A bus 3/4's empty passed me and get them off the street because they congest traffic and add to unnecessary pollution or make stop points to include the what is left of community members.
Also note the white spray paint which hints at NYC streets like asphalt patchwork. The streets are in awful shape and some is for expanding infrastructure for greedy developers supersizing on our old infrastructure....mostly all megadorms, supersized condos, hotels and Cooper Union's retail space which was the Science building.
I estimated the air conditioning to be at 62 degrees....breezy cold and NYU who has high paid public relations state they are green -- show talk is cheap or expensive but their actions tell the truth which are very destructive to the community and harmful to Mother Earth. This is the hideous ugly student center which of course is huge and the air conditioning is set a fridge cold and the doors remain wide open but we all know it feels NYU IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!!!!! It feels like what NYU, Cooper Union and Columbia University are doing like, it feels like "very organized crime". No one polices them or holds them accountable and they have the deepest pockets and the most powerful connections as well as major mega chunks of New York real estate....sweet!!!!!!!!
Trees were torn out to accommodate moving the fountain a matter of feet and why? NYU owns most of the real estate surrounding the park and even kicks the community out of a public park which technically might be illegal but hey, it is NYU so the reason for this wasteful expensive improvement are for NYU's real estate value and tourism. Thanks Mayor Mike.
Evictions continue of to rise. People, pets, small businesses, trees in Washington Square Park and even the ghost Fire Patrolman Schwartz just behind the hideous ugly NYU Student Center in a stunning building the mayor felt compelled to close from the very early 1900's right by Edgar Allen Poe House which NYU tore down.
Click on the picture above and you may get a hint of the street at 2nd Avenue beginning to flood. As NYU, no. 1 real estate magnate buys up and leases every bit of property and using every slick maneuver and their not for profit status the city continues to show it is falling apart and the streets flood more and more looking like Venice, Italy rather than East and West Village. Yes, NYU is not a good partner but a greedy consumer of everything possible and the tax payers continued to pay the burden of everything. The Post Master General estimates the USPS will lose 2 billion dollars this year. What did they lose last year? They sold the air rights over St. Ann's for, I think, 8 million dollars and NYU and the USPS rushed to get this air sale pushed through rather than notify the State of New York so the State could look in to whether this was in the best interest of the community. The streets are in such bad shape and the subways surrounding the area and below ground infrastructure concerns are worrisome but again no one is holding NYU or the USPS accountable. The taxpayers will have to pick up the burden of the USPS's 2 billion dollars estimated loss this year.
I don't want the community to pay with their lives or be forced out because of infrastructure breaks. If they are more breaks and people are forced out, NYU and other developers are pleased because the more people leave the more they can take over. The priority of the Bloomberg administration is pushing this tsunami of development and not preserving our right to remain in our neighborhoods, evictions of all kinds, our safety, the basic decent shape of our streets, etc. People are being evicted and moving into homeless shelters and their pets to animal shelters but NYU can't expand their mega real estate holdings fast enough. Ditto for Cooper Union and Columbia University.

+the 2nd link is for the ghost of Fire Patrol Schwartz and I have news for you, if die angry and upset or worse I will come back and do some major haunting. I can't seem to forget injustice and I am confident karma gets served not in time as I understand it but for now I just wrote "Murderville" and in the story the ghost of the woman makes the ghost of Hamlet's dad look mellow.