May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Michael Bloomberg New York City’s Polluter-and-Chief

Do I call Cy Vance’s Public Integrity Hotline again and report Mike? Remember I also reported Christine Quinn the first day the lines were opened!

Our little tin pot dictator, the little emperor, mister ticket the “little People” up to their eyeballs, the nanny mayor is above the law just like the Term Limits deal ordeal where Mike decided not to break the law but change the law to suit his greed.

Reminder Christine Quinn sold the lie we needed Mike for a third term to help us with the economy.

Watch the link above and watch when Mike is confronted he um er the great leader that he is --- pulls a Steve Rattner and lies -- oops Steve Rattner pay to play money manager NY Pensions did not lie he pleaded the 5th 64 times. Mike blatantly lies to the newscaster from ABC daringly confronting him.

Nice to see someone other than me confront Mike and gang.

Well Mike the liar came clean at least on this issue -- not term limits, CityTime, ECTP, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, his back room deals with Murdoch and Joel Klein, NYU, Columbia U, Bill Rudin, Ratner Bruce not Steve, speaking of Steve Rattner Mike won’t discuss Cayman Islands but Mike admitted yesterday he did in fact

BREAK THE RULES for the last 6th months. As an angry female police officer told me at the 1st Precinct “the law is the law”. Personally I find that perplexing as I see NYPD officers drive through red lights for no apparent reason and do some creative parking but no NYPD officer has ticketed Mike Bloomberg who during his emperorship has set a record ticketing the little people although he recently had one newspaper attempt to sell the lie it was not true -- at least this time....LIES again!

Mike has been using that heliport illegally for 6 months so the next time an NYPD officer attempts to give you a ticket you tell them Mike Bloomberg has declared a 6 month NO TICKETS For the Little People because our Emperor NYC’s Polluter-and-Chief broke the law and curfew FOR 6 months. Can we bill him or fine him?

It would be hard to decide who are the biggest phony “green liars”....for me it is a tough call between NYU represented by John Sexton who claims they are green but NYU continue to blot out the sun and rip-out trees so necessary for the environment and like the People have lived here alway but are inconvenient for NYU’s greed but Mike Bloomberg our NYC Polluter-and-Chief’s arrogance and deceit may put him in first place!

Don’t you just love big phony “green” people who fly around in jet planes, helicopters, etc but lie and say they are green. The are green with money, greed and stupidity.

Reminds me of The NY Times phony puff piece, yet another on Amanda the People’s Burden and all the comments pretty much slam her and The NY Times..

So sick of the lies and the Oligarchs of New York above the law including City Council -- mini-oligarch wannabes.

(Note for scary morons reading my blog -- I am joking about no tickets for 6 months -- the NYPD will continue to ticket folks up to their eyeballs courtesy of Mike Bloomberg your favorite nanny, rule obsessed hypocritical little emperor of NYC.)