May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

violence crosses every line,=the worst + a tragedy and people respond =best in humanity

The gentleman driving a taxi that got shot in the face is lucky he is alive.  If you are followed my blog  you know I focus on violence towards women which is usually male on female but we all know that women can be very violent as well.

I believe the 2 young women that turned themselves in knew their friend had a gun.  

I listened to this man who was shot in the eye and what he had to say was deeply moving and he is going to need some angels with money to help him with medical expenses and more.

I also was deeply repulsed by news report about a couple that beat their 3 year old child to death.  Brooklyn.

I see so many pregnant women here in the city and there are diverse and all beautiful.  It is very late in the 9th inning for me to be having a baby and most likely won't happen but I still have powerful feelings "mega".   Violence towards baby and children is just too much.   There was a story in Sunday The New York Post that was just too much for me to read but this amazing couple that ended up adopting this terribly abused little girl are saints as far as I cam concerned and their son as well.  This story was so upsetting I couldn't focus and I get very very upset thinking of it.

There was also a sad report a pregnant woman got hit by a van and they saved the baby delivering the baby a month early but they don't know if the Mom will make it.  
****Community members took action immediately...they worked as a team to get her out from under the little school bus she was pinned under.  These people represent the best in humanity.

I hope this Mom pulls through.  +Just found out she died and was a crossing guard (?) traffic agent.  Very tired so I am a little fuzzy.  A tragedy and before she died a tragic death she was surrounded by pure goodness, an Olympic endeavor, people from the community ran to help her literally working together to lift the small bus to free her.  A total tragedy.  I pray the baby boy survives, the family must be grief stricken and the people that took action represent human nature at it's best.  Fordham, Bronx

ps Our rescue workers  starting with the NYPD have to deal with these many facets of humanity all the time so I have a lot of compassion and admiration as long as they walk the line...Just reading and watching the news is upsetting, I can't imagine being there front line day in and day out being a responder.