Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Cathie Black Emails!!! Scandal Like Mike's Emails To Hag...
Rudin Profits People Die - Mantra Given to me by Occupy Wall Street Protestor

Occupy Wall Street Protestor Credit Suisse Corp. War Lords + Lobbyists, Suzannah Says Look to SAIC, Northrup Grumman NYC Gov CityTime + ECTP 911 Tech
take a peak for a hint here NYC gov. from Rudy to Mike Bloomberg.....
SAIC hit with audit Pentagon
we have the largest white collar crimes -- over billing fraud theft nyc gov
under Mike Bloomberg yet no arrests of NYC gov officials....
here I am with local 375
demanding 1 billion dollars back from SAIC as opposed to the 600 million tax payer $$$$
we forced Mike Bloomberg to ask for!
He was pushing SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin.
DOI failed us.
This went back to Feb. 2003 -- 1st whistle blower letter head of office of payroll richard valcich
re: previous year -- 2002 and this could have been true from the get go when Rudy threw out autotime created by city workers -- run by cityworkers for
CityTime and SAIC.
Why isn’t US Attorney prosecuting from as early as 2002?
Why no prosecution ECTP project and law suit to get our money back?
How about a flow chart of each gov. project -- contracts and sub-contractors with lobbyists?
Read this post -- ask for a cash register button on NYC gov and all state and gov websites to give us info on lobbyists -- what they have earned in total who they worked for in government if they did work in gov etc.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Bloomberg Sued by Christine Quinn re; Homeless! She Should Sue herself she is as gulity!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Bloomberg World AIDS Smear Date + Demand Wall St. Pay More Taxes
Just a reminder St. Vincent’s closed and Amanda the People’s Burden, mega-millionaire socialite city planner commissioner to continue on her path of aiding and abetting her fellow greedy real estate developer buddies besides the presidents of NYU, Cooper Union, NY Law mega-dorm next to Hells Angels, Columbia University -- Bloomberg Burden Scott Stringer etc. support eminent domain abuse entire neighborhood of Manhattanville so no surprise that the queen of mean with a face tighter than a ballet’s dancers posterior at age 70 is going to rule in favor of Bill Rudin....
Visit Suzannah B. Troy blog for today’s protest!!!!
scroll down to a post I did in the wee hours starting with Columbia U. evil slum scum screwing the community yet again....and work your way up to me standing outside Rudin sales office.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The NY Post Black’s Out Protests Rudin Condo Sales Office Murdoch Rudin Howard Rubenstein’s Clients -- Any Ideas Why?
Annie Karni of The NY Post:
Repeat after me, “The Rudin family are the Mother Teresa of Real Estate”
but Annie if they are -- why aren’t they leading the call for a full service hospital in the W. Village as Bill Rudin was once quoted -- on April Fool’s day 2008 stating we needed?
Annie: Will your editors fire you if you report community outrage still burns and people stand outside the sales office and protest and that Occupy Wall Street Health Care has joined us for two protests outside St. Vincent’s demanding a hospital?
Your editors black out any good the OWS does and any intelligent demands they make like demanding a hospital. We have video footage of protests outside St. Vincent’s The NY Post refused to report!
“The lack of a world-class hospital will not only jeopardize the West Side population, but also threaten New York’s future competitiveness as a city, since medical care is crucial to quality of life,” said Mr. Rudin, president of Rudin Management Company.
Did Rudin family public relations stretch the truth? Read their response to protestors.
Question a NY1 news assistant was fired for covering our protest outside Rudin Condo sales offices. He allegedly staged us the protestors which is clearly not true.
Can we have any news reporters like Annie Karni of The New York Post look in to this and call Howard Rubenstien who represents The Rudins as well as Rupert Murdoch News Corp and ask him if he has any comment of a news reporter being fired for covering a protest outside his clients sale office.
Why do the “nice” Rudin family have so $$$$ thrown the way of public relations firms?
Ditto for Rudin’s other public relations guy Travis Terry. Ask him if he has any comment on NY1 firing their news man who reporting our protest. Apparently they believed we were staged which was not true. We were distracted by a retired NYPD officer hired by Rudin to watch us. He was trying to hide his large body in a door way and photograph the NY1 camera man filming us. I confronted him. He got on the phone and made calls -- to whom? Rudin alerted his public relations firm.
Is that why The NY Post will never cover the protest and our demand for a full service hospital? Because Rubenstien and Murdoch like Mike Bloombeg are very, very close friends and Murdoch is protecting the Rudin family the way he pushed Mike Bloomberg and silenced all critics.
Ask Bill Sanderson if he has any ideas about squashing stories and why.
