Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Billy Wiggins from South Ozone Park gives Mike Bloomberg a piece of his mind on Beautiful New York Women!!!!!
Mayor Bloomberg doesn’t need to import fashion models — America breeds the best-looking women in the world to do fashion modeling (“Mike a ‘Model’ Citizen,” Feb. 19).
The good news is that China can’t build an American woman.
Billy Wiggins, South Ozone Park
Read more:
Beautiful News Reporter and her very Sweet Camera Man -- I love the photo and I thought they were the nicest! We talked about the 2 crazy car acciden
There were two car accidents around Union Square -- thangs have gotten crazy -- behind them is the after math of a wild crazy car accident....look on the ground behind her arm -- apparently a cab driver and passenger got into an arguement and things got out of hand and the car out of control hitting a light pole. It was in the wee hours so thankfully no pedestrians were about.
I visited artist buddies and the news is the NYPD's Alpha Squad had made some recent visits and carted off people in handcuffs as if they were criminals and that is criminal.
I loved these two and I love my photo of them.
Suzannah B. Troy shouts FIRE!!! You get why there is a FDNY calendar?
I read part of the union flyer in this YouTube about Bloomberg breaking campaign laws....
My YouTube mayor hands off FDNY NYPD
NYPD Christine Quinn wants to be your mayor...
NYU refuses to put a Frieze on the side of the building to honor the memory of these young women's horrific death The Triangle Shirt Factory Tragedy
NYU the evil empire of the East Village LES where many of these young women lived owns the building and to date the Purple Reign of Terror that has mega dormed the E village refuses to put up a heart moving freize like the FDNY heroes have downtown because NYU like these young womens bosses are about greed. NYU a corrupt real estate magnate - look in to the air sale deal by the USPS to NYu over St Anns 120 e 12! Nyu as usual refuses to do right by the community and honor our history!!!
How about something like the FDNY have.....
John Sexton's actions against our communities has secured him prime real estate way down under.
The only thing John Sexton, over paid pres. of NYU not a president of academia but he is a president for a real estate entitey that uses the words "not for profit" as a tax shelter to gobble up our real estate and mass displacement of our communities and destruction of our historic buildings...
the only thing John Sexton, Mike Bloomberg and socialite mega millionaire Amanda the people's Burden have not done is provide NYU buses, trains and trolleys to move us.
NYU is the Madoff of our neighborhoods, NYU made off with our neighborhoods....
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Mike Bloomberg 6200 emails John Haggerty Cy Vance Sheekey Maura Keeney Rudy from Albany to city hall get naked!
Friday, February 25, 2011
City Hall union workers politicians protest is NYC to become Greece?
Sent from my iPhone
Copy and paste link can't set up lInk from phone
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy sets up new YouTube channel BloombergWisonsinNY
Sent from my iPhone
East Villager Funny Man given Free NYC Condom by Suzannah B. Troy -- Congratulations You have been screwed by Mike Bloomberg Mike screws Tax Payers
Charles Barron has a message for Mike Bloomberg and Andrew Cuomo - Don't make us bring Wisconsin Here
Charles Barron, Robert Jackson, Union Leaders and very large crowd City Hall sing Stop Shredding New York to the tune of New York New York
Charles Barron sends a message to Mike Bloomberg and to Albany!
Tax the rich and Mike you are not going to bust Unions.
Charles Barron heading over to speak on behalf of Unions |
Mike Bloomberg DOB Corruption NYC gov = death toll, injuries, speed of greed
How many people died or were injured under Bloomberg's reckless tsunami of development. DOB was over run and Mike had thrown out the requirement DOB commissioner have a degree in architecture or engineering.
Do I think massive corruption NYC gov, Albany and including DOB? Yes, I do think plenty in DOB people were and are on the take? In my opinion, way too many developers, landlords, contractors walk around with rolls of cash to bribe
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
NYU Trolleys and Buses hated by every community they occupy from Stuy Town down to South St. Seaport stoop the waste stop all the empty buses or at le

New Yorkers are fuming. They are sick of waiting for public transportation which is lacking only to be passed by empty NYU buses and trolleys that clog the streets. If you are going to have such a wasteful and destructive presence why not stop and pick up community members standing and waiting for transporation.
Why can't NYU students take public transportation.
