Bravo David on reporting this. I just wrote the Public Advocate and left a voice mail for John Liu regarding CityTime and the mega-millions in spending heading to the billion dollar mark to supposedly bring the city a techno-time clock yet seems really about filling the deep pockets of consultants many getting close to half a million if not more and there are hundreds of consultants from what I have read. There also appears to be conflicts of interests including one I can't figure out. Is Joel Bondy working at City Hall and getting paid huge bucks as well as a consultant. His ex-employee collecting a city pension I read some where got a million for consulting. I call CityTime with high priced consultants a Titanic to the tax payers as welcome as Mike Bloomberg hiring his campaign staff with 6 figure salaries after the election. No wonder he doesn't want watch dogs. He doesn't want his coming and goings and his investments tracked and again I am told he has left early Friday morning to fly to Bermuda on his public jet. I also don't understand how the pensions were so mishandled and exploited when Bloomberg had his own people on a board over seeing them and Bloomberg is suppose to be a financial whiz. His tech obsessions are the tax payers nightmare and truly we need more watch dogs not less.
Read more:
Sunday, May 30, 2010
David Seifman reports on an ex-Bloomberg Staffer that says we needs a public advocate and more!
Mike's Bermuda Trips to Cayman Island investments not forth coming +CityTime billion dollar scam to supposedly track city workers every move Mike Bloomberg "the off-shore mayor" Brooklyn Bridge Park, Governors Island to Caymans + Steve Rattner.
I wrote this in response to a comment on YouTube.
YouTube above has many links in blog posting exposing Mike Bloomberg. Mike wants to keep track of lower tier city workers with hand prints yet he sneaks out of NY, Friday morning to go to Bermuda. HIs connected consultants for CityTime, 2 who have worked for the City of NY & one I think is still employed at a very high level so that makes two jobs with no time clocks like consultants have no time clock and charge as much as 40,000 a month, one ex-city gov 1million for year
YouTube above has many links in blog posting exposing Mike Bloomberg. Mike wants to keep track of lower tier city workers with hand prints yet he sneaks out of NY, Friday morning to go to Bermuda. HIs connected consultants for CityTime, 2 who have worked for the City of NY & one I think is still employed at a very high level so that makes two jobs with no time clocks like consultants have no time clock and charge as much as 40,000 a month, one ex-city gov 1million for year
Make sure to read the blog link of mine on CityTime
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Mike Bloomberg "Off-Shore Mayor" Brooklyn Bridge Park & Governors Island to the Cayman Islands Above link part 1 Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth? An Examination of Brooklyn Bridge Park in Terms of the Politics of Development
Monday, May 24, 2010
Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth? An Examination of Brooklyn Bridge Park in Terms of the Politics of Development, Part II
Monday, May 24, 2010
Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth? An Examination of Brooklyn Bridge Park in Terms of the Politics of Development, Part III
Please take the time to read Michael's expose and for me the way Mike Bloomberg has handled real estate and this ruthless tsunami of community crushing development as reckless and stupid as what brought the implosion of Wall Street is about the mayor wanting to do what he wants unchecked.
Steve Rattner thought he could do what he wanted to do unchecked and he has been busted.
Michael Schwartz on why Henderson Music Hall home to the Marx Brothers performances must be saved! Coney Island
Friday, May 28, 2010
CityTime Mike Bloomberg's techno-fantasy, the tax payer's Titanic
I called John Liu, New York City Comptroller and a thorn in mayor Mike Bloomberg’s side because like me and so many New Yorkers, we opposed Mike Bloomberg denying us, the people of NY a referendum. This issue divided New York and seriously alienated the people so it was no surprise Mike Bloomberg barely won.
But that is not why I called and left John Liu a voice mail at City Hall here in New York City this morning at six a.m.
I called him to refer him to y new blog piece, “Mike Bloomberg’s Techno-dreams, the Tax Payer’s Titanic and WHY CITYTIME MUST NOT BE RENEWED THIS SEPTEMBER!"
You see CityTime, an Orwellian Time Clock that was suppose to save the City of New York big bucks is in fact a sham and is on it’s way to costing tax payers a billion dollars.
Why would I be writing about this now?
The renewal date for CityTime is September 2010 and CityTime must not be renewed.
In fact CityTime must be investigated. Why?
