Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Streets NY 3rd world Mess
Mayor Mike Bloomberg SAIC Earnings Call CityTime Crime Fall-out? White ...
CityTime Scandal so far the largest White Collar Crime Ever in NYC gov. history with Mike Bloomberg who was pushing SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin being forced to ask for 600 million dollars back plus damages from SAIC which stands for Science Application International Corporation.
Reminder SAIC has an Earnings Call meeting August 31 and the big question is will the Elephant in the room be discussed meaning CityTime scandal and the fact all SAIC NYC Gov and State contracts are off because of CityTime scandal. I believe we have some SAIC employees on payroll until we can become independent or CityTime is scrapped.
I believe the waste, fraud and blatant theft involving with tech deals under Bloomberg is the largest ever and if we could tally the sum and total of over billing, wrong billing, upper management lying on their time sheets aka stealing, systems like CityTime that may be scrapped we are talking billions of tax payer dollars flushed down the toilet like Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn flushed democracy down the toilet.
Above link to what appears to be over 300 million tax payer dollars spent over budget where possible lying on time sheets, over billing may have occurred in the ECTP project also known as the 911 tech system. ECTP stands for Emergency Communication Transfer Project.
With alleged over billing, mis-spent tax payer money, contracts where the fix was in -- it seems that a lot was brokered for lack of a better word from DOITT except for CityTime which was mysteriously run through OPA office of payroll so Mark Page has a lot of questions to answer including was he pushing SAIC MTA deal along with deputy mayor Patricia Harris’s husband both appointed to the MTA board by Mike Bloomberg.
Back to DOITT. With DOITT being told “no” by John Liu for ECTP -- DOIT stand for Dept. of Information Technology and Telecommunication it is interesting that men that worked in mangement of DOITT left working for NYC gov to become lobbyists including Gino Menchini and Agostino Cangemi. Than there is Larry Knafo who left DOITT to work for Northrup Grumman who Agostino and Gino are lobbyists for on ECTP so DOITT has let our tax payer money be spent like water and than top management DOIT NYC gov leaves and seems to be involved with companies billing us obscenely on projects that are flawed.
We need the lobbyist website for Albany and City Hall to give us the sum total by a single click on how much money a lobbyist has earned but also a resume of their work at NYC gov.
By the way Larry Knafo is now listed as a director at Deutsche bank.
Verizon has I believe a lucrative contract involved in the scandal plagued ECTP 911 Tech System although all parties involved have avoided any proscecution and there have been no requests for tax payer money returned like Bloomberg was forced to do with CityTime.
Gino Menchini Agostino Cangemi ex. city workers to BIG Lobbyists 1)TechnoDyne (SAIC CityTime Now Biggest Scandal) to Northrop Grumman Connection ECTP 911 Tech System which could be EVEN Bigger Scandal 2 billion dollar fraud.
Let’s get to Verizon May 18, 2004 From the article:
"City telecom commissioner Gino Menchini said he expects more than 100 bids from different companies, who could fight for a piece of the overall contract.”
There is Gino Menchini’s name again and the rumor is from The White House on down to Albany to City Hall the fix is in on contracts in reality they are no bid contracts.....go figure.
Mike Bloomberg’s techno-dreams the tax payer’s nightmare and with the flawed 911 tech system also known as ECTP we had people die in the past showing up to the wrong place but for now it just costs way too much do to less than ethical “deals” and billing and I don’t believe the flaws have been worked out but why no arrests? Ditto for CityTime but Preet Bharara are you too over-run to prosecute the ECTP debacle.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
NYTimes Stats Show City Services Slump Department of Buildings, etc.
Mayor Bloomberg Haggerty Trial Sept. 12, Sept. 11 Scandal + Christine Quinn Liar Never Mayor!!!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg 9-11 No Room For Heroes 10 Yrs Later? FDNY NYPD PAPD EMS
Tompkins Closed Due to 5 Trees Felled by Hurricane Irene

Sunday, August 28, 2011
True News Sends me ElBloombergbito Crimes Down um Arrests Down that is!
