May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Friday, February 17, 2017

NYPD Chief of Internal Affairs Charles Campisi Book Book of Lies

 Posted this  part about Ray Kelly under his new book (I would recommend you not buy this book -- it's full of lies and dishonesty as is he I wants (should say I once)  respected him (Kelly)  but you should know that my Dad  a World War II veteran and Scholar who also respected him died knowing that Ray Kelly  protected me being treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany by corrupt Det John Vergona of the First Precinct.

Ray Kellyis the devil incarnate like his puppet pal Charles Campisi who use  Ron Kuby's letter to pretend  the NYPD Internal Affairs did not commit crimes in my case.

 I'm confident G-d and karma will get them both like an elderly Nazi hiding out till you're 90 and then there's a knock on their door.

 They should be have to be forced to answer questions under oath about my case and others meaning we need a new commission into police corruption  that focus on internal  affairs and dirty DAs in league with them.

 Below is what I wrote about Charles Campisi's new book.)

Charles Campisi is corrupt evil and if he is working in the jail while collecting a huge  pension he doesn't deserve  at least he's in jail and that's a start. Google Dr Fagelman or Dr Fagelman assault  see a 34 second and YouTube second-degree assault intent to do bodily harm an FYI lying to the police during an open investigation is a crime as well threatening  the fixed yet Charles Campisi  protected all the crimes including the detectives lying in there DD5s aka police reports vetbally  violently threatening me refusing to meet me and lying about that, he Ray Kelly corporate counsel have been lying for years my Dad a decorated WW2 Vet and Scholar  died knowing that Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi  protected the 1st Precinct detective squad lying threatening me  doing a bait and switch to mutual third-degree assault and then no assault acting on a misogynist take climb (should read HATE CRIME)  that I believe Joe Tacopina scripted using a fake sock puppet account which I sent to detective John Vergona  and asked is this witness tampering you C word  i'll turn the tables on you I'll bury you I'll destroy you I'll see the tables turned on you if you take any legal action and that's exactly what the corrupt detective squad did -- and my Dad knew that Ray Kelly a Vet a man  he wants respected  protected the misogyny as well as the anti-Semitic  detective who would only false arrest me on the Sabbath if I didn't drop the charges I asked are you anti-Semitic false arrest the Jew on the Sabbath and he would not answer.

Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi  so protected Detective John Vergona for telling me he didn't care by two black eyes,  stop my babbling and he screamed at me you were going to drop those charges or I'm going to arrest you!

Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi's  books in their evil actions are cursed not by me but by their evil by their wrongdoing they are more than karmically challenged and what they did to me and other victims may come back to haunt them and made a fall and fall hard. May G-d  find a way to punish them away I could never conceive of.

 I'm alleging that Ray Kelly took lavish gifts flying on mayor Bloomberg's private jet and excepted free rides for him and his wife that's what we know and we know for a fact thanks to New York Daily News that Chief Charles Dowd took  lavish gifts from at least one contractor and I believe more that were grossly over billing delivering late delivering crap on a 911 tech system endangering all our lives as top cops to craft an internal affairs said hey it didn't affect the contract bidding.  I can hear more of what Internal Affairs Drugs me a post it on YouTube regarding Charles Dowd and FirstNet. 

 I testified at City Hall we need a criminal investigation into 911 and I met Chief checked out he did not want to identify himself  and tell me he was the head of technology. 

Charles Campisi  has no integrity and protects top brass who got promoted for fixing crime inspiring this phrase for me the NYPD fix climb like a Las Vegas casino and apparently there so many chiefs that happen quite let's give a short list as per the NYDN Chief Dowd, Chief Marino who also got caught taking human growth hormone and using NYPD has private security and he kidnapped Adrian Schoolcraft the whistleblower,

