miracles on at least making me look like I have more hair than I do.  The t shirt is Victoria Keen and I get compliments constantly from people on the street when I wear her yoga pants.  She is on Lafayette Street across the street and one block up from Noho Star.

ghost bike memorial winter, covered these ghost bikes many times

You can find my photos with the young people's memories honored but I am so drained by people that have not run me as in death over  but they certainly have robbed does that, not the beautiful green but the other shades of "green"... we have been robbed of community members we loved so much...

I think of John Walsh along with his loved ones suffered so much but he turned the grief, pain and anger in to America's Most Wanted and he has made a difference rather than let his life be completely robbed and he has helped people here in NYC and world wide with his choice to transform what is the worst most destructive unimaginable acts into some how something positive for himself and for us -- people world wide.

Still to think of so many people that left us here in NYC what ever their age most left loved ones feeling they left too young, just a few blessed souls that left and we were able to say they lived a long full life...

I have taken a lot of photos and wrote a lot about this on

Cooper Union says "Educate" on red banner but their actions say "dominate"

Hideous ugly fractured aquarium building that belongs in a bad sci-fi hollywood movie with "b" list actors, bad dream, can't be the Bowery, and the hideous sky piercing hotel next door looks like a space ship illegally parked  yet the 9th Precinct has yet to ticket and tow these spaceships and the mayor has set new records ticketing New Yorkers, how about architects for bad architecture?

I also heard gossip quite along time ago that like Columbia University,  Cooper Union wants to do some "edgy research" happening in that building that would greatly disturb the community even further and it has nothing to do with fine art.

FDNY St. Marks Place this morning

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Blizzard Karen Love Saves the Day, she still is looking for a new space here in the East Village

Wood snow sled for sale, in front of Love Saves the Day, Karen and Jimmy (Jimmmy looks like a skinny Santa)

Rain, Snow, sleet, Karen can be found in front of Love Saves the Day, Friday thru Sunday with treasures from a dollar on up and usually Jimmy is also to be found assisting in the loading and unloading...Karen is still looking to rent some space in front of another store when Love Saves the Day officially shutters it's doors for the last time in January like so many small businesses have under this tsunami of development thanks to Mayor Bloomberg, that was the tsunami before the economic meltdown tsunami...

young man tells me to become a model on his website, street scams, Fall of Arrogance continues, all economic strata, kid themselves, denial destinatio

I was wearing my Pucci winter jacket, double discount at Century 21 a couple of years ago, and to find a Pucci or anything in Italy that wraps around my big shoulders is also a miracle...

the jacket is like wearing Brad Pitt, yesterday a group of men called me "rainbow lady" and this morning, unshowered, big coke bottle glasses, a young man, almost young enough to be my grandson, complimented me on my jacket...

I said thank you. This immediately opened the door. He told me I should be a model. (Hilarious for several being how I look but two -- it was clear to him THAT I WAS NOT ONE)

and than he told me I should be on his website....hmmmm, do you think there is some charge for that honor...? I did not respond -- he yelled after me that I was stupid for not to going for it....At that point I reprimanded him for speaking that way to anyone.

Calling women "stupid" is a red light folks...

But it could be someone male or female --- someone who calls you friend but they are not.

Fall of Arrogance continues like domino effect -- the great white sharks to the street sharks, to posers -- posing as anything but what they are and they have one common thread -- they think they are getting away with it and may continue with the fantasy but someone will do so from behind bars -- finally or life serves justice in mysterious ways not in our time but I like to think justice will be served.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

email to the mayor re: free financial advice, why not in community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm in the East Village? Columbia U?

Mayor: You are doing the free financial advising with NY Daily News and guess what -- this can be done, along with legal counseling, free computers, outreach for seniors to tutors and mentoring for kids, free computers for community including homeless if YOU DID WHAT I ASKED YOU ON THE JOHN GAMBLING SHOW which thank goodness is documented. I ask NYU directly, met with Alicia Hurley and I am telling you again. The East Village was mega dormed to death by NYU and every mega dorm and supersized student housing could open a store front community outreach resource center. College kids would walk by and know the community, small businesses, elderly are struggling and become aware and help.NY Law dorm on 3rd St. could give legal advice either with grad. students or even prof. stopping by and sitting, listening and directing people to find help.Mayor we are in an economic meltdown but the truth was we were always in crisis and resources, free and organized volunteers could be made available and for little cost if you get these universities like Columbia U. and NYU no. 1 to open their community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm and I would hope many of their students would want to help. A homeless person having access to a computer opens up their world. Some have started blogs to tell their stories, these centers would offer free computers like the libraries but could be open 7 days a week staffed by college kids that could receive perhaps college credit and prof. that want to help the community.I will continue to ask and I make youtubes about th

