Tuesday, October 19, 2010
NYU Pure Greed the purple reign of terror
I heard NYU got booed big and bad at the community board meeting when the NYU rep told the great lie that NYU works with the community. NYU, the evil empire, is not done with it's Purple Reign of Terror. NYU mega-dormed the E. Village to death. NYU tears down our historic buildings and visit 120 East 12th St. and see the facade of St. Ann's from 1847 and the newest hideous NYU Mega-dorm that looks like it belongs in Miami Beach. NYU uses Stuy Town as student housing and it was meant to be affordable housing for NYers. NYU is now bent on destroying what light and beauty is left in the W. Village and they are going to kick Mayor LaGuardia to the curb they way they have our community removing his statue for expanded retail so it looks like Broadway and Mike Bloomberg and socialite city planner Amanda the people's Burden support the destruction of our historic neighborhood and the continued push out. When Mike Bloomberg says progress, he means get your moving van. Under his reign of terror the Village looks like a bad xerox of mid-town turning into a bad xerox of Dubai. No wonder the creepy John Sexton ran down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have a third term because no other mayor would allow this exploitative destructive expansion. If Mike Blomberg died right now John Sexton would prop us his dead body to make sure this horrific newest expansion went thru. Amazing that John Sexton and NYU can't comprehend the meaning of "NO!". It is not about higher education but clearly about higher greed and pure ruthlessness on the part of Sexton and NYU.