Pres. Obama Gives Good Irene Speech NY Man Dies Trying to Rescue Boy, NY...
Hurricane Irene NY A little boy electrocuted Rescuer Good Samaritan Dies! Safety Tips Rewind from Suzannah Troy Artist
True News From Change Suzannah Troy Artist Hurricane Irene Bloomberg D+ Rating
Cover-up for Bloomberg MTA begins + 3:00 Evac Order lifted People Can Return Home!
Mayor Bloomberg Gets D+ For Hurricane Irene & Yes Puppet Christine Quinn
Mike Bloomberg gets a D+ for Hurricane Irene. If I was mayor I would have coordinated the NYPD with DOB to make sure every construction site in every bourough was secure but Mike did not do so. He had Christine Quinn get face time -- his yes puppet acting as a deputy mayor not council speaker providing checks and balances but she sold the great lie we needed Mike for a third term to help us with the economy. Christine Quinn helped flush democracy down the toilet to further empower an oligarch rule so she could take over as emperor but the voters will remember.
From Clayton Patterson The Outlaw Art Museum on Mike Bloomberg and Hurricane Irene:
IDIOT- from perspective of a person living in the city the hype was far harder on people than the storm- this constant hype had a lot of people- especially elderly people really scared- then the amount of money individuals spent to survive the "hurricane" of the century-- in areas of Long ISland- NJ- yes- so much rain will for sure cause flooding- but in NYC shutting down the transit system was retarded-- I met one crusty last night absolutley soaked having to walk to Bed-Sty- he looked like he was ready to drop-- the mayor is an idiot to have shut down the transit system-- the weather here now is nice- but nobody can get around!!!
Since the community is now so yuppie most workers cannot afford to live here- for example the guy in the grocery store next door- he lives in the Bronx- so he had o catch the last train at noon- so out of work saturday- cannot come in on Sunday- and the system hopefully will be up to speed on monday-- '
then the fashion statements that idiot was making a new look every conference-- f/// him!!!!!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Tornado Watch for NYC
ASPCA The Carriage Horses Still Forced to Work Out as Hurricane Irene Approaches
(b) Environment. (1) Owners shall not allow a horse to be worked on a public highway, path or street during adverse weather or other conditions which are a threat to the health or safety of the horse and the public. Adverse weather conditions shall include but not be restricted to snow, ice, heavy rain or other
slippery conditions. A horse being worked when such conditions develop shall be returned to the stable by the most direct route as soon as practicable.
Elizabeth Forel
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
Horses Without Carriages International
Friday, August 26, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Serious! Suzannah Troy Artist Says Mike and Gang Worse than a Natural Disaster! Wake-up New Yorkers!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Mike Bloomberg Off to Bermuda! Just Joking. Poor Mike Will Have to Stay in Town to Save Face!
How about GPS tracking systems for Mike Bloomberg’s deputy mayors starting with Patricia Harris?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
New York Public Library Very Exciting Exhibition!!!!!
— | We couldn’t agree more with legendary writer Jorge Luis Borges, whose birthday is today. Happy birthday! Want to see the manuscript of his La loteria en Babilonia? It’s being shown as part of our FREE exhibition Celebrating 100 Years at the landmark Stephen A. Schwarzman Building on 42nd Street. See over 250 rare items from our collections, including artifacts belonging to Charles Dickens, Malcolm X, Charlotte Bronte, John Coltrane, Bob Dylan and on and on and on. See you there! |
CityTime SAIC Scandal Silence SAIC’s New Hire Secret Service -- Is That a Hint of Why We Can’t Get Arrests by Suzannah Troy Artist
Reminder SAIC has a big day Aug. 31 and will CityTime Scandal and our demand for over 600 million tax payer dollars returned also know as The Elephant in the Room be broached?
This New Yorker is really angry and I want our money back plus damages and RICO charges but we can’t even get arrests and you wonder if special provisions and protection are being made?
