May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Louis Flores Unauthorized Biography Christine Quinn at St. Marks Bookshop East Village

Louis Flores Unauthorized Biography Christine Quinn at St. Marks Bookshop East Village

Author: Louis Flores with unauthorized
biography on Christine Quinn at St. Mark's Bookshop!
31 3rd Avenue
East Village

Occucopy did printing a new cooperative project!

Available at St. Marks Book Store by the front register starting Friday
East Village and now available Book Thug Nation in Williamsburg Brooklyn

Christine Quinn Unauthorized Bio Better Than Cats



NYPD Handcuffed City Council approves two bills that NY Post Sezs jeopardize NYPD’s stop-and-frisk

NYPD Handcuffed City Council approves two bills that NY Post Sezs jeopardize NYPD’s stop-and-frisk

NYPD Handcuffed City Council approves two bills that NY Post Sezs jeopardize NYPD’s stop-and-frisk

Reginald T. Brown Queerocracy HIV NYPD Stop & Frisk

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Christine Quinn Unauthorized Bio Better Than Cats

Available at St. Marks Book Store by the front register starting Friday
East Village and now available Book Thug Nation in Williamsburg Brooklyn
North Third just below Berry St.

Author: Louis Flores with unauthorized
biography on Christine Quinn at St. Mark's Bookshop!
31 3rd Avenue
East Village

Occucopy did printing a new cooperative project!



Saturday, June 22, 2013

Enough talk: Our politicians must save children’s garden by Clayton Patterson

Enough talk: Our politicians must save children’s garden by Clayton Patterson

Dear Clatyon:  

Thanks for acknowledging my work to get a speed bump for Anna Silver School and the area near the Children's Magical Garden.  I did so because Alfredo was so passionate for the need and the community board did nothing so I took action.

Thanks again and right on with this article!!!!!!!

Ruppert Playground in jeopardy as well and the children are going to lose their playground to a ritzy eatery at Union Square -- Mike Bloomberg's hideous New York....

Great piece Clayton!!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

East Village car jumps curb people hurt

1010 WINS: Several people injured after car jumps curb in East Village. More at Reply NOBRK to stop

Saturday, June 15, 2013

911 Tech Corruption Exclusive FDNY States Suzannah B. Troy need Mark Carson's Permission for his Ambulance Response Time and Google Prevents YouTube from Being Posted so It's on CNN IReport


911 Tech Corruption Exclusive FDNY States Suzannah B. Troy need Mark Carson's Permission for his Ambulance Response Time and Google Prevents YouTube from Being Posted so It's on CNN IReport

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Click to view SuzannahTroy's profileSuzannahTroy
June 15, 2013

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Google YouTube continues to block this YouTube from being uploaded from my computer and Iphone as well as my YouTube I made before this on the Public Advocate calling Internal Affairs to do a status check on my allegations against the NYPD in the Dr. Fagelman receptionist violent assault of me that left me with a hole in my retina and damage to my cervical spine.  Delita Hooks was confident she could...
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

NYC Gov 911 Tech Disaster a Slowly Unfolding Crime Scene Pre- Intergraph by Suzannah B. Troy

Amazing all these years no one has held the contractors responsible for deaths because of the messed up Tech Titanic until Ariel Russo an Angel 4 year old but she wasn’t the first and it wasn’t Integraph.....

The 911 Tech corruption is a way biggest story unfolding long term crime scene -- stay tuned and at the rate we have been going with all this info that has been out there all these years under king Bloomberg he will skate out of office before the powers that be do something just like Preet Bharara is trying to put the CityTime trial to rest.

Aren’t up glad we handed a small fortune to NASA as well ---- since Bloomberg came in to power hardee har we have the largest tech over-runs ever in NYC gov history EVER ----- the 911 is the biggest horror show corruption crime EVER but there are so many CityTime, NYCAPS, FDNY Wireless, NYCWiNS, even 311 -- truly how much have we paid for 311 and also mega bucks for over priced consultants!   Long list and even mayor Bloomberg’s favorite non-profit was over billing oops stealing called Seedco -- love the Linda Gibb no sherlock holmes post of mine on that....