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jim Power mosaic memorial "B. Cody", stolen the Van Gogh mosaic piece I gave Jim, the good, the bad & The Wrestler one was named...Jim Power

Nino's on St. Mark's Place by Tompkins, I am sure this Santa will get a yuppie make-over sooon

Coolest East Village dog

NYU, the Evil Empire, considers Lafayette and Broadway their parking lot despite their vast real estate, NYU student housing center, no community ctrs

Subway rides are intimate, wear latex body suits, costly rides and frustrating as subways don't stop become expresses on lines that have no expresses

Mickey Rourke The Wrestler

Mickey Rourke was and is extremely talented...he has "the gift".   The New York Post had a list of his many indiscretions and one was a sign that said no studio execs; if you are passionate artist and uncompromising, makes sense and execs are only about dollars and cents but he did self destruct.  Most every person has to battle with their demons, shooting themselves in the foot or as I see some people on park benches, shooting themselves in the arm with a needle.  Actors/artists and homeless people are just more public about it but there is no doubt Rourke is a talented soul and it comes from inside. 

That being said, I found the movie so bloody, "the staple scene" I no longer writhed in my seat but considered getting up and leaving.  I stayed.  I got the message.  I thought of Indian Larry and some infamous bad boys that died doing what they loved and people saying better to die doing what you love.  Being passionate...

Mickey Rourke was so winning especially when he was playing scenes interacting with fans and or the public in his "day" job.

Rachel Evan Woods was outstanding.   She is on my list of future potential superstars.   She has the fire.

I felt the cast of male wrestlers testosterone and steroids (?) aside exuded compassion which was a nice contrast to all the muscle and lycra and I believe does exist.

Now on to a strange topic...I get the vibe that porn directors are making more and more films that resemble main stream films and I can't help but feel main stream movies, independent films and commercials  resemble porno.   
Why would the director cast Tomei as a middle aged dancer when he could have actually hired a real dancer, middle aged-- the female counterpart  with a body like Rourke's, a body that tells her story the way his did in this film?   I felt Rourke and Dunaway had more chemistry -- as usual when I see Tomei I am puzzled and the Oscar she got was highway robbery but I feel that way about the Oscars a lot.  I can't even tell you who  won for what for what anymore, just that the show is way too long.  Contests are rarely about talent and more often about politics, popularity, who you know and ////.  Yes, I am being vulgar but it seems that is the way it is which again makes porno some how more honest than hollywood.

The film has huge problems and despite that Rourke does what he does in every film, he shines even if the film doesn't.   Rourke is hard to look at as are so many people that have gone over the top with plastic surgery and other things...again it would have been like "Enchanted Cottage" if the stripper was his equal and her aging body impacting her life as living on the edge does age you, wear and tear you apart and of course Tomei's body reflected none of that but the opposite.   Sad the director couldn't risk it and less blood more of the "human struggle".  

The best scene was a scene when Rourke is awakened by a group of neighborhood kids.  The energy of that scene was better than a chic dance performance I sat through at the Joyce.  Kids are so honest and was just a brief moment in the film but I loved the energy of that moment.

The character ends up alone because of his inability to put people before his need to be center of attention, so alone  but not truly alone at is up to you.  There were a few scenes that made me laugh but some really grossed me out.   I left the film shaking my head    .Rourke just has so much talent and passion.  (I saw someone the other day reflecting that same head shake my way.)  The film also touched on the issue of forgiveness and I have come to the point in my life where I have made it clear I felt wronged and an apology was in order.  I never got it and there is a point where it makes sense to write people off.  America loves redemption and happy endings but in real life it rarely happens.  Instead it seems about endurance.

I walked away thinking Mickey Rourke has a lot to focus on to feel good about.  I just don't know if he will allow himself to.