Charles Campisi protected of violent crime  letter which doctors office and SoHo leaving me with a hole in my retina  cervical damage and he such a sadist along with Ray Kelly and top brass and corporate counsel that they're using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend that The corrupt detectives from the 1st Precinct detective squad didn't withhold batch numbers which I don't have they did, but they didn't lied police reports which I have and they lied,  they ignored the video which shows intent to do bodily harm, they have NYPD public members notes which show my Tucker said she's going to slap the crap out of my ass and references the video but not Detective John Vergona omits bodily harm, here omits  her assaulting me with her iPhone, The keys on her wrist left defensive wounds on my forearm which he refused to see he refused to see my eye, defensive wounds he refused to meet me repeatedly he was alerted I was being harassed over and over on YouTube including a threat to bury me destroy me turn the tables on me calling me the c and  I posted police reports on YouTube I've sent them to three police commissioners Ray Kelly, Bratton taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD and James and Neil and Reznick who is a puppet like Campisi who just wants the money - Reznick  calls whistleblower NYPD cops rats and I want to ask Ray Kelly and Campisi and any police chief name one whistleblower NYPD person or one whistleblower like me who is been rewarded acknowledge respected by the NYPD or the city of New York.  You can't.

I also posted my attackers's false cross complaint which has 4500 views filed two days after me it's up calling the police precinct for one year to get one honest cop to give it to me.  I also posted my attackers pass cross complaint which has 4500 views filed two days after me it's up calling the police precinct for one year to get one honest cop to give it to me  Det John Vergona going to false arrest me using that he fabricated a mutual 3rd° assault and he could only arrest me for salt 4 PM on Saturday with the goal to humiliate and degrade me even more than he did telling me to keep my head down stay out of trouble but guess what I found out which Charles Campisi probably knows that their Facebook friends  and Det John Vergona was going to use Delita hooks  false cross complaint to false  arrest me Det John Vergona fabricated a mutual 3rd° assault and he could only arrest me for assault  4 PM on Saturday with the goal to humiliate and degrade me even more than he did telling me to keep my head down stay out of trouble but guess what I found out which Charles Campisi probably knows that their Facebook friends -  wait who's Facebook friend's?   I will get back to Facebook friends corrupt nypd detectives and PO Gene Schatz all party to coercion facebook friends.

 Well the detectives and their supervisors including Lt Angelo Burgos, Sgt Chen  hit their faces from me we didn't meet me lied about me they had like Ku Klux Klan member.  Internal fares it was a joke they forwarded my case to the integrity unit checked Lieutenant michael J  Agnese  I was told by subordinates has no supervisors refused to meet me even though IAB Sergeant Decker  said he would interview everybody and I said hey that was with the detective told me and he lied and wouldn't meet me,  I refuse to interview my doctor and her assistant I asked for help - he  he said they didn't witness the attack but in fact they did witness part of it -  do you assistant saw my attacker the receptionist office manager menacing me following me and my doctor came to me after I was attacked bleeding offered me assistance and went right to the rich doctor who's off it was it is and demanded my attacker Delita Hooks be fired.

 To lie to the police during an open investigation is a crime which certain members of the doctors office did including my attacker who also signed a letter to her NYPD fixers openly threatening me and warned me to not come back and file second-degree assault charges or she would finally get another false cross-complaint but she didn't have to worry and I'm guessing Joe Tacopina script at that stupid threatening letter to match his C word  Youtube sock puppet threat because Charles Campisi and all the Chiefs and everyone involved were never going to allow me to Report second-degree assault upgrading my crime when I finally was alerted again by that another honest Police officer almost see year later I could go report second degree assault Chief Banks and  Lieutenant Gannon backed up the supervisors at the 1st Precinct you said I cannot upgrade to second-degree assault because I'm suing me NYPD and that they don't allow you to upgrade when you're s backed up the supervisors at the 1st Precinct you said I cannot upgrade to second-degree assault because I'm suing me NYPD and that they don't allow you to upgrade when you r suing.

I have audio of Sergeant Chen refusing to come down and meet me after he had told me over the phone that I could report second-degree assault first he laughed at me and said you were the one assaulted at the doctor's!    He said don't you have a lawyer I said do I need a lawyer to report  my attackers false cross complaint.  It was a month after I was assaulted and he said no you don't need a lawyer OK you can come in and report the false cross complaint. 

