Suzannah Troy artist I paint with my words. People with Heart and Soul You Get "it" and me. Thanks and Gratitude! http://youtu.be/_Tz4eMcP2LU I made this YouTube and said No to renewal with SAIC CityTime and I was the only one to say this and demand a full investigation! I dubbed CityTime the Tax Payer's Titanic. John Liu dubbed ECTP CityTime 2 and I called NYCAPS CityTime 3 all thanks to Bloomberg tech biz whiz who rewards a culture of failure NYC gov and revolving door corruption.
06/26/2010 6:50 PM
This Moron and all the his Cronies in Albany have it ALL WRONG!!! 25% ACROSS THE BOARD CUTS, NO EXCEPTIONS!! IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE FROM POLITICS AS USUAL!!! Bring in Ultimate fighting is like putting a band-aid on some one who just lost their head!!!!!
see comment on empty store fronts as well.....
It was yet another dark day for democracy here in NYC. The big apple has seen so many dark days under Bloomberg, a mayor who denied the people of New York City a referendum so he could push threw a third term to crown himself king of New York also pushed a reckless tsunami of development and aided and abetted his developer friends. Ditto for in my opinion the worst city planner in NYC's history, socialite mega-millionaire Amanda the people's Burden.
Amanda the people's Burden knows her reputation is shot so word on the street is she tells people she is doing Mike Bloomberg's bidding. She and Mike may be one of the largest mass displacement of New Yorkers if you don't include the original real Natives, the American Indians. King Mike, the nanny mayor, has managed to piss them off too. Mike Bloomberg was not smart enough to figure out if you displace people and than call them and ask them to vote for you either their telephone numbers are now disconnected and or they and their friends will hang up on your campaign staff. Team Bloomberg found that out and also set a record for the most expensive -- $110 million campaign price tag for the most humiliating win. Lucky for Teflon Mike The NY Post is not doing anymore investigative research on how Mike spent 109 million dollars and Cy Vance seems unwilling to give king Mike even a slap on the wrist for wiring money out of his personal account instead of the campaign account. Mike Bloomerg also holds the purse strings to Cy Vance, the Manhattan DA's budget allotment. Ouch. Back to today's dark day and Columbia University doing everything but holding a gun to the peoples' heads to get them to move. Who needs thugs when you have judges that side with ruthless developers and not the people?
Norman Siegel one a powerful first round against Columbia University but it was no surprise he lost round two since this was the very same set of judges that ruled in favor of eminent domain abuse in Brooklyn.
Read the Crain's article and decide for yourself. My opinion is this is very sad news. A dark day for the people. Watch my YouTube playlist and hear directly from people being abused by Columbia University's abuse of eminent domain. http://www.youtube.com/my_playlists?p=8C438F43D7335594 Watch interviews of people being evicted by Columbia University abusing eminent domain. I also have an interview with Norman Siegel at a protest on the Columbia University campus where even students joined the protest and sad "Not in our name!"
This is all part of the mass displacement under Bloomberg.
was sent this...posted it, made a YouTube and than made a 2nd YouTube called "Mike Bloomberg Cy Vance Campaign Incest"
Points of Public Interest pertaining to Cy Vance’s Campaign Finance Irregularities in collusion with Michael Bloomberg’s campaign and Mark Guma Communications.
· Cy Vance has a longstanding debt to Mark Guma Communications for $273,349 to whom he paid more than 1.1 million dollars to for consulting and electioneering activities from September 2009-January 2010.
· On January 15, 2010, Cy Vance mysteriously reported to the State Board of Elections that he had loan/liabilities to Mark Guma Communications in the amount of $273K that dated back to 9/14/2009. (2009 10 Day Post Primary)
· In a series of shady campaign finance maneuvers reported on campaign filings throughout the 2009 election cycle, Cy Vance has apparently attempted to conceal the fact that Mark Guma has forgiven large sums of debt owed to Mark Guma Communications, Inc. previously invoiced to Cy Vance’s campaign.
· In a series of campaign finance reports, Cy Vance’s campaign reduced their liability to Mark Guma Communications, Inc. by reporting campaign expenditures on section F of their filings (with corresponding check numbers) purportedly written to Mark Guma Communications, while simultaneously reporting on Section O of his finance reports that Mark Guma was making a donation to the campaign for the same amount.
· Vance’s campaign simultaneously reduced the liabilities in section N of its filings by the exact same amounts of each “donation” reported on section O.