With the many military contractors coming in here bilking us, I feel like I am watching that Sci Fi movie with Kurt Russell..... how else can I write about this --- a herd of elephants in the room with no Enron endings?  Now because of Intergraph’s very late entry in to this 911 Tech nightmare and Ariel Russo’s tragic death NYDN is looking only at Integraph how convenient..... how interesting....

"Intergraph was founded in 1969 as M&S Computing, Inc., by former IBM engineers who had been working with NASA and the U.S. Army in developing systems that would apply digital computing to real-time missile guidance.”

NYC Gov 911 Tech Disaster a Slowly Unfolding Crime Scene Pre- Intergraph

Cooper Union Tax Breaks Illegal Real Estate Dealings

Cooper Union Tax Breaks Illegal Real Estate Dealings

Cooper Union's "Unusual" Tax Breaks Pour Salt on Tuition Wound

Hey kids the wounds and suffering the community's as cooper union is NYU junior an evil corrupt ruthless real estate magnate first hint CU's illegal zone busting dorm!

FYI cooper unions students did nothing to protest cooper unions unusual illegal real estate expansion!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Edward Snowden Whistleblower Behind the NSA Surveillance Speaks Out YouTube

“Whistleblower Behind the NSA Surveillance Speaks Out - Full Interview - Edward Snowden - 6/9/13” — (June 9, 2013) - The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak ...

Please Google NSA SAIC Trailblazer and read The Nation's piece on Obama backing NSA whistle blowers going to jail.  My speciality is SAIC NYC gov crimes like CityTime and the SAIC MTA deal that almost was.  Why Bloomberg and Rudy pushed SAIC like a drug kingpin pushes heroin.  Why?  Rudy's deputy mayors turned lobbyists along with Liz Holtzman for SAIC.  SAIC won awards at they and sub-contractors stole CityTime. 911 even bigger. Whistle Blowers are punished.

FYI are 911 Tech contractors in my opinion over billed us and at least one in my opinion happen to work on 911 Tech Titanic.... under Bloomberg it was open season to over bill OBSCENELY --- may I use steal tax payer money instead of over bill?

CityTime close to 1 billion over billed for a hunk of junk to 2 billion 14 million NYC gov claims 2 billion 4 mill but I was told more

Google NSA SAIC Trailblazer and than NYC Gov SAIC CityTime corruption and than NYC Gov ECTP 911 Tech corruption -- the 911 Tech corruption is mind blowing....

Mayor Bloomberg's company not nyc gov got busted for allegedly spying on his clients, New Yorkers feel spied on and ask yourself why Bloomberg and Rudy pushed a drug king pin pushes heroin.....White House ambitions and more....

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Neighbors win battle over notorious tower on E. 12th St. in Homecrest as judge orders a review

Neighbors win battle over notorious tower on E. 12th St. in Homecrest as judge orders a review

Under Bloomberg the level of corrupt real estate dealings reached new heights like the little garage that was turned in to an illegal zone busting sky piercing NY Law Dorm next to the Hell's Angels but Mike Bloomberg and that evil city planner commissioner Amanda the People's Burden protected NY Law Dorm from having to remove the part of the dorm that was illegally built busting through zoning.

When Mike Bloomberg wanted Carol Post his token woman DOITT head out he got her a job at NY Law where another NYC gov crony is running the show....

get the kick backs like Cathie Black brokering a real estate deal for Mort Zuckerman and Mike Bloomberg yes unbelievable and one of her kick backs the chancellor job nyc gov schools...
Read about the real estate kick back VV but first exposed NY Observer....

so many levels to the corruption, corrupt dealings and kick backs just like supersizing busting through zoning illegally and under bloomberg higher ed reached new levels of higher greed...

Bloomberg pushed an illegal tsunami of community crushing development on Old NY's infrastructures.

