May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mayor Mike Bloomberg SAIC Earnings Call CityTime Crime Fall-out? White ...

CityTime Scandal so far the largest White Collar Crime Ever in NYC gov. history with Mike Bloomberg who was pushing SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin being forced to ask for 600 million dollars back plus damages from SAIC which stands for Science Application International Corporation.

Reminder SAIC has an Earnings Call meeting August 31 and the big question is will the Elephant in the room be discussed meaning CityTime scandal and the fact all SAIC NYC Gov and State contracts are off because of CityTime scandal. I believe we have some SAIC employees on payroll until we can become independent or CityTime is scrapped.

I believe the waste, fraud and blatant theft involving with tech deals under Bloomberg is the largest ever and if we could tally the sum and total of over billing, wrong billing, upper management lying on their time sheets aka stealing, systems like CityTime that may be scrapped we are talking billions of tax payer dollars flushed down the toilet like Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn flushed democracy down the toilet.

Above link to what appears to be over 300 million tax payer dollars spent over budget where possible lying on time sheets, over billing may have occurred in the ECTP project also known as the 911 tech system. ECTP stands for Emergency Communication Transfer Project.

With alleged over billing, mis-spent tax payer money, contracts where the fix was in -- it seems that a lot was brokered for lack of a better word from DOITT except for CityTime which was mysteriously run through OPA office of payroll so Mark Page has a lot of questions to answer including was he pushing SAIC MTA deal along with deputy mayor Patricia Harris’s husband both appointed to the MTA board by Mike Bloomberg.

Back to DOITT. With DOITT being told “no” by John Liu for ECTP -- DOIT stand for Dept. of Information Technology and Telecommunication it is interesting that men that worked in mangement of DOITT left working for NYC gov to become lobbyists including Gino Menchini and Agostino Cangemi. Than there is Larry Knafo who left DOITT to work for Northrup Grumman who Agostino and Gino are lobbyists for on ECTP so DOITT has let our tax payer money be spent like water and than top management DOIT NYC gov leaves and seems to be involved with companies billing us obscenely on projects that are flawed.

We need the lobbyist website for Albany and City Hall to give us the sum total by a single click on how much money a lobbyist has earned but also a resume of their work at NYC gov.

By the way Larry Knafo is now listed as a director at Deutsche bank.

Verizon has I believe a lucrative contract involved in the scandal plagued ECTP 911 Tech System although all parties involved have avoided any proscecution and there have been no requests for tax payer money returned like Bloomberg was forced to do with CityTime.

Gino Menchini Agostino Cangemi ex. city workers to BIG Lobbyists 1)TechnoDyne (SAIC CityTime Now Biggest Scandal) to Northrop Grumman Connection ECTP 911 Tech System which could be EVEN Bigger Scandal 2 billion dollar fraud.

Let’s get to Verizon

"City telecom commissioner Gino Menchini said he expects more than 100 bids from different companies, who could fight for a piece of the overall contract.”

There is Gino Menchini’s name again and the rumor is from The White House on down to Albany to City Hall the fix is in on contracts in reality they are no bid contracts.....go figure.

Mike Bloomberg’s techno-dreams the tax payer’s nightmare and with the flawed 911 tech system also known as ECTP we had people die in the past showing up to the wrong place but for now it just costs way too much do to less than ethical “deals” and billing and I don’t believe the flaws have been worked out but why no arrests? Ditto for CityTime but Preet Bharara are you too over-run to prosecute the ECTP debacle.