May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The New York Times, Colin's newest article on a photographer from the East Village

There are the photos of the riots but one of the most moving for me is the young man clearly battling AIDS and from the photo it looks like he is losing the battle.  This photo I am sad to say is not shown in the online article.

At the Stuy Town Rally for affordable housing which should have made the front page of The New York Times but did not unlike those sweet warm and fuzzy pieces for  Amanda Burden mega millionaire socialite city planner and East Village's Mike Rosen, developer/landlord?, ask him/ including the Red Square, the  article front page on Rosen  pointed out lives in the Christa Dora but left out it was the first symbol of gentrification and his sculpture of Lenin on the Red Square-- The New York Time's  puff pieces  for Burden and Rosen were front page NYTimes but the rally did not make front page news --

Senator Tom Duane spoke up about people with AIDS, disabilities and so many struggling -- he did a good job and the really should have made the front page....

There is a lot of displacement and push outs and sometimes it is eminent domain abuse, sometimes eminent domain is not needed, there are all kinds of methods to evict people.

Mike Rosen certainly has quite a view to help out the East Village, Lower East Side on down with zoning.
How fitting the protestors ended their remembering....where, in front of the Christa Dora.

It did not make the news and everything I wrote about the front page Amanda Burden piece, the front page Mike Rosen piece in The New York Times and the fact the Stuy Town rally did not make front page news is old news.  Just nice to know Sunday night the protestors ended their protest, their remembering, honoring yippie David Peele's birthday there....

I have to really take a break

dream of being somewhere else other than New York City but where, I do not own a car or a country home...I don't recognize this city...I remember my first sublet on Carmine Street to my first home, a studio in the East Village and at that time crack addicts rested against the building as they smoked crack.  

Now I long to leave NYC but I also can't imagine leaving NYC, at least yet.