May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mike Bloomberg SAIC CityTime Phony Huff Fluff Reality SAIC Stock drops and City Hall Cover-ups continue

Fly on the wall had it first when I heard but couldn’t get to a computer....

The press, NYC gov, SAIC cover ups but some where some how not everyone playing deaf and dumb.... unlike NYC gov and the story the media is not telling.

2 new tubes coming shortly...

The 2nd YouTube is huge and and

The 2nd YouTube is huge and and 6 and half minutes long and gets into major corruption asking who was Gerard Denault’s boss at SAIC. Where were SAIC and NYC gov’s auditors and accountants all these years along with DOI. What do Christine Quinn, Bill Thompson, Mark Page, Patricia Harris, even Patricia’s step son the head of IT and her husband appointed to the Board of the MTA along with Mark Page by Mike Bloomberg so they must have weighed in (as in pushed it for Mike who acted like SAIC was heroin and he was SAIC’s drug king pin) on the SAIC MTA deal --what do they have to say about SAIC ballooning 700 million over budget?

I get in to my video footage of deputy mayor Stephen Goldsmith his 1st morning here in NYC on the job and I film Liz Holzman standing by him. Was she standing so close to lobby for SAIC. I get in to the lobbyists.

Below the 1st tube I made today where I stop a random New Yorker and ask her if she knows about CityTime the largest white collar crime so far in NYC and under Mike Bloomberg who with Christine Quinn’s help sold the idea we needed Mike to help us with the economy. I ask Carol is Mike and Christine have helped her and the People of New York with the economy and about what she knows about CityTime.