"Travis H. Terry, Chief Operating Officer Travis brings to Capalino+Company's clients more than a decade of hands-on experience providing strategic advice to some of New York's leading not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. Since 2002, Travis has been a senior executive at Capalino+Company, becoming its Chief Operating Officer in 2006. In this position, Travis is responsible for the firm's strategic planning and managing some of the firm's major accounts including Time Warner Cable, Rudin Management, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of the Moving Image. Among his successes at Capalino+Company include raising hundreds of millions of dollars in public sector funding for various clients and advising Related Companies on its successfully rezoning of the West Side Railyards, one of the largest rezonings in New York City history.
Prior to joining Capalino+Company, Travis worked in management consulting, advising Fortune 100 Companies on strategic planning and organizational efficiency, and in the branding and sports marketing fields. He is a graduate of CORO Leadership New York and sits on the Development Advisory Board for the Bank Street School for Children and the New York City Board of Directors for Computers for Youth, a national not-for-profit. He has also been a guest lecturer at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service and evaluated proposals for Echoing Green, a global not-for-profit that funds social entrepreneurship.
Travis holds a B.S. in Business Management and Marketing from Cornell University and lives in Forest Hills, Queens with his wife and two kids.”
James F. Capalino, Hey James Capalino -- we need a hospital. What do you and Rudin have to say about that. I see you worked for Koch. Koch’s 3rd term filled with scandal and corruption and Bloombeg’s far worse...what do you have to say about all the illegal zone busting corrupt shady deals and all for mega-rich developers. Why wasn’t St. Vincent’s given zoning protection -- that it most be zoned for a hospital only -- not luxury condos James? Any idea? Amanda the People’s Burden, mega-millionaire socialite city planner always rules for zone busting deals for her rich pals always including real estate magnates using higher ed as a tax shelter like NYU, Cooper Union, Columbia U., NY Law etc.
Note: This is such a select group of clients Howard Rubenstien represents... Murdoch, The New York Times
go through all the links in the above post until you get to a link that give you a direct piece of info on Rubenstein, Bloomberg, Murdoch and Zuckerman -- their goal to push through third term Bloomberg.... dont’ forget that Christine Quinn is their puppet girl. I remind you of this and that we must fight to make sure Quinn is not mayor. Bloomberg has done enough damage.
Hey for all you anti-Semities out there... Rupert Murdoch, Christine Quinn, Travis Terry not Jewish.
November 17, 2011 in solidarity with OWS outside St. Vincent’s blacked out by media-- gee I wonder why? Look at The NY Post today running a quote by Bloomberg blatantly lies and says Occupy Wall Street does not know what it wants.
Oct. 26, 2011 OWS joins us in front of St. Vincent’s
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Steve Jobs Gets Tree Tompkins Square Park?
The young tree center surrounded by french barricades in center of photo is dedicated to Steve Jobs.
The Girl With Dragon Tattoo East Village
Can't wait to see film but Swedish Actors the Best!!!! Noomi is Lisbeth.
Friday, November 25, 2011
The Bean Survives 3rd Street Real Estate Rape Street
The Bean real estate raped by landlord + Starbucks
3rd Street Real Estate Rape Street
NY Law Mega dorm illegal zone buster
Creepy Economakis (spelling?) mass evict long term community members while Greek shipping magnate kid could live any where --- dud he sell to himself for a dollar or something like that?
Securing Old PS 64 Charas
Letter of the week way back when -- take a look
What is not mentioned in the letter but on my blogs I am also a critic of Mike Red Square Rosen who lives in the luxury digs next door The Christadora which was a Welfare Building and the symbol of gentrification. Because The Christadora building was a welfare building in theory from the get go should have had a community facility.
I show you YouTubes of the historic police building now luxury living but with a senior center. I demanded community outreach resource centers with computers, etc in every mega dorm in the East Village, Lower East side on the John Gambling Show when I confronted mayor Bloomberg and The Villager erased my demand and honoring the memory of Filomena Silvestri who died knowing we won a mini-miracle - she and her son
's Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen would not be evicted and I gave a stirring speech at a protest in Tompkins that people still remember. The Villager endorsed Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn and NYU and developer friendly despite an occasional story other wise. Rumor has it the corrupt rag was worried I was running for political office.
Mike Rosen's Red Square looks like a prototype for what would lead to NYU- Mega dorming the E Village to death and NY Law dorm next to the Hell's Angels has balconies like Red Square with Lennin waving we believe at the community signaling what a phony Mike Bloomberg wanna be Mike Red Square Rosen is.
Other mega dorms, The New School, SVA, Cooper Union and than came zone busting luxury hotels and the dirtiest Cooper Union deals along with USPS illegal air sale to NYU 120 East 12.