How did a program designed to save the city money go from under a hundred million dollar budget run out of control? Well for some mysterious reason CityTime needs countless consultants averaging close to half a million dollar salaries and at least one was reported to get a million and he happens to also collect a city pension.
Read my blog postings and see also how SAIC, hired to over see CityTime has scandals on a Federal level as well. I wrote this based on Ali Winston’s piece in City Limits from two years ago and an astounding series by Juan Gonzalez from The New York Daily News.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Rally in Harlem Against Racism in Arizona
The Bail Out The People Movement Urges you to Participate in 2 events united events in Harlem, a post Katrini/Rita Awareness walk and a Solidarity Rally Against Racism in Arizona THIS SATURDAY, MAY 29
While thousands march against SB1028 in Arizona
3pm, at 116st Street & Lexington Ave., In East Harlem (El Barrio, Home to a large Mexican & Immigrant Community)
For Information Call 212 633-6646
10am, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 521 West 126 St, Walk To Marcus Garvey Park (Madison Ave. between 120th & 124th St.) then to the Rally In El Barrio
For More Information about Post Katrina/Rita Awareness Walk Call: 866.264.1157 - Facebook/Post Katrina Rita Awareness Walk -
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
NY Blood Center Needs Blood donations I have a donor card some where that says "Gallons of Blood". I have donated red blood cells which is quick for me -- maybe 10 minutes. I have donated platelets sometimes giving double donations because the nurse would give me a sad song about how much they needed them and I happen to be able to give double...story of my life... Platelets took me 50 minutes to an hour...a double obviously longer. You have a needle taking your blood out and shunting it in to a washer type machine and the machine separates the blood and takes the platelets which looks yellow like straw. Here I am donating platelets. I have donated white blood cells twice. You go to the NY Blood Center you are taken to a more private section and for me it was two hours of being completely still with a needle in both arms. I am not one for sitting still. I am so proud to know I was part of a group of complete strangers have come forward to give to help complete strangers... the first a little girl with Non-Hodgkins and the 2nd time I did it for a Hispanic male in his 20's fighting lymphoma and again I am so proud especially in a city where rich people give with their check books and people that don't give, just take -- I gave -- two hours....each time and towards the end you get really really feel some vital part of your life force leaving... the kind nurse that spends two hours with you gives you blankets and warmed soft gels to hold to keep your hands warm. You can only donate white blood cells 12 times in your life and you do replenish them. I don't donate anymore. Why? My lawyers, dear friends, activists, NYPD officers, medical doctors that know about what I have endured know. It took a toll on my body. When you are traumatized your body gets flooded with adrenal and cortisol and you get stuck there --- there are all kinds of side effects and I have had plenty of them... I have been told by my MD who has been with me since my early 20's and my acupuncturist who tells me if energy is a bank account yours is on empty to not give blood but take care of me. So please donate blood because I have donated huge amounts over the years and I am just too tired and run down to do so.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Suzannah B. Troy w/Peace Keeper Nail Polish and Swedish movie Poster "The Men who hate Women" aka The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
Suzannah B. Troy with "Peace Keeper" nail polish, a company that a supports women and human rights with her Swedish Poster "The Men Who Hate Women" aka "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson
SoHo Journal picks up Suzannah B. Troy's YouTube on Teflon Mike Bloomberg and a DOB violation Database

SUNDAY, MAY 23, 2010
Soho Journal picks up Suzannah B. Troy's YouTube on Teflon Mike Bloomberg and a DOB violation Database
Soho Journal has a banner up top for that states, "read what other publications and media won’t report". . Right now there are a bunch of blog postings on Goldman Sachs and also St. Vincent’s. You may want to check the postings out.
I keep returning to Stieg Larsson’s book “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” but the real title is “The Men Who Hate Women” and the focus is misogyny, corruption from government to the Financial Sector. I’ll get back to the books and films based on Larsson’s trilogy plus one in a moment.
My YouTube on mayor Mike Bloomberg, Teflon Mike hits on corruption and a citizen that want to fight dirty landlords with a data base. this guy wants to make a database of landlords with DOB violations and sell them to banks to discourage the banks from giving them loans.
Guess who has a complete data base on all violators including landlords, developers and contractors but DOB, (the dept. of building) and ECB (environmental control board)?
