May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Kevin Sheekey Yes or No? Did You Know Mike Bloomberg was funneling money to Haggerty?

Kevin Sheekey Yes or No? Did You Know Mike Bloomberg was funneling money to Haggerty?

Was Allison Jaffin a drug mule....oops, sorry, I meant to say was Allison Jaffin a money mule -- used to help funnel money to Haggerty so Mike’s deputy mayors did not have to get their hands dirty?

Allison herself had money funneled from Mike via a dummy company of his not Bloomberg news.
Everyone with immunity -- everyone protected received $$$$ and is -- from Mike.
Ask Jaffin on the stand what she was doing for Mike that she earned 2 6 figure salaries?

Mike Bloomberg’s lawyer Martian Geller set up a company called “Midtown West” and we humble folks are just wondering out loud what for -- for funneling money? (see link above...)

Why does anyone working for Mike Bloomberg -- his private empire like Doctoroff and Sheekey or his public like Patricia Harris and than their is Allison and at least 2 other women that work for both -- 2 payroll checks.....why do they need immunity... Cy Vance said Mike did not break campaign laws but it appears he did break campaign laws and he had help and other people knowing his actions...not an island....on to himself (ha ha like Cayman’s or NYC another Island Mike wrongly thought he was king or emperor of.)

I hope Haggerty’s lawyers will ask each and every deputy mayor that question and I want Christine Quinn cross examined and the use of slush money by her and Mike Bloomberg! I know it’s me dreaming but the dirty DA Cy Vance has given them all immunity and if Quinn has to face scrutiny she will be protected as well. By the way if you are granted immunity do you get to plead the 5th? I hear they do not get to plead the 5th -- and that if they do not tell the truth -- they break their immunity and can be indicted.

I knew Mike funneled money to Haggerty! I read Aram Roston’s article that said Mike did it 2 elections in a row! Read Wayne Barrett’s piece and you know Mike’s lawyers asked you know used the word “funnel” but I call Mike Bloomberg the king of funneling money! Mike funneled a lot of money via slush aka tax payer money along with Christine Quinn, charity money and his private money...sometimes using “money mules”!

He funneled money through the Republican Party to Haggerty the election before as Aram Roston pointed out.

What Cy Vance is aiding and abetting here is criminal and again I ask who do we call to investigate a dirty DA? Who do we call to investigate US Attorney that let Christine Quinn and the slush investigation walk away after 2 years of sitting on it and Quinn leaving the spot for a watch dog empty?
Who do I call Ghost Busters.....pathetic.....and with poor and middle class being ticketed and even wrongly arrested as we have celebrities, athletes, religious leaders, city hall official get tickets fixed and perhaps the PBA does more than tickets and to date no city official arrested on CityTime, ECTP, NYCAPS, etc. and other corruption NYC gov. even when caught stealing like Karen Shaffer....just the little people.