Bloomberg Wolfson Stolen 3rd Term, Tax $ Stolen vs CitiShare Bikes

Bloomberg Wolfson Tax Payer Theft vs CitiShare Bike Thieves vs billions of tax dollars stolen and abused mostly tech contracts tech tax payer Titanics and over paid consultants plus a millions to pay Team Bloomberg campaign staff for kickback faux jobs to help steal third term.  Every pay check deposited by Howie is in my opinion stolen money.  Every perk Howie enjoys stolen. 

Team Bloomberg theives helped Mike steal third term -- which costs you more?

A stolen third term or NYPD arresting these thieves. 

Bloomberg breaking campaign laws and commiting perjury no arrests. 

Billions stolen abused no arrests. 

CityTime no arrests nyc gov official.  Preet said there would be arrests. 

911 our lives at risk  corruption no arrests nyc gov officials ditto 311, NYCAPS,   FDNY Wireless, NYCWiNS, Board of Education tech corruption (so many corrupt tech BOE) , Board of Elections tech corruption CityTime junior impacting election, etc. 
Two men arrested for attempting to ripoff Citi Bikes from docking station

vs Mike Bloomberg stealing tax payer money to pay his twitter boy Howie Wolfson 6 figures for an unnessecary job Howie us not qualified for.  

Bloomberg thinks they are royalty and this is the British Empire pre-The Revolution.  

Lucky Americans so apathetic or We the People would be having a 2nd one and chaining close to 17 trillion dollar debt to all corrupt politicians and biz responsible.  

ps Mike's favorite non profit Seedco stolen less than 3 million as opposed to billions from
Tech corruption.  Yippee.
Please help this youtube of me being violently assaulted may need 2nd eye surgery go viral to shame Dr Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St, Delita Hooks the Jodi Arias of medical reception desks and the corrupt NYPD involved who helped her get away with everything but murder.  

Bloomberg Wolfson Stolen 3rd Term, Tax $ Stolen vs CitiShare Bikes 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Michael Bloomberg Puff Piece WSJ Despite Looming 911 Tech Scandal

Michael Bloomberg Puff Piece WSJ Despite Looming 911 Tech Scandal

Michael Bloomberg Puff Piece WSJ Despite Looming 911 Tech 


Evolution of Mayor Bloomberg

Inauspicious Start on Campaign Trail Didn't Deter Michael Bloomberg

Michael Saul:
I am sure you are a nice man but you made a huge typo or had a tough week?

Mike Bloomberg is the emperor with no clothes and we want him to put on his clothes and resign.

If he was anyone else he would be huddled with defense attorneys but he is Teflon Mike.
He should be resigning like Nixon did who by the way worked a lot harder than Bloomberg ever did our bi-coastal mayor running NYC from his palace in Bermuda on 3 day weekends?

Mayor Bloomberg is responsible for green lighting the largest abuses EVER in NYC Gov starting with BILLIONS of tax payer dollars abused on mostly all corrupt tech contracts where Bloomberg rewarded a culture of failure and a revolving door of corruption starting with ECTP 911 Tech System orginally 1 billion dollar budget now up to 2 billion 3 million dollars and flat lines, city workers have to use pencils, you can't text 911, NYPD I hear still getting duplicate calls, CityTime again has city workers supervisors using pencils on this Tax Payer's Titanic which Rudy gave us throwing out a payroll system created by City Workers and run by city workers for a lemon that Mike Bloomberg pushed as hard as Rudy's deputy mayors turned lobbyist pushed for the lead contractor SAIC.

Maybe Rudy and Mike didn't hear about SAIC and NSA debacle called Trailblazer which was  even a bigger tax payer black hole than CityTime.

 For some reason Rose Gill Hearn, Mike's political arm went on NY1 stating CityTime works.

CityTime is destined for the dumpster yet for some reason Mike pushed CityTime like a drug king pin pushes heroin.

Than there is 311 which like 911 failed during Hurricane Sandy.   I can't even get a figure on how much 311 cost us, but Mike and Quinn/City Council approved mega millions in over-rides for NYCAPS $277 million, FDNY Wireless, NYCWiNS, Board of Election Tech Corruption out of control, Board of Ed corrupt dealings so many I can't list them, etc.