Washington Square Park, taking down the fence, not John Sexton or Mike Bloomberg and they look guilty, they seemed like nice guys, nice enough to feel

Well NYU and the Bloomberg administration who caters to NYU students and tourism and insist the community take a back seat to the Purple Reign decided the fence must come down maybe for some Christmas pictures and to promote tourism.   They guys seemed to feel some how guilty which I think is a good sign.  I know Mike Bloomberg and John Sexton don't.


As usual I got a phone call and anyone who has been following my original blog may know why I am just drained to donate blog...(it feels like I am donating blog as well)...blood.

I remember the firemen telling me about their lungs post 9-11.  I feel awful, throat burn, I also still can't get the rest I need and put it this way when I run up the subway stairs it doesn't feel pleasant but I am grateful, I can make it up the stairs.

Just can't wait to take the cats and get away...hopefully recharge and regain that healthy feeling.  Until than I can't imagine donating my blood and I have donated gallons of platelets and two helpings of white blood I have to rest...

Cat's eye

I adopted this older cat, 10, and one eye was was glaucoma and she had to have it removed...the pressure was at 80.  The other eye was 20 and we were hoping it was related to all the pressure from the other eye.

Just came from the Animal Medical Hospital...all good!   My love's eye is 14 and I had my eyes tested yesterday, 13 so I am delirious with happiness.  No medication or removal of her remaining eye.   Dr. Aquino is beautiful and smart.  I will miss her.  She is moving.  The care and treatment was excellent.

Thanks and gratitude with New York attitude.

Village predators caught by sharp eyed NYPD

Highest praise for the NYPD officers that have clearly proved their excellence, well done.

Over the past few years, 2 of my friends in the EV were held up by 2 different criminals at gun point and the NYPD caught them which I don't remember making the news but my feeling is this, any NYPD that is on the ball, holds on to their integrity and that includes after they retire, gets a special place in Heaven.  It is sad that a few bad apples can reflect badly on the dept. and it is a dangerous job and being human we all make mistakes so again it is sad that an honest mistake could cause a death just like a medical doctor.  It truly takes courage to be an NYPD officer and there are aprox. 35,000 policing over 8 million people...



Now I am praying the hate monger murder (s) are caught in the murder of Jose Sucuzhanay, beaten to death in Bushwick.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Inside the NYPD - Episode 8: Domestic Violence Unit/ NYPD is on youtube

NYC to marry and divorce Madonna! Budget rescue ideas

We the city of New York marry and divorce Madonna, Ron Perelman, Arod, etc.  emphasis on divorce with mega million dollar settlements.

We the city of New York secede from the State of New York.

We get rid of the "Conflict of Interest Committee" because apparently in NYC there is no such thing as a conflict of interest from the top of city government down to community boards!!!

City Council voted themselves a raise...still waiting for them to "unvote" themselves a raise since we have to so many massive budgetary cuts coming...

Refuse to pay for Christine Quinn's $600 criminal defense attorney and any more legal bills for her staff and council members involved in "slushgate" or at least ask them to find a lawyer that charges a lot less per hour since we are in the midst of an economic meltdown not to mention does anyone know what happen to that $17 million aka slushgate.  See The New York Post articles on this on going scandalous story that continues to leave New Yorkers "light in the pocket".

City Council decided to vote for us for term limits which was for them so let us get rid of city council as well along with borough presidents.

Please some one fire Amanda Burden, don't replace her and can be fine her 250 million dollars for supersizing our historic neighborhoods for her friends NYU, Cooper Union, Columbia U. for developer friends in Harlem, etc.  ?????

George Bliss Hub Station and Scout will be back in the Village this Spring! The photos are from an eco-party fund raiser...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Family of Bias Attack Victim speaks out, ask for action, if you have information contact crime stoppers

Saturday Night Live lampooning the Governor

I did not see the skit but I believe it could be interpreted as offensive and I find much of the Governor's humor either annoying or comments that I admit I find offensive -- he is suppose to be representing the people of New York State and instead I always feel like he is trying out for Saturday Night Live.

More and more people simply want to secede from the State.   The Gov. admitted to previous adulterous affairs and I think I recall their were some red flags regarding spending so I don't think anything is going to push him out of office but all New Yorkers can be relieved that the Governor spent close to $40,000 on the Governor's mansion as reported in The New York Post as we are experiencing possible the worst economic meltdown....maybe he should consider subletting it instead but we have nice new rugs... Really disturbing sad events are happening here and globally.

