May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Angel to the rescue

I said thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.  I have dropped my iphone twice, the first time a young Mexican guy got off his bicycle and helped me find my iphone because I just couldn't spot it on the street but he could.

This time I dropped a book.  The gentleman came up behind me and handed me the book.  He asked me if I realized I had dropped it.


I asked him if he looked at the title of the book? No.
It is on stress.

I thanked him and wished this anonymous stranger a Happy Thanksgiving.

When I read the front page piece in The New York Times about Charles Rangels corrupt wheelings and dealings I tugged at my fork and my salad with cheese exploded all over my chest and the floor.

The newest term is adrenal overload, even your brain can be too stressed out -- I am so tired of the feeling of a third degree -- raw burn in the back of my throat post 9-11 today I started aloe vera juice, ugh, apple cider vinegar a teaspoon in water before I eat -- ugh and a list of other all natural herbs and ugh, ugh ugh, with the goal to rest more...
maybe my hair will stop falling out and the very dark circles will look less dark under my eyes.

Maybe I will not carry so many things or just stop dropping them but thanks to the wonderful kind gentleman that followed me and handed me a book I am reading on helping my adrenals, my brain and my heart.

Thanks and gratitude with New York attitude,
Suzannah B. Troy