 I have audio of me being turned away being lied to by NYPD PO Magori or Migori who  tells me I can't report Delita Hooks  cross complaint  because I'm not a  detective or from the DAs office which is just not true you're allowed to report a crime Professor Eterno  retired NYPD captain told me that of course I was supposed to be allowed to report that and it should've gotten my file her file and investigated

I  audio of internal affairs Sergeant  under Charles Campisi refusing evidence including Ron Kuby's letter is not what I agreed to although I'm thankful he kept me out of dangerous way I can imagine with the cops are at dance me at the precinct what else they would've fabricated maybe sexually violated me as well they're such corrupt evil dirtbags capable of anything since they did a bait and switch and than fabricated a mutual downgraded and made it all go away telling me there was no assault and Corp Counsel actually told me that I was not assaulted when the youtube had  over 400,000 views...

 So who's Facebook friends my attackers detective Andy Dwyer and Detective John Vergona and Facebook friends with  NYPD Gene Schatz  Who is the first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs for being a call a cop for the Mercer hotel and Michael Rawson  was harassed me for years including on YouTube protected by the NYPD sometimes even getting to NYPD to harass me including Schatz Who was illegally using the siren his car being threatening to me In behalf of the Mercer hotel who is using their loading  unloading as private parking  with valet service.

I even found a fake NYPD placard in a car parked there for hours as cops walked by them to ticket in elderly Korean War veteran who is dying of prostate cancer and was severely handicapped and P I even found a fake NYPD placard in a car parked there for hours as cops walk by them to ticket and elderly Korean War veteran who is dying of prostate cancer and was severely handicapped and PO Schatz use his car like a weapon with me and the dying no Korean War Vet. 

Charles Campisi and the corrupt evil detectives that he protected that were party to a gangbang of retaliation for me being a whistleblower and I'm sure misogynist terms that they've used  along with three police commissioners and Reznick and DI Ed Winski  need to answer questions under oath regarding my case and others they don't have the courage to answer questions under oath because it would be like opening up Pandora's box involving so many other crimes.

Google Eric Garner handwritten written and find my blog New York City I love you big time and read Eric in his own words  indictment on Ray Kelly in Charles Campisi  and the NYPD and they're dirty methods to retaliate target falsely arrest people I believe Eric and his account including that the cops planted drugs on him after doing a public body cavity search  in retaliation for the fact that Eric said he would sue them.

 The NYPD and internal fares either commit crimes or protect crimes and then have corporate counsel defend these crimes fully funded by the taxpayers plenty that they've already threatened or false arrested ...

 I'm pretty confident this book like Ray  Kelly's new book are both going to fail  because these guys are liars corrupt and they don't have the courage to answer me under oath regarding my case.

 Look at NYPD John Vergona's facebook page he is friends with Det Tommy Moran, PO Gene Schatz, Delita Hooks corrupt Det Andy Dwyer  and possibly my detective in her detectives partners whose faces and names and batch numbers I don't have.

 Top brass inside Internal Affairs  were and are protecting crimes the NYPD committed using Ron Kuby's letter as an excuse at one point I was told there was no criminal matter it was a medical matter and he forwarded my case to Dept Health.

 Internal Affairs Lt Fikru  said the video speaks for itself but he was not gonna have anything to do with the violence the attack the arrest he was just going to investigate Mary O'Donnell and he decided that her refusing evidence was not wrong doing. 

 I just posted new audio of me asking Internal Affairs  affairs wrongdoing and I was told Internal Affairs!

I do know this Charles Campisi  is an evil man who doesn't have the courage to answer questions about my case under oath that he is a liar corrupt and he and Ray Kelly are awful and their books are doomed to fail  and so will day however long it takes but before that happens I would like to see them all the questions under oath about my case, Eric Garner's  hand written  law suit from Riker's which got tossed out because he didn't know to update his, Adrian Schoolcraft's etc.

 I'm so glad Ray Kelly's  Book and his puppets are not gonna be on The NY Times  bestsellers list or any bestsellers list...?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

ADA Joan Illuzzi Etan Patz Dirty Dealings like The Killing Department?