I do wish we had a Governor that spoke with seriousness and not like he is in a perpetual try out for Saturday Night Live.

Christine Quinn didn't want the people to vote for ourselves on term limits, how about whether we want to pay 600 for her defense attorney?

Below is my youtube rant and the activist used the term "slushgate" which is terrific.
We are in the midst of a horrifying economic meltdown and the tax payers are paying big bucks for top lawfirms for Christine Quinn and her staff...please read the article in The NY Post

Activist sent me this comment with this email: What no paper or reporter has yet addressed is that the value of work by any of these law firms for any council member should be treated as additional personal income subject to taxation. If attorney Lee Richards, charging $600 per hour as the article states, is being paid from taxpayer money (as previous articles have stated), then Quinn should pay taxes on that additional benefit.

======================================== ========
NY Post
Last updated: 3:29 am
December 11, 2008
Posted: 2:38 am
December 11, 2008

The City Council is quickly running through taxpayer money paid to two top-of-the-line law firms and a high-profile attorney hired to advise and represent members and staffers snagged in a slush-fund probe - and has even quietly signed another firm, The Post has learned.

White-collar crime specialist Steptoe & Johnson so far has been paid $122,173. A $95,000 retainer for the firm Sullivan & Cromwell already has been depleted. And ex-federal prosecutor Lee Richards, who charges $600 an hour, has been hired as personal criminal defense lawyer for Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

Now, The Post has learned, the firm Brune and Richard was hired Sept. 30 with a $90,000 retainer - and no public announcement. This, despite assurances from Quinn the process would be transparent.

Quinn spokeswoman Maria Alvarado said the latest firm was brought on board in case any conflicts of interest arose for people seeking help from Steptoe & Johnson. Alvarado refused to release the names of individuals who tapped into the Steptoe fund, saying it is "confidential information."

A council source, however, said it was staffers - not members - who have sought advice.

Since 2002, the council hid $17 million in grants to nonexistent organizations and later gave the money to individual members for projects in their districts. The city Department of Investigation and the US Attorney's Office in New York have launched joint probes into the practice.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Clayton Patterson Elsa Rensaa, The Big Daddy and Momma of documentation of the Lower East Side by Suzannah B. Troy

That will be the name of my upcoming youtube on their photography and video documentation so get ready to watch, coming soon...

Giuseppe Logan, Jazz Musician, Composer Tompkins Square Park, please read the text on that accompanies this video

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Karen love Saves the Day Part 2 of 3 part series

NYC drug city

Just my theory but NYC feels like a drug city with so many people on legal and or illegal drugs and mixing prescribed drugs, etc. with alcohol.   


Pharmaceuticals have broken records advertising drugs on tv, internet, newspapers, postcards in book stores, feels like legalized drug pushing including to kids and it is a big business.

What is also scary is people mixing these drugs with alcohol, just so dangerous for so many reasons.  I think in the future there will be changes in laws and new forms of drug testing, an automatic look for certain mixes of drugs along with alcohol.  I wonder if there are stats already involved with violent crimes, hit and runs, etc. where tests show that legalized drugs mixed with other substances were involved?

A friend of mine was a hard core cigarette smoker and he was clueless to the fact that spending anytime with him meant your clothes and hair stunk of his cigerette smoke.   You understand the point I am making.

exhaustion, thoughts on violence towards women, violence

Following the stories waiting to hear the updates on Caylee -- over the top heartbreaking, a child a beautiful little girl,  her body was found with duck tape over her mouth in a garbage bag near her home.  In this case her mother is the prime suspect.   I just can't believe she did it but one of the people on Nancy Grace has a theory that could explain why and how she did it.

 Makes me think of Nixmary...
I am waiting to hear updates on Laura Garza.   I think of Imette St. Guillien and Jennifer Moore suffering the unimaginable and than murdered and tossed like garbage.  

The violent man that slashed the boy because he put his nap sack on his BMW.

