Please read the heinous dishonest public relations puff piece that stretches the truth more than the top plastic surgeon(*can I have his tele. no. ?) that has ironed out every wrinkle on Amanda Burden's face as the New York Daily News gives her very own "spread" like Good housekeeping except our very own socialite mega millionaire city planner is guilty of facilitating the impending tear down of the little yellow Cooper Union Science building you can see just beyond Peter Cooper's image.
Just beyond is the hideous Cooper Union sky piercing mega dorm which the new building once the yellow building is torn down will line up with. Even the last mayor's city planner said no it is a shell game but Amanda looks like she plans to be the first city planner for NYU since they own so much of NYC's property they need their own city planner and Amanda made it possible for the illegal air sale over St. Ann's at 120 East 12th Street by the USPS who said we are Federal so we don't have to notify the State of New York. Amanda Burden and the mayor pushed the supersized mega dorm for the tear down of St. Ann's and they push the tear down of the yellow Science building in this photo and so much more I don't recognize the East Village where I had a studio in a coop for the last 20 years and all this community crushing tsunami they pushed on our decaying delipidated infrastructure as I pointed out today at each subway by these supersized builds which leak throw rusted ceiling every rain day and throw out the Lower East Side we have had way too many man holes covers explode, infrastructure breaks and thanks to Mike Bloomberg and Amanda Burden the East Village, Bowery and LES look like a bad xerox of midtown and Dubai.
Cooper Union says they are not as bad as NYU.
I say only because you just don't have the real estate yet to be as bad.
Peter Cooper would not approve. Peter Cooper's goal was education for people who did not have money and instead the University's no. 1 priority is real estate dealings, high priced attorneys to beat the community's law suits down, and high priced public relations to sell the lie but the shoving Jim's art work aside speaks volumes and it could not be done with out Amanda Burden.
Cooper Union says they are not as bad as NYU.
I say only because you just don't have the real estate yet to be as bad.
Peter Cooper would not approve. Peter Cooper's goal was education for people who did not have money and instead the University's no. 1 priority is real estate dealings, high priced attorneys to beat the community's law suits down, and high priced public relations to sell the lie but the shoving Jim's art work aside speaks volumes and it could not be done with out Amanda Burden.
Please note that Cooper Union's with all it's mega property wheelings and dealings could only find one location for this photo of Peter Cooper who would be turning in his grave because the powers that be are using his name to throw away everything he had in mind for Cooper Union's goals AND THE ONE PLACE THAT COULD BE FOUND FOR THIS FALSE PUBLIC RELATIONS WAS TO DISPLACE JIM MOSIAC MAN'S ARTWORK WHICH WAS EVEN FEATURED FRONT PAGE ON THE METRO SECTION SO THANKS FOR SAYING IT ALL AGAIN WITH PHONY PR AND ACTIONS THAT TELL THE TRUTH.
I believe the water main break you can see in this video footage was caused by the construction less than a block away by Cooper Union as they built their new hideous aquarium studio which obscures the famous glass windows next door of the church.
* I can't afford plastic surgery and it is not on my top ten list. On my top ten list is a quiet home in the Village and a small country home in the forest near water.