May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

East Village rifle in arm off to "celebrate" George Washington's retreat Fort Lee he told me I asked him what was he dressed up for, he asked me also

My long term friends know I don't like the feeling when in a relationship it feels like "my friend" is the British Empire and I am the Colonies and here I bumped in to this East Villager, rifle in hand on his way to celebrate George Washington's retreat...

"oi vey"

I asked him about the way he was dressed and he asked me the same question....

I had to laugh -- this is the Village and look at my outfit!!!!!!!!!!