This boy survived but Keyanna Jones was stabbed in the heart, murdered and the grand jury decided the murderer who was taunted by teens was justified, somehow stabbing an unarmed teenager girl was self defense.... I don't understand how.... I had read she had nothing to do with the teens accepting asking for people to calm down.   I understand a gang of teens is frightening but stabbing a defenseless girl to death and walking free on the street, while she will never grace the street again.

I am also waiting for people to call the NYPD and assist in finding the murders that people one of two Ecuadorian brothers.

There is a rash of robberies in the West Village targeting women.   A woman's jaw was broken.
A mom was mugged at the steps of her building, her small sons thought the mugger was hugging Mom.  She is okay but she and her family feel violated the way any of us have that have been forced to feel unsafe just trying to walk in to our home.  There have been day time robberies and late night robberies possibly separate but all women need to be extra alert.

Everyone be careful when you go in to ATMs...

A man is now following people in to ATM robbing them.   He is armed 23-35 black male 5 foot 8.   I know we all want to be polite but do not hold the door open for someone and if you have any doubts do not go in and get your money else where.

I feel exhausted...

I am praying these criminals get caught, the murders and the ones that are clearly violent...they need to be caught and Laura needs to be found so her family can have peace.  Same for Caylee's family.

Thursday, December 11, 2008



For anyone following my blog you know...
I feel like I have had the blood sucked out me -- you know robbed, ripped off, etc.

But if you can please call and make an appointment to donate!
Thank you.

Taxpayers still footing bill for Mike's personal rides, NY Daily News exclusive by Kathleen Lucadamo

Activist sends me this article from The NY Post "Council in Slush Mess" by Sally Goldenberg

This article and this comment was sent to me by an activist and I am sharing with you.....

"What no paper or reporter has yet addressed is that the value of work by any of these law firms for any council member should be treated as additional personal income subject to taxation. If attorney Lee Richards, charging $600 per hour as the article states, is being paid from taxpayer money (as previous articles have stated), then Quinn should pay taxes on that additional benefit."

NY Post
Last updated: 3:29 am
December 11, 2008
Posted: 2:38 am
December 11, 2008

The City Council is quickly running through taxpayer money paid to two top-of-the-line law firms and a high-profile attorney hired to advise and represent members and staffers snagged in a slush-fund probe - and has even quietly signed another firm, The Post has learned.

White-collar crime specialist Steptoe & Johnson so far has been paid $122,173. A $95,000 retainer for the firm Sullivan & Cromwell already has been depleted. And ex-federal prosecutor Lee Richards, who charges $600 an hour, has been hired as personal criminal defense lawyer for Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

Now, The Post has learned, the firm Brune and Richard was hired Sept. 30 with a $90,000 retainer - and no public announcement. This, despite assurances from Quinn the process would be transparent.

Quinn spokeswoman Maria Alvarado said the latest firm was brought on board in case any conflicts of interest arose for people seeking help from Steptoe & Johnson. Alvarado refused to release the names of individuals who tapped into the Steptoe fund, saying it is "confidential information."

A council source, however, said it was staffers - not members - who have sought advice.

Since 2002, the council hid $17 million in grants to nonexistent organizations and later gave the money to individual members for projects in their districts. The city Department of Investigation and the US Attorney's Office in New York have launched joint probes into the practice.

USPS, Citizen's against government waste article from 2000

This piece is from 2000 and doesn't cover shady air sale deals by the USPS over St. Ann's that in my opinion along with NYU has endangered our community.  The State of NY never came in to examine is this in the community's best interest from environmental concerns to infrastructure because the USPS used their federal status as they always do to say hey were above the law....

My feelings on the USPS abuse of their federal status is far stronger than anything you have read on this blog but this piece posted above is in depth and by the way, do you know who our first postmaster general was?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jose Sucuzhañay, 31 rest in peace, NYPD releases sketch of suspect in bias attack

So tragic and again I feel for his surviving brother and the family and all loved ones.

Laura Garza where is she?

It is hard to believe she has not been found yet.  If she was murdered it seems that whom ever did it had a very focused plan to hide her body.

The man who last saw her is now behind bars for other creepy things which apparently is where he should have been and he is unwillingly to say anything which, well, it makes him appear like saying anything might incriminate him and he is not displaying any behavior of someone who wants to help or has any empathy,  feeling for this beautiful woman and her family...not one word like my heart goes out to her family, I am sure she will turn up.

His lawyers have not pulled an "OJ" and blamed a drug cartel yet.  