Mike Bloomberg king of outsourcing gave mega millions away to over priced consultants who like city council couldn't do the math 1 + 1 = we are being robbed....

If mike did this in his private empire he would be poverty level and homeless.

Amazing how the press continues to protect him as our lives remain at risk because of 911 Tech corruption and 911's collapse during Sandy wasn't enough of a wake-up call.  For over a year John Liu's demand for a criminal investigation in to 911 has been ignored and we get puff pieces our our King of Fraud Mike Bloomberg.

ps.  Mike Bloomberg campaign laws and allegedly he funneled money to Haggerty to election in a row.  Mike wired money illegally out of his own personal account which is illegal and commited perjury during the Haggerty Trial which is not  protected by immunity which Cy Vance had to give to all of Team Bloomberg once he learned he could not prevent Haggerty from calling them.

We learned how Mike creatively funneled money to his loyal flunkies even with faux companies as exposed by the NY Post in the case of Allison Jaffin and others paying them more than Commissioner Ray Kelly.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Leon Reid IV Put Bomb in Tompkins Square Park Howl

Leon Reid IV Put Bomb in Tompkins Square Park Howl

"It's The Bomb" is a sculpture addressing the climate of fear in America. The bomb is not an actual explosive device but it arrests all who encounter it. This statement was written by the artist Leon Reid IV.

Suzannah B. Troy says calling The Bomb Squad!

FYI:  I was an NYPD nerd and LOVED Lt. Joe Petrosino who some attribute to the origin of the creation of the NYPD Bomb Squad from the days of The Black Hand who put bombs in Garbage Cans like this but they were real.
I still love the Lt Petrosino and visit his name on the NYPD Memorial but the NYPD Det Squad and supervisors were involved in fixing me being violently assaulted even preventing me from reporting Delita Hooks, receptionist office manager filed a false cross complaint which was obvious from the assault video.  Please help this YouTube to go viral to shame Dr. Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St who did not fire Delita Hooks but paid her for her time violently attacking me nearly blinding me and the NYPD the fixed the crime as well as Internal Affairs that has been sitting on this...yesterday marked the 8 month anniversary. 

That being said I have great admiration for the NYPD Bomb Squad.

Harry Greenberg 2013 Still Alive Howl Plaque Cherry Tree

SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2013

Harry Greenberg 2013 Still Alive Visiting His Howl Plaque, Tree and Ping Pong Table

Tompkins Howl

Ghost Line Replaces CitiBank Improving the dangerous hazard CitiShare Bike Program

Bloomberg Ricin Smoke and Mirrors the 911 Tech System is Danger to New Yorkers

Bloomberg Ricin Smoke and Mirrors the 911 Tech System is Danger to New Yorkers

Interesting the timing of the Ricin and blood letters to Bloomberg and yet investigators have made no arrests......

The Ricin Letter Story could not have come at a better time for Bloomberg who's legacy is in the dumpster and instead of being exposed for his direct role in aiding and abetting even more and bigger corruption than CityTime a flawed payroll system Rudy gave us throwing out AutoTime run and created by City Workers for CityTime destined for the dumpster....well 911 Tech corruption was dubbed CityTime 2 by John Liu who called for a criminal investigation....

After one year Cy Vance has done nothing and Preet Bharara has not come in because like CityTime Preet Bharara has no interest in going back in time to the beginning where in my opinion arrogant corrupt contractors where stealing and over billing from the get go....

Contractors deny stealing/over billing on 911 but in my opinion they are lying.

The Ricin Letter Bloomberg incident -- no arrests and the timing perfect -- instead of Bloomberg excoriated on the front page of every New York Newspaper for a 2 billion 3 million dollar tax payer titanic bigger than CityTime and 311 that doesn't work properly and it was simple 1st grader math 1 + 1 = we were robbed -- come on 2 BILLION 3 million dollars for a system that keeps collapsing and a source tells me NYPD still getting duplicate calls -- come on do the math....  (read this and follow the links -- mind blowing on SAIC -- how corrupt they are -- explains a lot in my opinion why Preet refuses to go back in Time...reminder 911 tech corruption and CityTime very similar but 911 bigger yet no criminal investigation despite John Liu asking for one May 30, 2012!)

