In a world of "temp jobs" losing so many firemen was so traumatic of many reasons and one was that they lived and worked together for years. I sat with one fireman and went through his scrap book and over and over faces of his co-workers appeared that died 9-11.
Bobby was a firemen for so many years and he survived 9-11 only to be taken by 9-11 years later along with Joseph so I want them included. If NYU wanted to building one of their mega dorms there at the location of the Deustche Bank toxic waste dump death trap it would have been torn down and rebuilt in record time and Bobby and Joseph would still be alive. I lived next to St. Ann's for 20 years and against my will I was forced to see just how fast a church from 1847 could be torn down and a 26 story dorm could be put up with the city giving them free passes to work 7 days a week and until 9pm many nights.
There is no excuse for the Deutsche Bank toxic waste dump death trap to still be standing than or now and I hope the families of both firemen sue and win big although nothing will replace these two men.
Rest in peace.
ps For those following my blog, I remember when I found out the news about the standpipe I came home and there was this man who was told to stop harassing me sitting outside my old building on the standpipe...sick stuff but when I think of 9-11 it just puts it all in perspective.
When I think of Bobby who was so dynamic, so funny and he was in awesome shape and how much I enjoyed talking with him it reminds me life is short and treasure the happy memories and moments. Bobby was not my lover, my loss.