I copied this from New York 1

The New York State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation is asking that anyone with information regarding Mele in general, or his whereabouts during the previous four days, contact (845) 344 5300. All calls will be treated as confidential.

Develop Don't Destroy/ Happy Land Grabiversary, Atlantic Yards

Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn Newsletter
December 10, 2008
Your financial support is more important than ever. Please donate to the Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn Legal Fund so we can all win in the courts:
Today Marks Five Years Since Atlantic Yards Was Unveiled...
Happy 5th Landgrabiversary, Atlantic Yards

revisiting post-traumatic stress, St. Ann's, NYU John the church murder Sexton, parishioners crying and praying on the street Sexton runs to City H

The person who happen to take a strikingly similar photo from this blog pulled a creepy thing with me and I don't visit the blog anymore for that reason and it ties in to NYU so I thought I would post that....also have to laugh that tied in to the creepy -- irony because later would end up linking to original blog  re: NYU rant, so ironic and pay back humorous to me because of "creepy"...but creepy raised his ugliness yet again...and getting the lastest email from Develop don't destroy Brooklyn, decided to repost this youtube.

Post-traumatic stressing yet again... remember the  parishioners crying and praying on the street,  the illegal air sale by the USPS over St. Ann's 120 East 12th because oops the USPS felt they are federal therefore above the law like blocking a fire hydrant and in my opinion and  experience which has been documented, many other things but NYU couldn't have torn down St. Ann's and supersized a church that should have been protected with out the USPS selling the air space over St. Ann's and the USPS  not notifying the State of New York as they were suppose to so the State could come in and examine is this in the best interest of the community and other concerns including environmental.   

Note:  Amanda Burden has pushed the supersizing of the little yellow Science building of Cooper Union which is wrong for so many reason including Cooper Union supersizing right by a subway that is rotted and leaking just like NYU and Union Square but also because Cooper Union is moving out and leasing for 99 years.

John Sexton rushed down to City Hall to testify that mayor King Bloomberg should have a third incoming mayor is going to put NYU a head of the community so Sexton ran down to protect NYU's real estate wheelings and dealing.

Visit 12o East 12th Street and see the facade from 1847 like a badge of Shame.

There is so much that feels just corrupt to me and criminal...

Wall falls down in front of Scarano "finger building", plus Brownstoner, the finger might get the thumbs up

Had a deeply traumatic day so I have to do a reality check but it seems to me....wall came down today in Williamsburg also known as the East East Village.

Did the  natives  knock down a wall although  (they have expressed their rage in spray paint) or was it a gust of wind and flimsy construction in front of the zone busting Scarano "finger building" or who knows what caused this wall to fall.

 Scarano's finger building  message to the community intrinsic to his design.

I look at the ugly architecture of this new hideous New York and I wonder if there should be drug testing for architects as I look up at these sky piercing glittery buildings that some how got around the zoning for the rest of the neighborhood but for Scarano I would want him tested for ant-depressants because his are the most depressing buildings and his "sister" building the Bowery Hotel looks like a factory or prison.

By the end of the day I am guessing the new owner of this building couldn't get the fence fixed so he had a security guard installed.

This is the building that is waiting for a court ruling on whether some floors are going to have to come down....but for today it was just a wall...a wall of a fence...

Looks like the same building...

I  "heard" a bank now owns it and bought the air space next door for 8 million and they have won the right to supersize but of course you hope they will encounter a lawsuit, not just a strong gust of wind....


Peter used this term
landlord-itis and anything "itis" is an inflamation of....

but Peter creatively used the word to express his own going tenuous circumstance as "Whole Earth Bakery & Kitchen" hangs on by a thread and a prayer.

Check out my 3 youtubes on "Whole Earth Bakery & Kitchen".

UK, picks up my Karen Love Saves the day youtube, and more thoughts on the vibe I was "robbed"

It is great to see AOL and now are among the sites that have added my youtube from Nov. 23and as I mentioned some people have a habit of coming to my sites and coping my coverage with out crediting me.   

I am glad Karen and Loves Saves the Day are getting attention they deserve and for Karen of course I hope a new place here in the East Village.