Read up on why SAIC is protected and perhaps a clue in to why Preet Bharara refuses to go back in Time and prosecute SAIC biggies as well as why Mike Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani pushed SAIC like drug king pins and why his deputy mayors turned lobbyists for SAIC -- why Liz Holtzman endorsed Christine Quinn for mayor for prevented SAIC from losing their contract by brushing aside 2 investigations brought by Tish James in to CityTime crime.

This will give you clues also as to why we can't get a criminal investigation in to ECTP the 911 Tech corruption that in my opinion started from the get go and it was a free for all of crime but we can't call 911 to report it and word on the street is it was reported to Bloomberg, Christine Quinn and Dept of Investigation by a whistle blower just like CityTime and Paul Cosgrove had also spoken up and instead of listening to him Bloomberg's people had him removed.  Cosgrove is the only one not to become a lobbyist except what's her name, Carol Post,  who in my opinion was given a soft landing at NY Law politically tied in to NYC gov so much Bloomberg and Amanda the People's Burden allowed NY Law to bust through zoning and illegally build a dorm with balconies next to the Hell's Angels in the E. Village.
Was Carol Post, ex doitt head, given a kick back of NY law job for her silence?

Carol Post's replacement "Raul" is a puppet -- he is worse than a puppet in my opinion allowing DOITT to continue to be a key part of Bloomberg rewarding a culture of failure and a revolving door of corruption along with Rose Gill Hearn.

No wonder Mike is enjoying this Ricin Letter scandal acting like a hero saying he doesn't fear danger while he continues to put New Yorkers in the worst dangers because his adminstration is like the Bernie Maddoff of NYC gov making off with our tax payer money and our communities as well as putting our lives in further jeopardy pushing Rudin Luxury condos instead of a hospital and a flawed 911 tech system the possible displacing CityTime as the largest white collar crime in NYC history!

No wonder Mike enjoying Ricin Letter attention so perfectly timed too....

I did wonder if Bloomberg sent the ricin to himself because he and his cronies are capable of anything as I know from the removal of my entire channel and now Wikipedia has deleted the page on me being censored after it was cyber vandalized and there is a short list of who would have vandalized that page but shame on Wiki for deleting and destroying evidence.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Palimpsest Plates Images of Beautiful NYC Including Grace Church

Palimpsest Plates Images of Beautiful NYC Including Grace Church, Coney Island, beautiful New Yorker and for cat lovers something special too....

Mayor Bloomberg King of Historic Tech Corruption NYC Gov Corruption Round-up!

Mayor Bloomberg King of Historic Tech Corruption NYC Gov Corruption Round-up!

The 911 tech corruption is huge bigger than citytime --- historic crime, add 311, Board of election tech corruption, many board of ed tech corrupt dealings, 311 (I can't even get the price tag on that, NYCAPS, NYWiNS, FDNY Wireless, etc.....  (all tech and mike was suppose to be great tech whiz biz man!) plus a mega fortune in consultants that over billed us as well but none could do simple math -- we were robbed....

I would love to know how much we paid Gartner Group since Mike came to office and isn't it interesting Glenn Hutchins dumped his Gartner stock...remember my YouTube when Mike Bloomberg looks in the mirror he see Glenn Hutchins?

Could you imagine a flow chart of all the tech corruption, contracts, consultants, biz deals and billionaires, cronyism, lobbyists with nyc pensions hardee har and the people hired under Bloomberg look who they are related to -- would be hilarious if it wasn't the largest frauds and thefts in NYC gov...but look who grew richer hardee har...

911 Tech corruption bigger than CityTime finally unfolding..... even Peter Vallone has figured out 1+1 = 1 billion 3 million dollar over 1 billion dollar budget we were robbed.....!!!!!!!!!!!!