Answer: The City of New York! Yes, the City has an impressive Data Base that Google might envy and for all we know Google may be “ eavesdropping” or should I say “spying” since Google is the “mega-Terabytes --Tree of knowledge”. I picked “Terabytes because it sounds like “terror bites” but Google just recently apologized for peeking into people’s personal communications so what is to stop Google from helping it’s self to any information from City gov. to helping power, um, Mike Bloomberg, teflon Mike? Mike and Google. Just a frightening thought and an aside and now back to NYC and data bases.
The City of New York has powerful data bases and an ordinary citizen came up with the idea of making his own data base of landlord violators to try and help shut them down but in theory isn’t that the job of the City of New York?
Why is it the City of New York refuses to shut down violators if they are landlords, contractors and developers? I am told their violations combined -- DOB and ECB maybe close to a billion dollars....I was told this off the record by activists and that the city doesn’t collect the mega-millions owed and refuses to shut them down.
Shutting down landlords, developers and contractors is bad for business... Hey, they have to earn a living but the peoples’ rights they violate and force to live in squalor or displace them through harassment and shady legal means that the law and very deep pockets make hiring thugs unnecessary is just fine. In NYC, often those with the deep pockets win.
The people can expect to be ticketed up to their eyeballs for every kind of parking violation imaginable. One friend told me her neighbor was screaming about get a parking ticket in Queens for parking in a legal spot.
The City of New York is suppose to serve the people of this great City but it seems to serve the people that violate and exploit this great city.
I was writing about the fourth book and posted this before The New York Times Magazine came out with their article today on Stieg Larsson but reading the article it sounds like Larsson’s father, brother and a best friend are men that hate women. They treat Larsson’s life partner, Eva Gabrielsson, like Lisabeth Sander. I have a question. Why is the fourth book on her computer?
I am glad the book is on her computer.
And also it is amazing to me that Mike Bloomberg is Teflon Mike. For me for too long it has been like watching “Being There” but is a NYC horror film and the Peter Sellars character, Chauncey Gardiner is above average intelligence Teflon far as I am concerned he stole a third term. The tsunami of community crushing development on old New York’s infrastructure a Bloomberg horror show, mass displacement and making deals and promises with Unions and community groups, the pension fund scandals including his personal friend and money manager Steve Rattner and so much more that just doesn’t seem to stick to Teflon Mike, at least not yet....
He says Jane Jacobs and I would add Mae West and Janis Joplin.

- ▼ 2010 (794)
- ▼ May (123)
- Soho Journal picks up Suzannah B. Troy's YouTube o...
- Christine Quinn Lies a new YouTube by Donny Moss a...
- Tompkins Square Park dish
- Andrew Cuomo makes it official he is running
- Girl 14 stabbed to death in Bronx Apartment
- Come to NYC if you want to stab people to death ju...
- Mike Alaska has a new song!
- Suzannah B. Troy beats out The New York Times on S...
- Crain's 80% of NYC private-sector workforce hit b...
- Bloomberg's goat sing? Stieg Larsson 4th? -- Suza...
- Karen from Love Saves the Day enjoying the beautif...
- Bloomberg's Goat my SING + Stieg Larsson's 4th boo...
- Suge Knight arrested think of Nick Broomfield's do...
- Giuseppi Logan on radio tomorrow, birthday May 22 ...
- NYC Gov Street Conditions Observation Mini Car a b...
- Demand a Hospital at St. Vincent's new blog
- Yetta Kurland - Hands Around St. Vincent's Action,...
- Suzannah B. Troy predicted Sandra Bullock would ad...
- Kelly Preston preggers at 47 yippeee
- Crain's reports another Bloomberg "head" gone
- Corrupt developers, landlords, contractors aided b...
- New York Theatre Workshop posts my review on their...
- Bail Out the People - May 19 taking action
- Cash & Carrie, Lindsey's new Lesbian Love + true c...
- Misogynist NYC not safe for women
- NYPD to get Tony Award!!!!!!
- Patricia Sexton from Wall Street to a book deal......
- YouTubeland Gaga Greyson & dish - Suzannah B. Troy...
- St. Vincent's Closed
- Beauty petals concrete jungle
- ARS NOVA Worshop Giuseppi Logan
- Suzannah B. Troy thanked by Mom of Giuseppi Logan'...
- Baby Eagles live cam
- Tompkins
- NYC comes in 2nd as lay-off capital and ABC refers...
- The Grateful Dead Archive The NY Historical Societ...
