All along the food chain you see it in all shapes and form and it can be a group, male or female gangs that convince themselves it is okay to "prey" just like the shoplifter -- it is somehow justified when it is not....
Also, terrible jealousy, there are girls that admitted hurting other girls because they were jealous and they grow up with that nagging empty feeling, suffering from "the grass is greener" so jealous, harming another gives that jealousy some relief but it doesn't really does it...
Abusers will do their best to try and convince you it is "you" when it is them...they are guilty. Again blame gives them some temporary relief...
the predator that won't draw blood but does "the creepy" because it is like a back ward form or intimacy, like picking fights gives some drama in an empty life...go to the library read a book rather than harass someone...
from a gang, group mentality that scape goats and than justifies murder some how when again there is no justification but the murder gave them some temporary relief, to a lonely old couple in a dead marriage in a modern world with longevity comes a lot of self hatred that seems to much to bear and spreading the hurt and hate, hurting others in large ways and small ways including blaming them seems to give predators "some temporary relief" like an aspirin for a migraine headache.