May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Dr Andrew Fagelman Unethical MD gets NYU Stern Biz Degree!

Dr Andrew Fagelman NYU Stern Business School Medical offices
155 Spring Street -- does Vornado Realty know he tried to lie and state the violence happened in the hallway meaning it would be there liability?  
DR ANDREW FAGELMAN VIOLATED THE Hippocratic oath and he gets a business degree from Stern!  Wow!
Dr Andrew Fagelman committed perjury like it was a big joke.
He was mocking and abusive making a mockery of violence in his medical office, violating Dr Vine's patient -- that would me  -- my body and my patient rights but he brags about his trust in the NYPD and that after I was violated and coerced my life so greatly harmed --- that he got an NYU Stern business degree.
Really?  Stern has no ethics too?
I would not be surprised NYU is the Bernie Madoff of higher ed and made off with our neighborhoods with their sky piercing community crushing development on old NY's infrastructure!

Dr Andrew Fagelman NYU Stern Business School Unethical Liar He Even Lied Under Oath it did not happen on his property
I believe or I allege his Travelers Group lawyers unethical as well -- even bring in Styrofoam cups in to make a mockery of the violence and my caring about Mother Earth.

it is like Dr Fagelman is an "unethical magnate"

Dr Andrew Fagelman NYU Stern Business School

tags:School, Hippocratic oath, 155 Spring Street, Vornardo Realty, Soho, NYC, NYPD corruption, 
Dr Andrew Fagelman NYU Stern Business School, Hippocratic oath, 155 Spring Street, Vornardo Realty, Soho, NYC, NYPD corruption, NYU langone, Mt Sinai