- Question: Mike Bloomberg Team Bloomberg needed to get Carol Post out of the DOITT top spot and get more effective puppet to cover up for mega-corruption and disasters -- list so long start with 911 and CityTime -- Mike Bloomberg and Amanda the People's Burden aiding and abetting NY Law in building illegally way higher than they were allowed to in the hideous mega dorm on 3rd St. next to the Hell's Angels --- Mike doing that illegal dirty favor for NY Law -- is that why NY Law gave Carol Post a soft landing -- like hush money from Mike to keep her mouth shut and creative compensation?
Thanks to Anthony Crowell for brokering it? Look at his profile NY Gov and he ends up Dean of NY Law school who are guilty of criminal action in my book illegally zone busting replacing a one story garage with an illegal zone busting dorm and FYI the East Village doesn't have a campus in the East Village but it seems like Mike Bloomberg/ Amanda the People's Burden wants to displace as many people in the East Village with community crushing development NY Law, NYU the evil empire of the E. Village, Cooper Union NYU jr., The New School, The School of Visual Arts.
Mayor Mike's Lawyer Give Post Soft Landing 911 Tech Titanic Disaster
http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2012/04/carol-post-leaves-doitt-as-911-tech.html Anthony Crowell the Dean of NY Law and the Mayor's Lawyer hired Carol Post. Was Carol Post given soft landing as ECTP 911 Tech Tax Payers Titanic sinks along with how many other tech Titanics including 311 all flawed Tax Payer Black holes. Reminder Mike Bloomberg and Amanda The People's Burden pushed thru illegal NY Law Dorm next to Hells Angels 3 rd st and NY Law broke zoning laws illegally built higher. Rumor Bloomberg wanted to seize Hells Angel building for another illegal real estate deal for NYU or NY Kaw big time law breakers above the law but largest White Collar Crimes NYC gov under Bloomberg and Mike aided and abetted. Ps Crowell was his special counsel on nypd and fdny pensions...
http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2012/08/brooklyn-law-fraud.htmlBrooklyn Law Fraud? NY Law Dorm Illegal, NYU Cooper Union Corrupt Supersizing
How about the illegal NY Law mega dorm with balconies next to the Hells Angels on 3rd Street in the East Village?
The law dorm illegally broke through zoning and built higher than allowed but guess what they got away with it. Legally the NY law dorm should have to remove the top part of the building!
By the way the streets all around that zone busting mega dorms and all the other illegal zone busting builds Bloomberg and his corrupt city planner commissioner Amanda the People's Burden for Cooper Union and NYU, The New School, not to mention the sky piercing luxury condos all are surrounded by water main breaks, gas leaks, man hole covers exploding.....
No offense but in my opinion Raul Merchant a better craftier puppet not exposing corruption do the math....new head of doitt. Will he be getting a new job at New York Law School next year hardee har.
Well Mike not involved in this scandal but interesting huh?
What result? The dismissal of the class action lawsuit filed by Team Strauss/Anziska against NYLS over its allegedly deceptive employment statistics has been affirmed….