May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Monday, August 11, 2008

84 Precinct to be made into condos for affordable housing, Brooklyn , why we need community facilities to honor the community more than ever

I showed you the stunning historic NYPD building that was made over into condos but they are for the mega rich.  The mega rich owners did honor the history by making a community facility in the south side of the building.  It is a senior citizen center.
There is a satellite photo but the NYU mega student housing building is blocked off in the picture.
On my other blog I contrast the old historic NYPD building with the NYU mega student housing across the street!    NYU student housing building that has a mirrored store front that is not for the public.   I have been told that all the supersizing in the name of higher ed uses the term community facility to do so but excludes the community.  Also anywhere NYU waits like a predator and grabs up entire buildings they should give the community an outreach resource center because they have set a record buying up the most NYC property using their not for profit status and the communities where they do this do not feel the trickle down but rather the push out.

At the rally for Whole Earth Bakery I honored the memory of Filomena Silvestri, thanked the community for speaking out and signing the petitions and sending a message that we are a village and not NYU-ville and Filomena died at 94 knowing the community returned her love and we won a mini-miracle so she, her son and their business was not thrown out on the street.

I called for community outreach resource centers in every NYU mega dorm and every mega dorm in the East Village the uses the term community facility to supersize yet exclude the community and they could help small businesses, have free computer use for the poor, middle classes, homeless that do not have computers, a table to request tutors for kids but also adults wanting to further their education but need help and so much more.

Of course the villager deleted me completely and said I said nothing different than anyone else and a concern I may be running for political office.  Lincoln Anderson still feels compelled to call out to me every time he sees me.   Don't bother until you right a wrong and I made it clear how you would have to do that and he didn't.  

Filomena Silvestri rest in peace and as your son with a sad humor, "dead bakery walking" he told  me. Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen hangs on my thread and a prayer and again is a "mother earth" style store like Hub Station is with bicycles and part of the character of the area.

Big fancy mega corporations now advertise how they are going green but we have "green" businesses that support Mother Earth just like we have people with affordable housing that are being pushed out in many different ways.   Losing Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen would be like losing a garden and the city needs all the gardens possible.  I have never seen the mayor at one eviction rally.  I would think he would come personally and help Whole Earth Bakery because helping a vegan bakery is also helping the environment and encouraging health eating.  The mayor and Amanda Burden push the supersizing that I fear endangers from infrastructure to environmental concerns.  When Burden talks about "affordable housing" it is really a trojan horse for developers to supersize and both the mayor and city planner act like they want to work for NYU after they retire from city work and at the rate NYU is buying up and supersizing  the city they will need to hire their own city planner and Amanda Burden already acts like she works for NYU and not the people of NYC.

Also be aware as assessments rise so will coop up and condo owners that are middle or lower classes be pushed out.

Across the USA and including NYC people have lost their homes to the mortgage crisis.

The stresses people live with here every day besides the "urban stresses" but dealing with day to day issues with evictions and there are issues like this that stressed me as well and I don't know that I will ever bounce back and that includes fighting, watching and dealing with all the tear down, feels like corrupt wheelings and dealings of St. Ann's 120 East 12th St next to my ex home of 20 years.

Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen, 130 St. Marks Place, NYC  10009 212-677-7597

******If we had these community outreach resource centers, college kids would walk in and out of their housing and be aware of people and small businesses struggling to remain in their and have an opportunity to help.  By having to walk by these centers every day they would grow to understand a lot about what is happening and how to help directly from the community.

I also confronted the mayor on the radio about the East Village being mega dormed to death and that need for these community outreach resource centers.

For people who don't like my blog don't tune in, turn the station, go else where.

Brooklyn activists kicked "mr. finger" scarano to the ground...stopped his zone busting ways and Scarano thought he was above it all and on the Bowery he is -- his prison like hotel -- gives the finger to the entire community.   A dude in Brooklyn is taking what was the 84th precinct and he is hoping to make it affordable housing condos.