I think about the American Indian people everyday because my home and my body are adorned with their hand made blankets and jewelry that tell stories.
To date many live so low it is heartbreaking and in the day to day real estate struggles here in NYC it is impossible not to think of the American Indian's inconvenient truth as in there existence.
I lived in the Village starting in the West Village on Carmine 25 years ago and lived in the East Village in the same space for the last 20 years...I saw NYU's concrete river of mega dorms down third Avenue but I didn't fully get it -- how many of us have become inconvenient our existence, our voices.
As I watch this DVD Thunderheart, the cinematography is beautiful and I think of nature...I love the city although I don't recognize it but for the last half of my life I am thinking of nature and greenery vs. urban living which under this tsunami of community crushing development...we have lost more green here in NYC than ever.
This has to be my favorite Val Kilmer film. 2nd favorite...Jim Morrison.