Reminder SAIC robbed tax payer money using the FBI before Rudy brought in SAIC to work on the Tax Payer’s Titanic also brought in by Rudy called CityTime. Rudy threw away AutoTime which was created and run by City Workers and could have been expanded. Getting in bed with SAIC of course was better for Rudy’s ambitions including his eyes on The White House and look at SAIC’s new hire. Sadly mr. great biz man Mike Bloomberg treated SAIC like heroin and Mike as a drug king pin and pushed this corrupt deal and put his flunkies including Pat Harris’s husband and Mark Page (Bondy’s boss you think Page would be admitting he dropped the ball and worry about jail) on the MTA board and probably had them push the corrupt stank SAIC MTA deal that would have been another nightmare for New York Tax payers.
Getting back to SAIC’s powerful hires this one from the Secret you think this is just a hint at why we cannot get arrests and SAIC doesn’t do (almost) any competitive bidding aka the fix is in...just look at the MTA deal that almost was.
Heard on the Street:
SAIC + CITYTIME +COVERUP NO BID CONTRACTS....all quiet till Shareholder meeting August 31 until late today 4pm press release.. SAIC is busy hiring new VP for Security....Robert Zitz worked for secret service 2007-2009. And will help SAIC Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Group as Senior Vice President and Chief Systems Architect. More inside "no bid contracts" for SAIC?
"From 2007 to 2009, Zitz served as deputy associate director of the U.S. Secret Service. Prior to that, he was deputy undersecretary of preparedness and deputy undersecretary of national programs and protection at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security."
"In this role, Zitz will help shape the group's solutions in airborne, maritime, national security space, and ground ISR programs, along with associated processing, exploitation, and dissemination systems"
Subject: Robert S. Zitz Joins SAIC as Senior Vice President and ISR Chief Architect - Yahoo! Finance
Steve Jobs Resigns
Steve Job wishing you miracles and healing.
I love Apple.
I carry the two Steve’s books on their lives on my Iphone.
The powerful anti-Bloomberg no third term work I did I did on my Apple.
I have only met one evil racist demon working for them. Other wise Apple rocks. Just radical how they teach you. I had an old obese predator attempt to use teaching me some computer stuff and you know what the reason was. With Apple you can get one on one teaching for 99 dollars and save yourself from some old lonely stalker type trying to prey on you.
I helped Giupseppi Logan come back from the dead almost filming him and putting him on YouTube because an Apple teacher taught me how.
He got to connect with fans, people that had bought his two records in the ’60’s before he crashed and burned and I got to reunite him with his youngest child, the only child from his 2nd marriage who he has not seen in 40 plus years.
GL made a record although I must have handed him more cash than the record company that made the new album which is wonderful.
The sad news is the last time I say GL he had broken his hip and he wanted crutches to walk out of the hospital. The MD’s would not release him and he said if he didn’t leave it was double jeopardy.
Sad stuff but at least he is not homeless.
Any way Apple -- the two Steves and their work has helped so many people to help even more people....very touching moving....
Something For Everyone At William Barnacle Tavern
What you can get is everything from a three dollar Rheingold to a 100 dollar shot of 25 year old Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whiskey.
A good whisky should be old enough to walk in to a bar and order itself, jokes Otway.
Chopping the Street By Suzannah B. Troy Who Knew the Bail-Out Would Be Even Bigger White Collar Crime
FYI, a supporter of mine emailed Jim Dwyer concerned he had let us say been inspired by my blog post on CityTime because this supporter had sent me that info on Ernst and Young and I posted on my blog quite a while before his Times piece How ironic of you click on my east village link the link should take you here but instead it takes you to Jim’s article..... sub-conscious good girl training to defeat one’s self?
but anyway I went to his NYTimes webpage today and found this video from 2008 and a South Bronx gentleman calls the bail-out the NEW organized crime and he is 100 percent correct.
Hank Paulson, Tim Geithner and gang brokered one of the most corrupt deals in American history.
The FBI was on to the mortgage meltdown but they dropped it because of 9-11 but the leaders of every company involved allowed greed and stupidity to destroy their firms and the tax payers should never have been made to bail them out with no pay back with interest and how about jail.