The sea of empty trolleys and buses really piss people off. Ditto for seeing them parked on Broadway and Lafayette Street. NYU owns so much property park your buses and trolleys on your property rather than further congest Broadway and Lafayette Street.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Lady Gaga Slideshow by DNA & Suzannah on Gaga Madonna
Save 35 Cooper Square, Vigil Tonight and please sign the petition!
Candlelight vigil at 35 Cooper Square.
Today from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
That's all for now. Take care.
P.S. - Here's a link with more info:
Click the above link to learn more and sign the petition please.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Steve Cassidy, Mary Feagin's death, No Fire Cuts
Mary Feagin's death is tragic and so is the fact Mike Bloomberg with the help of the worst city planner in NYC history, Amanda the people's Burden pushed a reckless tsunami of development on old NY's infrastructure and as they pushed this stupid, dangerous development they shuttered fire houses. If you are going to expand you actually need MORE firehouses!!!!! Impeach Mike Bloomberg and all his socialite hires and pals who are not qualified and double dippers, some even being paid extra amounts of $ by Bloomberg.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
No! NO MORE SNOW!! 2 -4 inches heading our way if you can believe it!!!!!
For over achievers -- the part of the little snowman's smile has fallen on to the ground like tears along with a few other thangs.
9th Precinct NYPD's Rape Cop NYPost re-reports exclusive
The NY Post is re-reporting an exclusive. The NYPost also exposed the fact a female Lt. is suing the NYPD because she was called a four letter word starting with a "c".
The Deputy Inspector than De Quattro was a good guy and maybe the current guy Lehr is as well but it seems impossible to keep a handle on what their staff is doing perhaps because the precinct is so large?
There are at least 3 women that should not be carrying a badge or gun as well but this is the dark side of the NYPD -- I am a supporter but of 35,000 staff they are some serious bad apples and the NYPD has not been successful getting them out before the do major damage as well as a percent that should never ever has gotten in in the first place.
The Rape Cop was a handsome guy that looked more like a soap opera star on TV so you can't judge a book by its cover. There was heroin hidden in his locker and I always thought he might be using that to barter sexual favors. His younger partner is a disgrace and should have reported him to Internal Affairs.
The 9th Precinct's old nick name was the S/// House and the new 9th Precinct is called the Rape Precinct. The 9th has to do some major work to re-haul their image and so far they haven't. One suggestion is bringing in as many new people as possible and rotating out as many as possible like a new blood transfusion.
City of New York: Internal Affairs Bureau |
NY 10013
(212) 741-8401 Let the phone ring at least 12 times if no one picks up.
Michael Vick cancels Oprah appearance -- Doesn't want to face the victims of his evil dog concentration camp
NYPD issue a silver alert for Mr. Huang 5ft 10 inches blue base ball cap 79 years old
Saturday, February 19, 2011
East Village Yiddish Theatre now a movie theatre -- Went to see The Fighter - Photo of Star of David in ceiling
The Fighter is a good film but not a great film like The King's Speech and True Grit which comes in a close 2nd. I am Jewish so it is moving and touching to be sitting in such a beautiful space that holds history ad memories of the Yiddish theatre that once was. See the front of the building as well...I am so tired...this is the best I can do. Thanks for tuning in. Love, kisses and hugs to all that don't think I am speaking to them individually! Get it? XOXOXOXOX :)
p.s. Christian Bale losing that much weight again for a role is insane and very dangerous.
CityTime Crook hires Mafia Defense Attorney???!!! by Suzannah B. Troy
Best known as the "house counsel" to the Gambino Crime family.
Question: If true where did Mazer get the money to hire Shargel?
By the way -- are we in closer to recovering the 80 million dollars of tax payers money so far exposed as STOLEN and this was for CityTime which was suppose to prevent union workers -- low tier workers from stealing!!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy visits George Bliss and Scout at Hudson Urban Bicycles formally Hub Station + Artifactory has been added cool furniture and mirrors!
In Love with Scout who looks like the dog from The Little Rascals
![]() |
Rented a bicycle!!!!!!! The weather is beautiful -- time to come over to Charles Street by the Hudson and rent a bicycle or buy some furniture! |
Way back the 80's (mid-late) I lived across from George when he had his place on 12th Street. He had a commune and even let this homeless man Ben live there. There was Orvis his dog who was my soul mate I would take for runs and George sold furniture.
George than has a garage next to the Hells Angels....yes it was one story and than NY Law broke the law and busted through zoning and supersized way higher than legally allowed...
