Make sure you read the above link!
Where are the arrests and law suits to get our tax payer money back?
Read the comment I doubt will make it past The New York Times Censors but great news one comment slamming Bloomberg as a failure by someone other than me got past NYTime censors!
There are so many comments slamming Bloomberg but as usual the NYTimes “highlights” some bull-loney by an outsider like Mike raping NYC tax payers outsourcing and lay-off over 1,000 city workers?
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The problem with Mayor Bloomberg is that he gives all the big contract to his friends and relatives, and he has made the New York City his family business. If a thorough inquiry is done, a lot of irregularities will come out. Anyway it is an example that how the privileged and influential class are looting the money of common Americans, and the common Americans are on the brink of starvation and going homeless.
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Since Bloomberg failed in the one task at which he was supposed to be most competent -- computerized information -- he should cover the $300 million over-budget portion from his own pocket. He probably won't, though, and will just lay off more innocent municipal workers instead.
Neil -- Mike is not offering to make up the difference on the 80 million stolen by Spherion Consultants. Mike said we would get all the money back. So far we got about 26 million back.
363 million, how many teachers, firemen, cops, sanitation men is that?
Bloomberg brought this same bull-headedness and arrogance to the NYC public schools with much the same results. Overpaid and ineffectual consultants, failed and astronomically expensive digital programs. So tired of him.
A $66 million project becomes a $363 million sinkhole under Bloomberg's regime--and with "work is far from done"?
CityTime has cost the city $740 MILLION, and is essentially the same story: "chronic mismanagement, cost overruns and rampant waste" (the Times' own words)--AND CRIMINAL charges in the CityTime case, which is by no means over, although, amazingly, it seems to have gotten swept under the rug.
$363 million, $740 million, in addition to $240 million on SAIC--not to mention $27 million to NewsCorp in a NO-BID award???? The pattern repeats OVER AND OVER, with no end in sight.
HOW can this be explained? Especially with such HUGE sums of money! Manifest incompetence combined with staggering arrogance and utter unwillingness to be transparent! And with those sums, WHAT is the role of old-style GRAFT and CORRUPTION?
At a time when teachers, cops, and firefighters are being fired, MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars are being misspent by the Bloomberg Administration. One wonder WHERE all the money is going?
And hope the Times will investigate and report.
holy cow! only in government can overruns get so large without anyone stopping to question the developers or project managers. I never liked Bloomberg, but I did expect this would be one area where he would make rapid dramatic process. This is an unbelievable failure, especially of the Mayor - how did he not step in at some point and redirect the management of this? Seems so out of character for the A-type personality that creates a billion dollar company. Stunning! The city has to be asking who is in charge?!?!