![]() |
Suzannah B. Troy Artist Chelsea Hotel
I am so proud of this story I wrote....big time. Who knew I would have the most blog postings on SAIC and Citytime and clearly SAIC is above the law and ditto so far for their NYC gov. counterparts as well as sub-contractors so Chopping the Street was right on the money.....the tax payer’s money which I talk about in the story as well. I just had no idea it would be as epic as 9-11 without all the mass murder but so destructive it could be heading us in to a Depression and added to our Trillions in debt. which enabled China in a sense to buy a big part of the USA.
The gentleman from the South Bronx got it -- the ’new’ organized crime but for me more destruction than old school organized crime in ways that may have destroyed our Country.
p.s. I loved writing the sex scene in the bathroom.
p.p.s The FBI dropped the ball with SAIC and in fact took some blame that I don’t think was their’s but SAIC’s because SAIC did the same thing to NYC tax payers as well. Thank goodness we prevented the SAIC MTA and the fix was in on that corrupt deal until finally the corrupt MTA was forced to drop corrupt SAIC. SAIC MTA acted like organized crime even refusing to respect the State comptroller who said “NO” and SAIC MTA said F-you in so many words until the MTA was finally forced to drop the deal. For now CityTime SAIC remains the largest white collar crime NYC gov exposed so far....many of us think ECTP 911 tech system may be bigger.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Tompkins Square Park Mess Way Worse Under Bloomberg Quinn

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Elizabeth Dwosking No Longer With the Village Voice
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sign Petition to Save Beautiful Historic Building Lower East Side
Sign Petition to Save Beautiful Historic Building Lower East Side
The historic buildings on the Bowery are under extreme threat. In May, New York lost the 1835 townhouse at 35 Cooper Square to a proposed tower development. The Bowery Alliance of Neighbors and others have urged the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) to act swiftly to save the remaining historic buildings on the Bowery and the LPC listened. In June, the LPC voted to designate the circa 1818 Federal-style house at 135 Bowery as an individual landmark--but the future is still uncertain! Its landmark designation still awaits ratification in City Council where the bank that owns it will be applying tremendous pressure opposing the designation.
Please add your name to the petition to demonstrate broad public support for saving this rare surviving and intact townhouse from the Federal era. Sign the petition to tell Councilmember Margaret Chin and City Council that we do not want to lose this Bowery landmark. Click on the following link to access the petition:
Thank you for your support.
Jean Standish, Vice Chair
Mitchell Grubler, Chair, Landmarks Committee
Bowery Alliance of Neighbors
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Verizon in Trouble With NYC School Parents? Board of Ed Tech Deals to CityTime 2 ECTP 911 Tech Deal Trouble?
I got an email from Justin Wedes with a request to join parents protesting Verizon deal with Board of Ed.
When: Wed. August 17, 2011 at 5 PM
Why? Verizon is shortchanging their own workers and stealing from schoolchildren! Say no to more giveaways to private contractors and more wasted spending on technology while are class sizes are increasing! Tell the PEP to vote down the Verizon contract with the DOE!"
Go to facebook:
Are the bigs dogs at Verizon and their counterparts in NYC gov. screwing the tax payers?
Wasn’t Verizon also involved with the alleged corrupt ECTP 911 Tech System dubbed CityTime 2 by John Liu?
Question was Verizon yet another NYC NY (Albany included) where they are really no competitive bids considered aka the fix is in....sure this is done that way at The White House...example Hank Paulson and Tim Geithner stealing...oops allotting mega-billions of tax payer money to award a culture of failure to bankers with no jail or no requirement that the bankers pay back the bail out sinking us further in to trillions of dollars of debt so bankers could take their helicopters to the Hamptons and give themselves millions in bonuses!
Bloomberg is up to his eyeballs in massive fraud and theft with Information Tech Deals where Bloomberg also rewarded a culture of failure with CityTime (introduced by Rudy Giuliani as well as SAIC to run Citytime), ECTP -- how is that flawed system money pit doing) and bravo for Mike for simply running 300 million over with NYCAPS using Accenture! I named NYCAPS CityTime3 and Agostino and Gino are lobbyists on NYCaps Agostino lobbyist on TechnoDyne I believe for CityTime. US Attorney is still trying to located TechnoDyne owners hiding in India to bring them to question them on or arrest them on CityTime scandal?
