May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Friday, March 4, 2011

NYU the evil empire invader my words but Andrew Berman has an update for community members CB2 meeting Monday!

Suzannah B. Troy's new YouTube on corrupt NYU's destructive expansion John Sexton and Dave Paterson!!!!

Mike Bloomberg and Amanda the people's Burden, the worst city planner ever, may be responsible for the most mass displacement ever here since the American Indians. From Columbia U. abuse of eminent domain, to Brooklyn the Nets Stadium, Queen's Willet Point, and NYU, Cooper Union and NY Law, School of Visual Arts don't even need to abuse eminent domain to push out long term community members that made the area so attractive.

Politricks! (new word I learned from a commentor on YouTube!)

Here is Andrew Berman's email:

Dear friend,

I write to call to your attention some important upcoming hearings about NYU's development plans.

1) This Monday, March 7 at 6:30 pm NYU will present its application for changes to the landmarked Silver Towers complex to the CB 2 Landmarks Committee. We understand that this will include plans for a new dog run and playground on the property, as well as changes to the lighting. We don't have more details than that, but complete information should be provided at the meeting, taking place at the NYU Silver Bldg (bring photo ID), 32 Waverly Place (at Washington Square East), rm. 206.

Whether this is a minor change with little consequence or a major change that raises serious landmarks issues and impacts their broader plans is not yet clear. However, this hearing is just the first step in a process which will include public hearings at and a vote by the Landmarks Preservation Commission, which decides whether or not the proposed changes are approved. If you are unable to attend the meeting on Monday, GVSHP will report back on what was presented and potential next steps. Please keep in mind that approval of this application will be based upon whether or not it is considered "appropriate" in relation to the historic and architectural qualities of the complex for which it received landmark designation.

2) On Monday March 21 NYU will present information about its development plans, which must go through a lengthy public review and approval process, to CB 2's Institutions Committee. Because NYU has not yet formally submitted its plans, that process has not yet begun, but their presentation on the 21st should provide information about the time frame for their application and its content.

As always, we'll keep you informed of any new developments regarding NYU's expansion plans.


Andrew Berman

Andrew Berman

Executive Director

Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation

232 East 11th Street, New York, NY 10003