Today,  I see "city room" The New York Times and "running scared"  The Village Voice have my coverage of Karen and Love Saves the Day but oops it is a couple of day after I posted the picture of Karen and Santa and the wedding dress and it is a man's name not mine....hmmmm.

Click to the above link and see the photo and date I posted the photo. 

gee and my photo days before on this blogs, do you think that the "man" that has virtually the same photo watched my youtube and was making it a habit to visit my blog....?

So you think he watched  my youtube about Karen and Love Saves the Day from November.

I clicked and it looks like my photo from days someone came to my blog and  "made it their own" and no one at the village voice or the new york times is going to ask him is this so....?     Hmmmm, it sure feels that way too me.

I actually have been photographing Karen and documenting her work in front of Love Saves the Day for over a year and did many postings on and Karen is my friend. 

 If you put up the same photo and virtually say the  same things EXCEPT TO CONTACT YOU RATHER THAN KAREN HERSELF do you think that is a red light something is very wrong and the new york times and the village voice don't care..

No link to my blog that covered this before the blog they link to that does not crediting me well, hmm, what is that?   Rip off?  Lack of intergrity?  Slimy, well it has happened to me before so not surprised just repulsed.     It could be worse, no one was   approach and lie to them and  told the blog is  my friend.

Go to the search engine for this blog and type in "Karen Love Saves the Day" and see how many postings I have done on this blog and I did many before on

Go to the search engine as well and type in Karen Love Saves the Day as the Village Voice and City Room The New York Times should have done before they rushed to post someone's coverage I actually mistook for my own because gee it seemed like exactly mine but posted a couple of days after my posting and weeks after my youtube which I kinda think was watched by this think?

Good luck Karen and Karen actually is a hard worker who is also put out her own feelers that I pray come to fruition.   I also hope that Peter of Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen gets some miracle coming his way soon as he told me he is suffering from "landlord-itis".

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Please call crime stoppers if you have any info on the bias attack, one of the two brothers is now brain dead

My heart goes out to the Sucuzhanay family...heart breaking.

I remember shopping for art supplies with my Mom on Canal Street a long long time ago and I had linked arms with my Mom and a group of teenagers yelled out lesbee friends....I am informed them that was my mother.

It is sad to frightening that people are threatened by  anybody that is different from them.  It was reported anti-hispanic and anti-gay slurs were yelled out....could you imagine these brothers were happy and they probably exuded joy and love and for doing so they were beaten to death because some how their existence show how so offended 4 men they had to get out a baseball bat and beat them up and one brother they beat to death.

 It is disturbing that people have to shout hateful words and in this case there were many aspects to this violence but this is the worst because it seems one of the two brothers is dead, brain dead and the parents are flying here now.

There is a sketch of one of the 4 attackers -- please watch the video and read the article.

"As of this evening, police are still searching for the four attackers.

A $22,000 reward is being offered for information leading to their arrests.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-577-TIPS, by texting TIP577 to CRIMES, or by going to"

Chicago glad it is not New York City

Governor of Chicago arrested....

I can't imagine the governor or mayor NYC ever getting arrested for ANYTHING here in NYC!!!!!

Add everyone in NYC politics....

Karen Love Saves the Day posted on youtube Nov. 23, Karen with Santa & wedding dress Dec. 5 that a strikingly similar photo has appeared on 2 blogs

Happy for Karen -- Dear Karen, You deserve the coverage...

Today, Dec 10 I see city room The New York Times and The Village Voice have my coverage of Karen and Love Saves the Day but oops it is a couple of day after I posted the picture of Karen and Santa and the wedding dress and it is a man's name not mine....hmmmm.
My posting was days before and could be find in the google search engine as well...hmmmm

Bobby Engine 24

Saw the beautiful fire truck Engine 24 and of course that made me think of Bobby who was so handsome and so funny.  I felt overwhelmed with sadness but than too I had to smile because Bobby was such a dynamo -- so funny.

Very handsome, compassionate and funny....

This blog robbed again, including The Village Voice this time too

Wow even the photo is the same!  Check the date of my photo and than see the one posted on The Village Voice running scared but it doesn't mention my name.  Well the photo is not mine but it sure looks like mine and I reported it days before on this blog even early did the youtube.

Today, Dec 10 I see city room The New York Times and The Village Voice have my coverage of Karen and Love Saves the Day but oops it is a couple of day after I posted the picture of Karen and Santa and the wedding dress and it is a man's name not mine....hmmmm.

