May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Suzannah B. Troy and The Hulk at Dental Arts Alexander Duka West 14th Street

Here I am with the Hulk and his teeth look better mine! Dental Arts was on Fourth Avenue but they moved to 154 West 14th Street and after all these years I do see Alexander Duka who is a good dentist.

I got my teeth cleaned and because of acid reflux to protect my gums I was urged to start using tooth paste, mouth wash and even a paste to massage on my gum line to protect against erosion from the acid.

I bought the paste directly from Duka and it is called "GC MI Past Plus"

After 9-11 I developed acid reflux and other health issues but even worse health conditions have arisen from traumatic events after 9-11.