CityTime Preet said there would be arrests of nyc gov officials and there are none -- no top SAIC held accountable either.....  read about NSA and SAIC's sandal bigger than citytime and Obama punished the whistleblower?   NSA SAIC insight in to why SAIC no Enron endings and no arrests....

8 months anniversary since I was violently assaulted and the NYPD fixed the crime coercing me against my will 
video close to 12,000 views but thanks to NYPD fixing and favors I was forced to drop charges or go to jail for a weekend with a bleeding eye hole in my retina, cervical damage from assault plus the corrupt detective knew I had a collapsed bladder so him wanting to inflict suffering and more pain for not dropping charges as the video proves Delita Hooks false cross complaint but he didn't go to the DA his goal to force me to drop the assault charges or spend a weekend under what the United Nations might define as torture courtesy of the NYPD in my opinion....

Pat Lynch is asking for more money for the NYPD while New Yorkers are asking for a new commission in to the NYPD and a permanent  outside monitor!!!!

Mayor Bloomberg Rudy SAIC Corruption Too Connected to Be Held Accountable NSA Obama?

Mayor Bloomberg Rudy SAIC Corruption Too Connected to Be Held Accountable NSA Obama?

Mayor Bloomberg Rudy SAIC Corruption Too Connected to Be Held Accountable NSA Obama?

Mayor Bloomberg Rudy SAIC Corruption Too Connected to Be Held Accountable
Ask SAIC for a comment on "Trailblazer"!  Scroll down to learn more about Obama punishing whistleblowers specifically on Trailblazer protecting NSA and SAIC?  (As a victim of a violent assault the NYPD fixed I have learned you got to have friends and you can get away with just about anything?)

NSA is the National Security Agency....

(Reminder after Spherion consultants were caught stealing 80 million tax payer dollars on CityTime project, mayor Mike Bloomberg came out praising SAIC and that hunk of Junk CityTime...maybe because he was having fantasies about hiring SAIC for drone spying contracts and a job as President of The White House? )
I hope Gerald Shargel and Barry Bohrer call Bloomberg and Giuliani, Rose Gill Hearn, Bill Thompson, Christine Quinn, Mark Page, Richard Valcich, Linda Gibbs (not sherlock holmes her comment on Seedco stealing priceless who was once Mazer and Bondy's boss ) etc.

As I wait for news on the SAIC derivative law suit which looks like my blog minus the typos and bad grammar..... I hope shareholders win because the Shareholders follow my lead and go back in Time which Preet Bharara refuses to do and Bharara promised us arrests of NYC Gov officials -- so far no arrests.....

Preet isn't holding top officials of SAIC accountable either....

Read the above link to learn why SAIC is not going to have an Enron ending and I make jokes about SAIC getting Pentagon bail-outs oops contracts.  We knew SAIC is stacked with retired White House and CIA folks but this post is about SAIC and NSA's relationship....

Mike and Rudy perhaps saw SAIC as key to their road to The White House and it looks like Obama is exposed protecting NSA for less than ethical behavior....?

Obama’s Crackdown on Whistleblowers and the NSA-SAIC-Trailblazer Fraud

oh go to my NYC Pop blog to read a lot more and find the link to this...
Suzannah's question -- was Project Trailblazer like SAIC's CityTime.....whoopsie?

Corporate Information
SAIC’S INTELLIGENCE NICHE. SAIC is deeply involved in the operations of all the major collection agencies, particularly the NSANGA and CIA. SAIC, for example, managed one of the NSA’s largest efforts in recent years, the $3 billion Project Trailblazer, which attempted (and failed) to create actionable intelligence from the cacophony of telephone calls, fax messages, and emails that the NSA picks up every day. Launched in 2001, Trailblazer experienced hundreds of millions of dollars in cost overruns and NSA cancelled it in 2005. (See special section below). SAIC’s Homeland Intelligence Solutions Operation unit holds contracts with the controversial Counter-Intelligence Field Activity office, now part of the DIA."