Could you imagine if the Village Voice took one minute to google "Karen Love Saves the Day" but nope.    Gee I wonder why that is....

And why was I not credited....?

They save imitation is a form of flattery and so is robbery and it is like Starbucks, setting of a chain of copies, one xerox of another xerox practically the same photo and verbatim from my youtube as well.

I was really annoyed when I saw the exact photo I took but with a far more fancy camera on another site -- it was the photo of St. George's reflection in the hideous Cooper Union fractured aquarium building that looks like it belongs in a bad movie set in Hollywood.

I ask if you rip me off to at least mention my blog and say thank you.  Otherwise at least anothr camera angel report.  I am happy for my friend though because she deserves the coverage and support.

New York City has the most beautiful babies on the planet!!!!!!!

NYC has the most beautiful babies on the planet.   The babies are beautiful and diverse, every color and background and every mixture there of.

I found a woman with my name from the 1800's that had 11 babies.  I probably am not going to have any babies but when I look at these beautiful babies I feel very, very moved and uh oh, I realize they are young enough to be my grandkids.

Monday, December 8, 2008

nyc corruption is awful so is getting older but only in some ways

I heard king mayor Bloomberg talking about Charlie Rangel and all I can say is from the mayor on down this city is just $///?####  for lack of a better word.   

I want the conflict of interest committee layed -off for constantly "........" the people of this city turning a blind eye to so many conflicts of interest it ain't funny.

I am 46 and there are some wornderful aspects to getting older but the parts of getting older that are just awful -- they feel as awful as  all this //////// that sure feels like corruption from the the mayor down to some community boards....

Patience is key and time may serve some justice ...

There are enormous stressors for all so taking time out to breath and see beautiful aspects of nature or anything or anyone is paramount.

exhaustion still drained from flu and other issues

Too tired but everything I have done come from a complete place of exhaustion and upset....
not elaborating but people who need to know know the entire situation.

Just glad to be away from the hellish NYU tear down of St. Ann's that was often 7 days a week and late nights and before that and the hellish noise from nightlife just to name a few issues...

Police hunt for Laura Garza aol news

The New York State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation is asking that anyone with information regarding Mele in general, or his whereabouts during the previous four days, contact (845) 344 5300. All calls will be treated as confidential.

Drug rape claim Tribeca Hot Spot, The New York Post, my thoughts on safety tips


1) Buddy up -- go out in a group and stick together and even better if one  or more persons remain sober to look after the "group".

2) If you have a drink make sure it is poured right in front of you and do not leave the drink unattended.   Someone can drop the date rape drug in your drink and it can be anyone --- dressed in a very expensive business suit to a uniform so be alert.

3)  Call a car service or or a friend or family member -- do not walk out in the street by yourself to get home especially if you feel the effects of alcohol.

4) Do not mix prescription drugs with alcohol or illegal drugs either.  

5) + I would have to hear drunk people screaming as they left bars late at night -- yelling things like "Where did I park my car?".     Do not get find the wheel of a car if you are drunk.  Do not let a friend who is drunk drive either...we have lost New Yorkers to hit and runs because of drunk drivers.   People have died in too many drunk driving incidents...

Alcohol is legal but it is a drug and it is related to many violent crimes and associated with people being easy targets for victimization as well as causalities from violence resulting in death including drunk driving.

+ After Imette St. Guillen's tragic death I emailed the mayor, SLA and asked that safety tips and warning about mixing drugs w/booze, etc be printed out on every receipt as well as posted up by the bars but zero response.

I also called Christine Quinn's office to get help on night life concerns before I went to the local precinct community meeting to speak and Christine Quinn's office was sub-zero in regards to helping me and the experience was so awful I would never vote Quinn based on this and her stance on term limits as well as the slush fund scandal.

+I also contacted the NYPD about concerns for safety for NYU students and the NYPD was responsive to me concerns.  They did follow through, telephoned me and we discussed my concerns.

I do fear Laura Gara has been murdered and she is yet another casualty of the nightlife scene but they are predators of all kinds that get off on all forms of harassment, intimidation and I can't help but wonder if some are working their way up to more violent forms of crimes and not enough is done to respond to the red lights by society, the legal system, etc.