Very cool....when Bloomberg campaign out with his ad campaign I came out with my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Is Democracy for Sale posters. This book is a great idea and anyone who doesn't want Mike Bloomberg to have a 4 and 5th term from the golf course via his puppet Christine Quinn should make a pledge and support this book.
Christine Quinn and Bloomberg get off playing good cop bad cop but Quinn is in bed with Bloomberg. They made a back room deal to push through an illegal third term.
She sold-out and locked out her own district for demanding a full service trauma level one hospital.
Christine Quinn is no feminist icon. There is no rape crisis center on 12th St. in Saint Vincent's Hospital anymore because she sold out to Bill Rudin -- Rudin family greed and she had Dave Paterson who committed perjury and is guilty of witness tampering for silencing a victim of spousal abuse by best friend Dave Johnson who he kept on the payroll as the only honest workers that believe in Women's rights and are anti-violence and politicians breaking laws resigned!
Judge Judy Kaye a corrupt judge in my opinion was the political fixer judge Cuomo appointed to get Dave Perjury Paterson off the hook because of his powerful daddy Basil. Quinn's sugar daddy Mike Bloomberg and friends like Bill Rudin.
So who marries Christine Quinn but political fixer corrupt judge Judy Kaye.
I hope her other half got a pre-nup because of Quinn loses her government job her legal bills could be staggering. They already are but the tax payers have been picking up the tab!
Welcome to Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn's corrupt 3 terms -- biggest corruption ever in NYC gov history CityTime with Quinn brushing aside 2 investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James and discouraging a third and don't' forget the 911 tech system called ECTP, NYCAPS, NYWiNS, FDNY Wireless, etc. All green lighted by corrupt Christine Quinn just like the reckless stupid Tsunami of Community Crushing development.