- AiDS Walk 2010 Beautiful New Yorkers making a diff...
- Pink Cosmo Interview + Janis Joplin Kim's Video, J...
- Gangs of NY facing "Cy" clone, Coney MD[s 4Million...
- NY Post man dies trying to save woman friend from...
- Reconstruction 66 Wooster Street bye bye another a...
- St. Vincent's the community needs a hospital in pl...
- Inside community meeting to get a hospital in the ...
- Oliver Stone Wall Street 2 Oscar Buzz -- Yes alrea...
- Zennie Abraham's blog Zennie 62 gets added to TMZ ...
- Google Apologizing again
- Bernard Stollman interviewed by Jaee Logan -- Suza...
- is John Sutter corrupt? John Sutter The Villager C...
- Christine Quinn has backing of Gay & Lesbian Victo...
- Lena Horne funeral huge turn out open to public up...
- NYU the evil empire continues to blot out the sun...
- What do Christine Quinn- City Council and Goldman ...
- Facebook adds security how about Google doing so w...
- Avatar to NYC politics Suzannah B. Troy round up t...
- Lawrence Taylor denies he had sex do condoms lie?
- Yetta Kurland Restore St. Vincent's Site
- jurors in Brooklyn only people in THE WORLD who do...
- Christine Quinn & City Council Double trouble
- HIP sends Suzannah B. Troy an apology, apologies a...
- Giuseppi Logan Jaee Logan sets up interview Bernar...
- 2 teens murdered in the Bronx on Mother's Day welc...
- Jim Morrison Lena Horne Lawrence Taylor - Suzannah...
- Suzannah B. Troy's health update part 2
- Part 2 of Jaee Logan's series on father son reunio...
- The New York Botanical Garden Emily Dickinson
- Debtruth1 YouTube Star won't be invited to serve o...
- Betty White 88 years young makes over flower power...
- Lena Horne a Civil Rights Activist and Icon dies
- Japanese Chin Dog
- King mayor Mike making NYC bust with the help of A...
- Suzannah B. Troy leading with an Orchid Mother's D...
- Betty White 88 years young rocks the house!!!!! re...
- Iron Man 2 review by Suzannah B. Troy major praise...
- Marlene has returned to Tompkins
- Crazy Heart YouTube review -- YouTube partnered wi...
- Brooklyn jury are the only people in the world who...
- Tompkins Square Cat and kittens rescued by City Cr...
- more photos of the famous Protest dog that show up...
- St. Vincent's Hospital Update from Yetta Kurland
- Calling 311 Mike Bloomberg mayor king of NY
- Misogyny in Public Places
- Mental Disorders 101 picks up my blog postings on ...
- Plaxico Buress shots himself in the foot metaphori...
- Might Mutts Good Souls working to help beloved ani...
- Ghandi with Yellow Flowers
- Rapist at large NYPD asking for your help!
- Staten Island Ferry Crash injuries but nothing hor...
- Goldman Sachs to create a standards committee-- ...
- NY Pension Fund settles by Crains no, I am talkin...
- Wheatgrass for cats it is good for their health pe...
- Notify NYC 46th and Broadway activity shut down
- Lawrence Taylor Blind Sided by himself -- he is ar...
- Columbia University's abuse of eminent domain stil...
- The mayor won't cut NYPD but in reality we need mo...
- Inside the little I Love NY truck, Lower East Side...
- The mayor is not going to make NYPD cuts article T...
- Email mayor Mike Bloomberg "Bloombergforlife" as h...
- Rash of windows broken, thefts Soho 1st Precinct s...
- Times Square Bomber sings, NYC holds up tin cup to...
- Let The Right One in a film review by Suzannah B. ...
- NY from terrorism to budget catastrophe + Bloomber...
- NY terrorism to catastrophic budget crisis + Mike ...
- Bomb Suspect picked up from terrorism to budget cr...
- email to mayor Bloomberg -- is Bloombergforlife - ...
- Venice Louisiana ghost town do to massive oil spil...
- Time Square Manhole Explosion day after Time Squar...
- Lance Orton and Duane Jackson Vets & Times Square ...
- Lynn Redgrave dies of breast cancer, mourned as gr...
- Suzannah and health
- Bombing Suspect Caught on Tape
- Save Coney Island stop the demolition of historic ...
