May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

john Liu Blame Fat Cats for NY Pension problems Not Unions

I would prefer Liu to Christine Quinn for mayor as long as he makes sure to act down to earth and not like royalty. No more royalty acts at City Hall and sadly we have City Council and their staff -- way too many people at City Hall allegedly serving the people but just about everyone forgetting this is a democracy -- no royalty wanted in the USA, Albany or City Hall.

p.s. If you don’t know that Mike Bloomberg, Mort Zuckerman and the owner of The NY Times best pal and money manager got bust for pay to play here in NY for pensions pay to play WAKE UP.

If you haven’t read this article by Susan Edelman on how Goldman Sachs did the most lousy and expensive job handling the NYPD and FDNY’s pensions than read it because it cost of all a fortune here -- NYC tax payers and Goldman Sachs was one of many that did a lousy job and made big bucks. Some we even paid 7 figure fees that we should never have paid. Bill Thompson should not run for mayor because of this reason and because he did not shut down SAIC CityTime and guess what John Liu did preventing an obscene renewal -- a full renewal that Mike Bloomberg tried to screw the tax payers over with to continue making SAIC huge money for lousy work for a flawed system designed to make consultants rich. SAIC got a renewal but with major restrictions and they must deliver or else.