By the way - I alerted activist I could get backing to buy school, repair and create a charter school but he would have to get an impressive school leader. He wasn't interested. The city so corrupt maybe it was for the best.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
CityTime Scandal Re-post Joel Bondy Testified Under Oath Tish James Lead the Call While Christine Quinn Brushed Aside Investigations in to CityTime
FYI: From Artist Suzannah B. Troy not investigative journalist ----
heard on the street...
see the above link -- Joel Bondy testified under oath -- did he commit perjury in front of City Council when Council person Tish James lead the call to investigate City Time -- Truly heroic of Tish James and with city council speaker Christine Quinn who wants to be mayor shamefully brushing investigations and discouraging a third.
Who need even a 2nd because this was simple math -- a massive rip-off.
Hello Earth to any one with a brain -- even half a brain...look at the date of Richard Valcich’s whistle blowing letter.
Look at the #$%&* date on that letter -- that letter opens the door to “possible” corruption -- disguised as SAIC coming in late -- billing or over billing for work that was below par during Rudy’s reign and reminder Rudy threw out AutoTime created and run by city workers for this piece of crap CityTime and brought in in CityTime was a LEMON from the get go!!!!! ??????? Hello?????
You know those guys on broadway -- the shell game.....hello multiple by a billion dollars -- ectp 2 bill +
SAIC who had just screwed over the FBI with their Triology System!!!!!!!!
But Rudy big fan, his best friend lobbyist SAIC, his lawyer for NY Pensions lobbyist TechnoDyne sub-contractor also ripping us off along with SAIC CityTime and Mike pushed SAIC like drug king pin pushes heroin ---- why-
eyes on The White House -- ambitions global playing field.....
p.s. last time I checked no arrests CityTime of NYC gov officials..... nothing on ECTP 911 tech system even bigger scam -- nothing nudda kiss our tax payer billions good bye with these scams and NYCAPS and plenty more tech deals including board of ed scams tech and non-tech -- biggest LARGEST WHITE collar crimes ever put please don’t pay attention and vote for Mike’s puppet Christine Quinn so we have more massive tax payer abuse and more New Yorkers falling in to poverty!
Mike Bloomberg Nanny Mayor Pepper Sprays City No Hospitals Message Drop Dead Happy Thanksgiving!
Check out image -- Mike Bloomberg’s face on the cop that pepper sprayed all the students sitting down protesting in California !!!!!!
Sign the petition! Please sign! Our Nanny mayor is concerned with 2nd hand smoke, fat but when comes to not having a hospital Mike Bloomberg’s message is drop dead!
Check out Suzannahartist’s YouTube from Yesterday -- also addresses Rudin Luxury Condo
Mayor Bloomberg NYPD Badges + Fists Press "NYT Re-Ed" Michael Powell Parody
Repeat after me: The Rudin Family are the Mother Teresa of Real Estate!
Question: If the Rudin Family are the Mother Teresa of Real Estate why don’t they help get a full service hospital.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Rupert Murdoch Exec Australia Busted Bribery
Mayor Mike Bloomberg NYPD Press Re-Ed Michael Powell Parody
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Christine Quinn gives your cash to West Side project gets campaign money
Christine Quinn gives your cash to West Side project - and gets campaign money
A celebrity-studded campaign to turn a rusting elevated rail line into a glitzy West Side park has received hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars through Council Speaker Christine Quinn.
And she's gotten a little something in return.
Officials with Friends of the High Line - the top recipient of Quinn-controlled City Council pork - have given more than $50,000 to her campaigns since 1999, records show.
More than half of the 19 board members of Friends of the High Line made contributions to Quinn and to her predecessor, Gifford Miller, who as Council speaker steered millions to the nonprofit founded by an old college chum. Employees of board members' firms kicked in, too.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Bloomberg’s Plan for World Domination + Media Too!
Bloomberg's Plan for World Domination (Newsweek) With an army of reporters and wonky information services, the media company is expanding from Wall Street to Washington, Where it hopes to control—even more. * Sheekey Outlines Plans for Bloomberg’s World Domination(NYO) * Will Bloomberg Take Over All Media? (Yes, If It Wants To) (Gawker)
NYC Tax Payers Await Justice Mega-Bucks Returned, SAIC Scandals Keep coming
Note: Mike Bloomberg pushed SAIC the way a drug king pin pushes heroin and he and Rose Gill Hearn head of Dept of Investigation - the mayor's arm - hardee har , did informercials for CityTime selling LIE it works. Rudy threw out AutoTime - a payroll time clock created and run by City Workers! Rudy and Mike -- eyes on The White House brought in SAIC. SAIC had just screwed FBI - Trilogy System as flawed as CityTime and SAIC raped tax payers!!!