*See State BOE Filer ID C36419 (2009 11 Day Pre-General, 2009 27 Day Post General, 2010 January Periodic)
· Thus far, $96,172.85 in debt owed to Mark Guma Communications, Inc has been “written off” by the Cy Vance campaign in a subversive manner, and thereby evading campaign finance limits placed on corporate donations.
· (Section 14 of Election Law)The New York State Board of Elections has ruled that a company or corporation that engages in public relations does not typically lend money to its clients. Therefore, “any loan by the company which is not repaid by the date of the election would be deemed a contribution in accordance with the provisions of the law. If the amount not repaid to the corporation on the date of the election exceeds $5000, the corporation would be in violation of section 14 of Election Law which limits corporate contributions to $5000.” (NYS BOE 1977 Opinion #8)
· In addition, if the company extends credit to a campaign for services performed, with the INTENT to eventually write off the debt, this is considered an act to violate and evade the contribution limits set forth in section 14 of Election Law. (NYS BOE 1977 Opinion #8)
· Section 14-126 of State Election Law clearly states that (3) Any person who knowingly and willfully contributes, accepts or aids or participates in the acceptance of a contribution in an amount exceeding an applicable maximum specified in this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
· Section 14-126 of State Election Law clearly states that (4) Any person who shall, acting on behalf of a candidate or political committee, knowingly and willfully …makes expenditures in connection with a nomination for election of any candidate, or solicits any person to make any such expenditures, for the purpose of evading the contribution limitations of this article, shall be guilty of a class E felony.
· Of further consideration, and perhaps more intriguing, is the fact that Mark Guma is married to Maura Keaney, Mike Bloomberg’s Field Operations Director for the 2009 mayoral race. Keaney worked with John Haggerty and was allegedly involved in the Election Day poll operations and planning that has come to light in recent weeks that involved alleged criminal activities.
· Keaney was moved out of her job with the campaign committee in February, around the same time the NY Post began reporting Haggerty’s enormous Election Day pay-off.
· It seems that Cy Vance was receiving his big pay-day from Mark Guma Communications, Inc.
Excellent reporting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LPxDc3ggdE I talk about this article and CityTime tax payers Titanic that you continue to expose. I heard on the street that the city ECB environmental control board- was owed over a billion dollars by developers, etc Christine Quinn collected lets say 14 million and forgave almost a billion in dept. I am told DOB was owed a fortune and not only does not collect but doesn't shut down corrupt developers. architects, contractors because that would be bad for business. We wouldn't have to have all these catastrophic cuts if the city and state of NY were not so corrupt.
I posted the above comment on the NY Daily News website.
I would add to push economic development that catered to the mega rich and crushed our communities city wide causing mass displacement Mike Bloomberg threw out the legal requirement that DOB commissioner have an architect degree and or an engineer degree.
DOB has a notorious history for taking pay-offs as I am guessing so is DEB - Dept of environmental protection based on all the violations I can see and hear but when we saw all these deaths and injuries under Mike Bloomberg's greedy reckless tsunami what was further exposed was DOB was sending out crane inspectors that did not have the education and qualifications required.
Bloomberg followed Guiliani's lead to supposedly save the city money but really to give greedy developers the green light to break the law and not get caught but allowing architects to self certify so you had corrupt architects like Robert Scarano breaking the law. DOB would have let it slide and did with too many of his zone busting buildings called finger buildings because they all bust through zoning and give the community the finger.
Activists worked so hard to expose Scarano's corruption he was FINALLY stopped.
I will never ever go in to the Bowery Hotel, a Scarano building that some how got to bust threw zoning on the Bowery like NYU mega dorms on 3rd Ave which become the Bowery and led the way for mysterious zone busters under Bloomberg and how many infrastructure breaks did we have in the East Village, Lower East Side China Town -- way too many --- ditto city wide.
Could you imagine if you are not a developer, contractor, mega rich money manager especially Mike Blomberg's personal money manger but a regular person -- do you think the City of New York would forgive your debt? Would you be allowed to go about your business if you don't pay your parking tickets?
If the city can't police all the builds that Bloomberg and Amanda the socialite mega millionaire city planer, Amanda the peoples' Burden green lighted than they should not have given out all the free passes to break the laws, exploit the city and lives were lost not to mention developers, contractors and architects seem to be most above the law....