May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The NY Times Schills Christine Quinn’s book hoping Gay People will be blind deaf and dump to her corrupt dealings

Let us see if Suzannah B. Troy can get past The New York Times censors or if The NYT is going to violate her 1st amendment right yet again they way the newspaper did the night Christine Quinn helped push through an illegal third term and the comment included the words “slush money”. For under achievers -- slush money is tax payer money and Bloomberg and Quinn abused it to push through an illegal third term denying the People of NYC a referendum.

Here is the comment posted at 5:00PM Let’s see if the NYT violates my 1st amendment right or holds my comment hostage for 24 hours....

Is Christine Quinn going to include how she sold the lie we needed Bloomberg for a 3rd term to help us with the economy & he and Quinn only helped their pals. To see the short list look who has contributed to Christine Quinn’s mayoral run. Is Mike’s mini-me going to include the fact she brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James? Here is the YouTube of Norman Siegel calling for an investigation in to how Quinn locked out her own district from testifying in front of City Council who’s presence was also lacking. Quinn’s own district wants a full service trauma level 1 hospital, not Rudin luxury condos. Quinn could have pushed for protective zoning for a hospital but she didn’t . She could have pressured Cy Vance to prosecute the St. Vincent’s crook perhaps because she doesn’t want to bring attention to the Rudin acquistion of St. Vincent’s considering all the campaign donations Team Rudin has made.

How can Quinn explain she allowed a Rape Counseling center close & no AIDS care on 12th St. now St. Vincent’s closed. NYT acts like they have already endorsed Quinn forgot to report Quinn’s own district outrage out her treatment of them, not even showing up the morning they turned in to testify & were locked out. Using the gay card is not a get out of jail free card or an out for being held accountable!