Than there was Cooper Union and the gas station and than George moved uptown and had to move because Columbia U. abused eminent domain. George used to protest the NYU dorms.
So great to see George and Scout!!!
The Mercer Hotel and Veteran Vendors -- News Flash
Michael Rawson is no longer with The Mercer Hotel
Michael Rawson is no longer with The Mercer Hotel.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Christine Quinn Rudin family - why she sold the people out for developer
Steve Jobs news flash on his health
Acid Graffiti East Village -- the glass can't be cleaned -- it must be replaced
Karen's Van...-- looks like 2 lines of text and the top right possibly says "Queer"
if so isn't that a hate crime?
The community are aware of hate crimes -- and my first hand experience was with "white males".
Click on the photo to see a milky text which can't be washed off. The glass itself must be replaced so when the person is caught and hopefully brought to justice, justice would include re-imbursing everyone for the damages. I don't know when Moishe's was hit.
43 and 44 St. Marks Place were hit as well and I am guessing the same time as Karen's van which I believe was sometime between Sunday and Saturday night.
Suzannah and Karen waiting for officers from the 9th Precinct. I left. It was cold.
It is 1:53PM now. I wrote this this morning and posted on my blog :" I will have photos and more information including a possible gay slur later today. I heard of at least on vechile and a bakery. It may take me time to get more info but I should have at least one photo by this afternoon."
One incident happened on St. Marks Place sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning.
Karen is a Viet Nam Era Vet meaning she did not go to Viet Nam. I believe she was stationed in Germany. She has health issues and has to visit the VA hospital often like this morning. Since a woman at the 9th Precinct turned her away the other day and appeared annoyed that Karen even bothered I made some calls and paid the 9th a visit. The 9th has a large group of police officers and some are very nice and some are not - I guess like any group.
Just by asking a few questions I had learned these acid attacks occurred before including approximately a month ago on St. Marks. I spoke to someone who said he did not bother to contact the police last month because he believed the NYPD they do not want to do the paper work. The last time he did so he had video footage of someone dumping garbage in front of his building and the NYPD did not want to be bothered. He is convinced it is a paper work issue.
p.s. I feel sorry for the good police because their pensions were mishandled and if anything they are owed money not the other way around as in having their bonuses taken from them.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sad News Jason who was evicted with his family from 47 East 3rd St. I have a series of YouTube interviews with Jason has Hodgkin's Lymphoma -- Prayer
Hope y'all had a Happy Valentine's Day.
Now to something serious. Just found
out I have H.L.D. which is Hodgkin's
Lymphoma Disease. Don't worry cause
I'm gonna look for safe ways of treating
...See More
Now to something serious. Just found
out I have H.L.D. which is Hodgkin's
Lymphoma Disease. Don't worry cause
I'm gonna look for safe ways of treating
...See More
CBS News Reporter gang sexually assaulted and savagely beaten, a group of Egyptian women and 20 soldiers saved her life
She was flown here in the USA where she is safe and recovering in a hospital.
Christine Quinn wants to help small businesses? Too little too late!
Crain's article pushing the lies for Christine Quinn -- all we need to do is use our eyes! Too little too late! The largest mass displacement push out under Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn and socialite mega-millionaire city planner Amanda the people's Burden including the push out of countless small businesses. I can't wait for a mayoral debate with her opponents -- they will tear Quinn to shreds and I wish I could put up photos of all the empty businesses as she spouts her bull-loney we New Yorkers are sick of her and Bloomberg selling like Quinn telling us we needed Mike to help us with the economy! They only helped their friends!
It is clear the millions tossed at Quinn to be mayor, so Mike can have a 4th term running NYC from the golf course have payed off with a 30 pound weight loss and speech writer but Quinn has to explain how she brushed aside to investigations in to CityTime thereby aiding and abetting the 80 million dollars stolen of tax payer money so far exposed because more will be revealed is talk on the street. Go to my blog where I will have a photo one block from St. Vincent's that says after 30 years closing! The picture underscores Quinn is all talk, too little too late and she and Bloomberg and the greedy developers donating to Quinn's mayoral run explain why we bail out banks but not hospitals and why we have no hospital in the W. Village? A gay man was bashed and rushed 2 blocks to St. Vincent's put in a coma to save his life and now under Bloomberg-Quinn we have a record no. of stores closed and hospitals. She is like Mike all spin, smoke and mirrors.