ADA Joan Illuzzi Etan Patz My Case 01 Det Squad

I am confident the First Precinct Det Squad took over and made up their mind they were going to fix this they way they fixed my case.  The 7 hours of no video taping took place in New Jersey according to the article above but I believe this guy was yelled at screamed at and told he was guilty enough that he started to believe them!

ADA Joan Illuzzi

Have you seen NYPD PO Gene Schatz's FUCK you glove as his facebook profile -- that is truly what NYPD First Precinct corrupt community affairs and det squad policing is really all about.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

February 11, 2017 Cole Porter Bot for Begin the Beguine Flags this YouTube puts me through hell again and leaves me and the YouTube Alone!!!!!!!!!

Owners of Cole Porter Begin the Beguine are Leaving my Giuseppi Logan YouTube alone!

Hi Suzannahartist,
Good news! Your dispute wasn’t reviewed within 30 days, so the copyright claim on your YouTube video has now been released.
Video title: "Giuseppi Logan Historic Fans thought he was dead GL Lost and Found"
- The YouTube Team

owners have released me

Mega rich corporations back down on their copy right challange! Listening to GL play Begjn the Beguine makes me want to cry.  I removed Begin the Beguine from the title -- 2nd time big corpartions that own the song have but me through hell only to have their lawyers (vs their bots )   actually take a look at the YouTub e  

So moving to watch the YouTube and now this video is safe!

 I am so exhausted ongoing traumatized insomnia stress from a savage assault from Dr Andrew Fagelman  Who is just fine with his violent lying receptionist office manager punching a hole in my retina after repeatedly violating my patient rights she damage my vision  and I had to get laser surgery and she jerked my head back over and over I live with excruciating pain in my neck and I have a ton of floaters from her jerking my head over and over analyze I can't tell you so FYI
Please google Dr Fagelman assault. He did not fire her he didn't have her arrested he participated in lies and blaming me the victim and it was OK to Violet my patient rights and there's even more which I'm not gonna say right now but I'm traumatize out of my mind the last thing I needed was to deal with the second challenge from this corporation  that own Cole Porter's music!!!!

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 This is the second time I bought has found this and flags me and put me through hell and back so much so I took out Begin the Beguine  from the title I really couldn't believe it that they flag me again two years later I really wish I had the freedom to put the title as it originally was it's been written up in a jazz book the New York Times and even more powerful article  and now defunct music magazine  Called Signal to Noise  but with the ongoing stress I had to change the title for my own peace of mind that I hope they are bought and then will leave me alone now forever 

 I could've spent time with Guiseppi Logan  and instead I have to spend time with lawyers and pro se as well I have two different lawsuits going to city the NYPD lying and Guiseppi New about the violent attack and said he'd indoor things like that as well living out in the street
Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, and James O'Neill have protected misogynist Hate Crimes threats a savage just saw lying and police reports wasting my time with years of evil protected by Internal Affairs Drugs sheaves goo wasting my time with years of evil protected by Internal Affairs Chiefs  so I think god this famous his stork video that reunited Joe also known as Giuseppi Logan  is now safe I actually tried to copy it on my new computer and I downloaded a major virus I just don't need this added stress and I know that my work inspired to Canadian crew to come down in film him and he is safe in a beautiful wonderful nursing home where they love him

 How many people have filmed him because of my work and you know what's even more touching people have come and visited him because of my YouTube's of me asking people please come visit him and they did bless their souls bless her beautiful hearts !!!!

 I was in the subway and I was announcing how I've been savagely attacked in the NYPD's role and a young gentle handsome African-American man said I know you I watch your YouTube's and I visited   Guiseppi Logan!!!!    I would write notes and I would ask people on the YouTube please go visit please go visit and they have or they write him bless them!

 Nursing home where he is is so proud of him and they take such great care of him!!!!
@SpikeLee Giuseppi Logan Begin the Beguine owners Sacem Tesosto_CS, PEDL threaten removal racism or stupid bot? — Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) January 12, 2017