May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Amanda socialite mega millionaire the people's Burden should go to prison. Amanda Burden is the worst city planner in NYC's history. She and Bloomberg should go to jail for pushing a reckless tsunami of community crushing development just as greedy and stupid as what caused Wall Street to implode. They have caused mass displacement. They have gobbled up what green and sunlight there was pushing sky piercing mirrored hotels, condos and mega dorms. DOB, DEP and Con Ed to name a few dept. should have said no. We can't keep up with these reckless builds but instead DOB past out permits like hot cakes. We have had record breaking inftrastructure related problems. We have had how many people die or injured from construction or infrastructure related injuries under Bloomberg-Burden? The answer: Possible another record set by Bloomberg... Burden is the people's burden and I got that from an anonymous commentor on Queen's crap. She acts like she is Columbia U, Cooper Union, NYU's personal city planner and she hasn't met a developer with a zone busting plain she hasn't aided. Even Guiliani's planner said no to Cooper Union supersizing by the black cube near Astor Place and leasing and under Bloomberg she had done it twice...given them an illegal green light weighing way too heavy on the East Village's dilapidated infrastructure. I did a YouTube Cooper Union is endangering our community and since I made that I was harassed non stop by some students and than something mysterious happened -- the build was put on halt for 2 years. I am happy to tell you their president has stepped down and maybe their new president will stop the madness. I was told they lost their backing and will start their build in 2 years. Considering the streets surrounding them look like a bomb was dropped and Con Ed is out there daily and it smells of gas I believe they had to stop their greedy reckless Burden blessed disaster because the infrastructure can't handle one more zone buster in the East Village. Amanda mega millionaire socialite city planner is the worst city planner and their is a socialite crisis in NYC so she needs to return to her truly calling. If you haven't seen my 3 new YouTubes on Mike Bloomberg's ads I call legalized graffiti in the subway at Grand Central instructing us to "Think Bloomberg" you have got to see the YouTube series. I contrast Orwellian billionaire with is less than transparent ads in Grand Central with an activist being fined and threatened by the city for his door having graffiti Thanks Queens Crap, Suzannah B. Troy
Also I believe our Con Ed bills are higher because we have to pay for Con Ed's infrastructure expansion for all the sky piercing condos, hotels and mega dorms. Con Ed can't keep up with all the infrastructure problems like gas leaks and has to hire outside contractors. Only a socialite city planner and billionaire mayor could push a tsunami of development on OLD New York's infrastructure.