- NY Pension Funds Goldman not delivering "gold" pow...
- Donny Moss activist takes on Mayor Bloomberg and h...
- Lynn, 2nd Avenue Deli, The greatest job in the wor...
- Time Square Bomb Scare & NYPD Bomb Squad history
- 1010 Wins: NYPD needs your help! Do you recognize ...
- Mike cares about banks not St. Vincent's closing d...
- St. Vincent's Shocker!!!
- Con Ed tends gas leak? right around the corner fro...
- Yetta Kurland exposes shady closing of St. Vincent...
- NYC Beats Back at Arizona post by Suzannah B. Troy...
- Two massive disasters Eco-disaster and Economic
- ▼ May (123)

- West Coast org. that helps homeless
- Tony Marciante, photographer
- Suite 303
- Save Children's Magic Garden!
- Safe rides home for Women Friday and Saturday nights
- Safe Horizon, help someone feel safe
- Rutgers Library, my one of a kind art books are in Special Collections
- Rusk where I did volunteer work with pre-school kids
- Richard Sandler's photography, also check for my review of his film that documented the beginnings of NYC becoming a shopping mall "Gods of Time Square" 1998
- review of Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen
- Read
- Queen's Crap Blog
- Punk Rock Republican
- Please Save the Hotel Pennsylvania
- Pela love their music
- PAL New York City
- Our Lady of Vilnius
- Open Washington Square Park
- NYPD Crime
- NY1 covers the infrastructure break on 2nd Avenue & 7th Street, you can see a diverse group of community members speak up including me. May 22, 2007
- New York Magazine Intelligencer neighborhood watch/my blog & East Village/women's bathrooms in TSPark
- Nancy Grace, she has great links and she has two beautiful babies. I really wish I had a law degree and babies too.
- my letter published in The Wall Street Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero" April 27, 2005
- my letter in The New York Times re: pay raises for the FDNY & NYPD, now based on the fact the starting salary for the NYPD has been lowered I think they should protest loudly to the mayor when ever possible.
- my letter in The New York Sun re: Lower East Side and yes I mention St. Ann's, luxury condos and using the term affordable housing as a trojan horse to supersize our historic area
- My letter in NY Daily News about construction deaths
- Morris Hotel Gallery
- Mike Lichter's photos are gritty and I added his biker "just married photo" to my collection
- Michael's photos of the East Village March 23, 1962-January 15, 2008 We were the same age and we loved this neighborhood passionately. Our family has roots here. Michael leaves behind his powerful photos and he touched many people. He died I believe surrounded by love.
- Lost New York City blog
- letter of the week, Village Voice to preserve "old PS 64" building
- Kat's amazing website...mystical magical artistic Kat, a star that shines in the East Village
- John Heuss House Trinity Church Outreach helping homeless
- Jefferson Siegel's photo of me at the DOB City Council Task force meeting and I am against over the top development, not development, a tsunami that was way too rapid and that includes injuries, deaths, environmental concerns and infrastrucutre plus issues like evictions, quality of life or lack of do to all the rapid construction.
- http://
- have a ball with Yamuna body rolling
- Greenwhich Village Society for Historic Preservation
- Green Guerillas
- gominyc is a earth conscious chic shop
- Fresh Air Fund for inner city kids
- Flower Power
- Farbeon - Same Ol' Paradigm - Washington Square Park NYC
- site dedicated to preserving historic PS 64 buiding
- Elliot Landy's cool photos from the '60's
- East Village News, Jim Powers
- Earth Angels NYC dog adoption
- Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn
- David Kaufman's new book on Doris Day, Virgin Books!
- David Kaufman's bio on Doris Day coming out very soon creates more buzz, here is a site dedicated to Doris Day and of course Liz Smith has mentioned the upcoming book
- Curses on the Yanks, yes I write about steriods and the real house that Babe built and real fans. Such a traumatic experience close to home about dishonesty weaved into this letter, The NY Post sports section
- Crain's published my letter NYU's Logo Dorm with a dollar bill
- City Critters, please help cats of NYC!!!