Mike says SAIC give us 600 million back and I say give is a Billion x 3 RICO! Mike and SaIC want to avoid Enron ending. 1st whistle blowing letter against SAIC cityTime head of office payroll Richard Valcich Feb 2003 --- Bill Thompson and Bloomberg's name on it DOI had to know. SAIC NYC gov want a Houdini escape tax payers screwed ok vs JAIL --not 1 city gov official arrested under Mike's watch - no Enron ending and SAIC wants back in to NYC NY State contracts!!!!
Where I'd our timely trial?
Re: link up top!!
"security breach leaves almost 5 million of people open to identity theft, thousands of them living in Southern Colorado"
"In the letter, TRICARE said they work closely with a government contracted company called Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to help file their data and records. In September, a SAIC employee had the backup files stolen from his personal car."
SAIC continues to BID and ACTIVELY work on CYBER SECURITY OF US Government in LIGHT OF CITYTIME.
Is this really true, more trouble for SAIC?
Horny Men West Village Don’t Pop Viagra We Have No Hospital Just Rudin Luxury Condos
I am sick with flu like symptoms so I am taking a break from protesting until Monday of next week. This is week three.
Warning high alert to all NYPD, 6th Precinct, FDNY, construction workers, dirty old not take viagra in the West Village -- if you have a heart attack we cannot save your lives sorry -- the Rudin’s needed to get higher up on Forbes Billionaire list with luxury condos where St. Vincent’s was!
Yo dirty old men and young men, if you pop Viagra as your favorite sex toy West Village and have a heart attack you will not make to Beth Israel. Lucky for those billionaires on the upper East Side with all those hospitals.!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Nov 17 OWS Solidarity Protest Hospital Shame On Christine Quinn!!!!
Click here to see it better...the tools on the bottom of the YouTube give you options like the one to the far right lets you see it on a full screen....take a look
Safe Cafe Vivaldi Sign the Petition!
Dear New York City MoveOn member,
There is a place in New York that is one-third real and two-thirds magical, and it is about to disappear... unless we do something now.
For 30 years Caffe Vivaldi has nurtured artists writers, poets, and mostly musicians. It has a new landlord, and he wants to triple the rent. We cannot fight him; he is too strong. The only way forward is to appeal to his better side and reason with him not to snuff the life out of this cherished haven of hope and encouragement for young artists.
Our aim is to urge our landlord not to increase our rent to an amount we can never come up with for 685 square feet of space. We want to be fair to him and want him to be fair to us: All we are asking is that he charge us the fair market rent.
That's why I created a petition to Caffe Vivaldi's landlord, Steven Croman, on, which says:
Caffe Vivaldi is a cultural institution. We want your support and patronage to continue doing what we have been doing for the past 28 years; that is, providing a haven for young artists, writers, and musicians so they can continue to contribute to New York's vibrant cultural life.
Only you can help us continue our mission by granting us a lease that reflects the actual current market rent structure.
Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
–Ishrat Ansari, owner of Caffe Vivaldi
Contact: Louis Flores
New York, NY (Nov. 15, 2011) – Activists from Hands Off St. Vincent’s are proud to join #OccupyWallStreet, the labor movement, and the global movement for economic and social equality during the November 17th Day of Action in New York City.
Members of the Healthcare for the 99% Working Group from #OccupyWallStreet will join this action. Activists are undertaking their action on :
DATE : Thursday, November 17, 2011
TIME : 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
PLACE : St. Vincent’s Hospital, Seventh Avenue South and West 11th Street
At St. Vincent’s, activists will stage a SPEAK-OUT and a DIE-IN. After that, activists will march to Union Square, so that they can arrive before 3:00 p.m.
Activists want to force billionaire Bill Rudin from the Rudin Management Company to take the lead in building a Trauma Level 1, full-service hospital to replace St. Vincent’s.
Did you know that the residents of the Lower West Side of Manhattan below 57th Street have no hospital ?
Did you know that Bill Rudin wants to offer us a two-bed “hospital” in a phony health care facility ?
For more information about Hands Off St. Vincent’s, please like our page on Facebook :
For more information about the Healthcare for the 99% Working Group, please visit the blog :
Curbed Mis-Reports Rudin Family Blood Condo Protestors for fear of “Nice” Fascist Rudin Family?
Was Curbed so fearful of being crushed by the “nice” Rudin family who have no comment along with Howard Rubenstein as to why a NY1 Camera man who worked for NY1 for 6 years was fired for alleging staging protestors was fired. He did not stage us.
Special nod to NYU mega-dorming the East Village to death in this post.
@NoirHammer Agreed! Well put -- we want OWS to join us outside 120 West 12 th Street Rudin Sales office for Luxury Condos --- St. Vincent’s Hospital Rudin profits People Die and Quinn gets kick back aka compaign donations from Rudin.
She's pure garbage. I just hope the Occupy Wall Street protesters start congregating outside her home. The carriage horses and democracy can't withstand another year of this animal being in office.