Andy Cuomo Ray Kelly Stop and Frisk Racism NYPD Corruption A-OK?
Andrew Cuomo any comment on this post and my motion to NOT dismiss which suggests the NYPD and IAB take their lead from Kelly an NYPD Icon that took free rides on Air Bloomberg. Ray Kelly admits Bloomberg's private jet is his favorite way to travel.
Look at the front page of my lawsuit against Kelly and the head of Internal Affairs === I state the NYPD are fixing crimes like a Las Vegas Casino.
Her is Delita Hooks false cross complaint and her complaint number is included in Ray kelly, Campisi, Det John Vergona, Det Andy Dwyer's motion to dismiss but Rosemari Nam their lawyer didn't include her false criminal report but I did in my opposition to dismiss
My opposition to Kelly's lawyer's motion to dismiss -- check out the front page about how I gave Bloomberg, Kelly, SAIC, HP , the NYPD and Internal Affairs a black eye from my blog and YouTubes and they gave me the Serpico treatment -- they sent me a message to shut up -- their goal to silence me -- I was treated like a criminal by Det Vergona who committed a crime of coercion. The NYPD is focusing on Ron Kuby's letter. Ron took no money from me and did not meet me. Ron gave me the option to sue but based on my health situation which was rapidly declining from weight loss, vision problems turned out from a hole in my retina from Deilta Hooks he suggested I dropped charges. He did on Saturday Oct 20th the day I was suppose to turn myself in for false arrest --- than Monday when He learned I went to IAB and CCRB he wrote this. I agree to drop the charges against my ATTACKER if my ATTACKER drops the charges. Nothing anything unusual about that? The Worlds Greatest Detectives and Internal Affairs did not. Coercion is a crime not a policing tool. Kelly is now an icon for corruption and Stop and Frisk worse than a bad face tattoo he can't get removed
part 4 I felt beautiful the day I was assaulted. I didn't post the evidence section up to but you will see in the evidence section which I am happy to share --- I got 2 telephone calls from mayor Bloomberg's Intelligence Division NYPD bodyguards a Sgt who is a supervisor of Det Kevin Lynch who violated protocol attempting to intimidate including physically which Bloomberg's big body guards aren't shy about. The first call when I answered was a hang up and the 2nd the supervisor admitted Bloomberg's bodyguards HAVE to obey protocol. I am waiting for to hear how Kelly punished him since CCRB ruled in my favor.
When I prepared for false arrest I couldn't eat and lost weight rapidly --- now from the stress and abuses involved Dr Andrew Fagelman and his employee that savagely attacked me and the women in the video that lied blaming me and did not even ask if I was okay -- to the NYPD and Internal Affairs role in coercion as well as fixing a violent crime I have gained weight -- a lot and do not feel beautiful on top of which I can't focus on healing which should have been my number one focus and than suing Delita Hooks. I still have time to sue Dr fagelman and I really want to. Ask any director of any medical hospital is it okay to berate a patient and punch and kick them. The NYPD and IAB fixed this. Ask Ray Kelly about this. I am suing him and he is defending Det John Vergona who committed the crime of coercion. Ron Kuby's 1 sentence has the word 'attacker" twice in it to describe Delita Hooks letter. Kelly's lawyer is careful not to share Delita Hooks letter ghost written that threatens me yet again if I file assault charges.
I tried to and was turned away yet again by the First Precinct. I contacted Chief Pulaski at One Police Plaza and asked my case be moved there. NO answer. Kelly is corrupt and he in my opinion may end up in jail. All of the sudden Kelly doesn't look much better than Kerik who is still getting offers for free rides and why is that? Is it what Kerik knows?. This is my OPPOSITION to Ray Kelly and gang's lawyer trying to dismiss my case. You may want to check out the section on Economic Racism I wrote. Cuomo how about a comment on that? This is my OPPOSITION to Ray Kelly and gang's lawyer trying to dismiss my case. You may want to check out the section on Economic Racism I wrote. Cuomo how about a comment on that?