Drug Over Dose Tompkins Square Park Men's Bathroom
I took the photo but than why bothering posting it -- it is the same photo year after year. The ambulance and the NYPD car.
I heard it was a Traveller and he survived the drug over dose...
On a sweet note earlier today I saw one of the sweetest homeless men counting up change and he did not see me since he was so focused so I put a dollar bill on top of his change. He is a Charlie Sheen type minus the porn dog. He has never made a sexual remark or any rude or cruel remark. He calls me an Angel.
I went inside a story and he followed me in to give me a small box of chocolates in a heart shaped box which was really sweet. I showed him my hands were full and I couldn't take the chocolates but told him the gesture was enough and thanked him!
Metropolitan Council on Housing Tenants' Bill of Rights Law!
Please join the Metropolitan Council on Housing this Wednesday for our Press Conference to unveil the Tenants' Bill of Rights Law!
Wednesday, Feb. 16th, 2011 - 12:00 Noon Steps of City Hall in Manhattan
Subway: N/R to City Hall, 4/5/6 to Brooklyn Bridge, 2/3 to Park Pl., J to Chambers St. No RSVP required! Just show up!
The Tenants' Bill of Rights law would require that a summary of basic tenants' rights is posted in the lobby of every apartment building in New York City, and handed to every tenant along with their lease. The Metropolitan Council on Housing helped draft this legislation, and on Wednesday, the bill will be introduced into the City Council. Imagine a city where tenants are no longer taken advantage of because they don't know their basic rights. Now, help this become reality! Please join us and show your support!
Media inquiries: 212-979-6238 x200 or 646-642-0053 |
Suzannah B. Troy and NYC Gov. UNIONS
I have become involved with NYC government unions. How did this happen? A union worker saw me do my stuff outside the debate between Christine Quinn and her challengers and I filmed The Villager and NYU turning away the press including NY1 and City Hall News as well as seniors that stood on line patiently and surprise they were not Christine Quinn supporters. The Villager and NYU endorsed Quinn, Mike's mini-me.
Norman Siegel was standing by my side and I have the YouTube series on my channel Suzannahartist.
I have already set up two YouTube channels for many many of the unions who's workers spoke at two protests at City Hall.
Here are a whole bunch posted on World News
I am also asking if the NYPD and FDNY can sue re: how their pensions were handled or should I say mishandled? Just wondering...
Suzannah B. Troy and The Hulk at Dental Arts Alexander Duka West 14th Street
Here I am with the Hulk and his teeth look better mine! Dental Arts was on Fourth Avenue but they moved to 154 West 14th Street and after all these years I do see Alexander Duka who is a good dentist.
I got my teeth cleaned and because of acid reflux to protect my gums I was urged to start using tooth paste, mouth wash and even a paste to massage on my gum line to protect against erosion from the acid.
I bought the paste directly from Duka and it is called "GC MI Past Plus"
After 9-11 I developed acid reflux and other health issues but even worse health conditions have arisen from traumatic events after 9-11.
Suzannah B. Troy and The Hulk at Dental Arts Alexander Duka West 14th Street
Here I am with the Hulk and his teeth look better mine! Dental Arts was on Fourth Avenue but they moved to 154 West 14th Street and after all these years I do see Alexander Duka who is a good dentist.
I got my teeth cleaned and because of acid reflux to protect my gums I was urged to start using tooth paste, mouth wash and even a paste to massage on my gum line to protect against erosion from the acid.
I bought the paste directly from Duka and it is called "GC MI Past Plus"
After 9-11 I developed acid reflux and other health issues but even worse health conditions have arisen from traumatic events after 9-11.
9th Precinct telephone not working to well but I did get through
I had to call the 9th Precinct this morning and it rang a lot before the answering machine picked up--- not good .
I did get through and I had a chat with an NYPD detective. By the end of today it will be 3 precincts and the officer that handled the aggravated harassment complaint I filed against Lincoln Anderson, middle aged white male that involves emails (after I demanded Anderson stop contacting me) where Anderson defends an ex-employee of his a grossly obese much older white blogger (who doesn't want to be photographed especially without his shirt) that posted a photo of an African American woman topless, mid-50's, blind in one eye, mostly homeless or in jail, wrestling with mental illness and alcoholism -- high and topless.
Well after discussing new information with friends and lawyers it was decided to contact the NYPD.