- Chirs Hodge
- Brooklyn Downtown Star on our development struggles
- Brooklyn Downtown Star on our development struggles
- Bowery Mission, after 9-11 a fireman told me how the men from the Bowery Mission walked over and sang hymns which I thought was a beautiful
- Blue Stockings Book Store
- Beth Chase Real Estate
- AM New York published my letter Jan 11, 2007 "Destroying 'old' New York" which talked about infrastructure concerns city wide and for the area by St. Ann's mega dorm 120 E 12th Street
- A City Budget, and the Cries of Pain, April 17, 2003, The New York Times, 1 of 9 of my letters published in The New York Times
- 235 East 9th Street is a health mecca for pet care
- "A Condo Grows in Brooklyn" Washington Post, read my blog post on their site

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NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent lying receptionist Delita Hooks'running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....

Blog Archive
- David Seifman reports on an ex-Bloomberg Staffer t...
- Mike's Bermuda Trips to Cayman Island investments ...
- Save Coney Island + the Boardwalk learn about how ...
- Mike Bloomberg "Off-Shore Mayor" Brooklyn Bridge P...
- Carolyn Green Garden activist from Coney Island to...
- Michael Schwartz on why Henderson Music Hall home ...
- CityTime Mike Bloomberg's techno-fantasy, the tax ...
- Rally in Harlem Against Racism in Arizona
- China community crushing development
- NY Blood Center Needs Blood donations
- Mayor gives Christine Quinn free ride on private a...
- The Google Toilet a YouTube not by me.
- Suzannah B. Troy w/Peace Keeper Nail Polish and Sw...
- SoHo Journal picks up Suzannah B. Troy's YouTube o...
- Christine Quinn Lies a new YouTube by Donny Moss a...
- Andrew Cuomo is running NY round up the good the v...
- Giuseppi Logan's birthday
- Bloomberg's Goat my SING + Stieg Larsson's 4th book
- Suge Knight arrested think of Nick Broomfield's do...
- giuseppi Logan on radio tomorrow, birthday May 22 ...
- NYC Gov Street Conditions Observation Mini Car a b...
- Yetta Kurland - Hands Around St. Vincent's Action,...
- Master Piercer Elayne Angel will be in Phili to pi...
- The New York Theatre Workshop Go see Restoration!
- Live Stream Baby Eagles
- ARS NOVA Worshop Giuseppi Logan
- Tompkins
- NYC comes in 2nd as lay-off capital and ABC refers...
- Grateful Dead The NY Historical Society - Suzanna...
- AIDS Walk 2010 Massive Turn out!
- NY Post man dies trying to save woman friend from...
- St. Vincent's the community needs a hospital in place
- Yetta Kurland activism hospital in St. Vincent's s...
- Google Apologizing again
- Bernard Stollman interviewed by Jaee Logan
- Christine Quinn has backing of Gay & Lesbian Victo...
- NYU the evil empire of the East Village continues ...
- What do Christine Quinn- City Council and Goldman ...
- facebook adds security how about Google doing so w...
- I felt the love and beauty of such a diverse group...
- Lawrence Taylor denies he had sex do condoms lie?
- Sucuzhanay trials not hate?
- 2 teens murdered in the Bronx
- Jim Morrison Lena Horne Lawrence Taylor - Suzannah...
- Giuseppi Logan Jaee Logan reunion - healing broken...
- Japanese Chin Dog
- king mayor Mike making NYC bust with the help of A...
- Suzannah B. Troy leading with an Orchid Mother's Day
- Iron Man 2 review by Suzannah B. Troy major praise...
- Marlene has returned to Tompkins
- Crazy Heart YouTube review -- YouTube partnered wi...
- Jim Morrison film "When You' re Strange" by Tom Di...
- Brooklyn jury are the only people in the world who...
- Citty Critters to the Rescue Tompkins Square Park
- calling 311 by Suzannah B. Troy NYC
- Mental Disorders 101 picks up my blog postings on ...
- Times Square Bomber sings, NYC holds up tin cup to...
- Plaxico Buress shots himself in the foot metaphori...
- Might Mutts Good Souls post by Suzannah B. Troy
- Columbia University abuse of eminent domain post b...
About Me
- Suzannah B. Troy
- Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AM New York, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned in New York Magazine Intelligencer neighborhood watch and, my art:, I have been doing a lot of press interviews some running nationally on tv for my yoga teacher's new book "Yoga Face" which I call "happy yoga" -- you feel happy, you look better and she is helping me tune into what I call the "happiness frequency". Way back when Liz Smith mentioned me and my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately! I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. I now have free podcasts of fiction and poetry in the itunes store.
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