Is the fix in with non-competitive bids? Yes or No? I say yes.
If you have time read through both pages but Verizon is mentioned on page 2 and rumor has it the Verizon contract with ECTP -- the rumored flawed 911 Tech System John Liu dubbed CityTime 2 for shocking excessive billing (but folks where are the arrests and prosecution? Guess who are the lobbyists on ECTP -- yes you guess it if you have been reading my main blogs--Agostino and Gino and look at their resume -- the jobs they held working for NYC gov. Agostino even worked for Rudy pre-Gino DOITT as lawyer on NY pension but these guys along with other lobbyists including Peter Powers and Liz Holzman on CityTime along with Sal Salamone who is in big trouble all were pushing SAIC who was billing us to death on a flawed system and one guy who raked in big bucks never actually showed up for work! Do lobbyist ever wonder about the massive billing to tax payers vs. the product and company they are pimping for?
This YouTube doesn’t mention Verizon directly but does refer to NYCAPS I dubbed CityTime3.
p.s. Let’s take a look at Verizon lobbyists
type in Verizon -- different than Verizon wireless
Suzannah B. Troy Living in A Horror Comedy Remake “Being There” Starring Mike Bloomberg More Horror than Comedy How you noticed how many land grabs through out NYC there have been under (soon to be ex) king of New York Mike Bloomberg who needed a third term to assist community crushing real estate greed, the largest frauds and theft in NYC gov. and mostly with mega-mega bucks of tax payer money spent on IT (Information Tech) from Board of Ed tech deals, to CityTime , ECTP 911 Tech System, NYCAPS just 300 million over-ride. Bloomberg and his puppet Christine Quinn along with Bloomberg’s socialite city planner aided and abetted community crushing development on “old” NY’s infrastructure. Don’t expect anything but sweet p.r. pieces from The NY Eminent Domain Times and did Steve Rattner advise the times to buy the building that bankrupted The Old Grey Lady and was Bruce Ratner involved in that eminent domain abuse as well? Don’t forget Columbia U.’s eminent domain abuse of Manhattanville neighborhood or Willet’s Point. Under Bloomberg, Quinn and the Cathie Black of City Planning Amanda the People’s Burden more people have been forced to leave NYC than ever before. Bruce and Jay-Z have given many NYers an opportunity to have minimum wage jobs with on future and abused eminent domain handing over land to a Russian and China owns most of our trillion dollar debt. Wake-up me up from the horror comedy I must be living in starring Mike Bloomberg in a remake of “Being There”. Suzannah B. Troy Artist Wall Street Community Member
p.s. Can someone explain why the WSJ has their act together with their website but The NY Post still can’t allow readers to post or read comments from a smart phone and The NY Post bans anyone with an Ipad from internet access unless they pay and you still can’t read or post comments.
Suzannah B. Troy W/ Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Is Democracy For Sale Political Poster

Kyle: Rudy for President? CityTime SAIC Scandal Screw The Tax Payers Adultery Bill The Tax Payers by Suzannah B. Troy Artist
Kyle Smith: Did an editor at The NY Post hold a gun to your head? Rudy for President?
Kyle: Maybe you need to read up on the CityTime Scandal I dubbed The Tax Payer’s Titanic! Who gave us CityTime and SAIC? One guess! Rudy. Bloomberg broke the record outsourcing and the both wanted SAIC for their goal to get in the White House having SAIC and subsidiaries as pals helps. Rudy’s enemies want him to run perhaps because he will have a Bernie Kerik type ending. Rudy has adulterous affairs in office and unlike Bill Clinton made the tax payers pay for raises for his mistress who he gave the biggest raise to when he dumped her for a much older mistress he later married. Rudy’s 2nd term was a disaster -- watch Guiliani Time and 9-11 was his bail-out that he bankrolled in to 31 million dollars worth of private success. Look in to lobbyists for CityTime and other scandal ridden tech deals under Bloomberg with ties to Rudy.