May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

David Seifman reports on an ex-Bloomberg Staffer that says we needs a public advocate and more!

Bravo David on reporting this. I just wrote the Public Advocate and left a voice mail for John Liu regarding CityTime and the mega-millions in spending heading to the billion dollar mark to supposedly bring the city a techno-time clock yet seems really about filling the deep pockets of consultants many getting close to half a million if not more and there are hundreds of consultants from what I have read. There also appears to be conflicts of interests including one I can't figure out. Is Joel Bondy working at City Hall and getting paid huge bucks as well as a consultant. His ex-employee collecting a city pension I read some where got a million for consulting. I call CityTime with high priced consultants a Titanic to the tax payers as welcome as Mike Bloomberg hiring his campaign staff with 6 figure salaries after the election. No wonder he doesn't want watch dogs. He doesn't want his coming and goings and his investments tracked and again I am told he has left early Friday morning to fly to Bermuda on his public jet. I also don't understand how the pensions were so mishandled and exploited when Bloomberg had his own people on a board over seeing them and Bloomberg is suppose to be a financial whiz. His tech obsessions are the tax payers nightmare and truly we need more watch dogs not less.

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