May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly IAB Chief Campisi fixing like NYPD Ramos for Dr Andrew Fagelman's Delita Hooks Why No arrest 1 year just fixing

I have the criminal complaint which is even more proof that Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint and Tuesday marks one year that the NYPD and Internal Affairs fixed this for Dr Andrew Fagelman's so the question is who made the call to whom, actually they had to be a series of phone calls to fix this. I caught a retired NYPD commander trying to fix a ticket for billionaire Bill Rudin flunkie by St. V Hospital so this was fixed like Ramos Trial NYPD fixing so no arrest.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg Scandal Judge Daniels Recuse Yourself CityTime Trial?

I was going to tell you what Gerald Shargel should ask Bloomberg under oath but now I tell you in a 14 minute + YouTube why Judge Daniels must recuse himself if he is afraid of circuses because this is about Justice.

Just the Richard Valcich letter alone is enough to validate calling Bloomberg as well as his press conference after Mazer is arrested.

This is Haggerty Trial part 2.   In my opinion Judge Daniels and Preet Bharara are protecting Mike Bloomberg.

Mike Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn, Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayors turned lobbyists as well as top SAIC officials need to be called because in my opinion there was a whole lot of stealing going on before Mazer the Momzer and Denault were even hired and than look at 911 Tech corruption direct parallels to  CityTime no Mazer the Momzer and Denault, ditto all the other tech over runs...listen up.

Note: Like the Adrian Schoolcraft trial when ever that finally happens -- which will be the closest we get under Bloomberg to hold the NYPD and Internal Affairs accountable for corruption and abuses -- the CityTime trial for now (later the 911 tech trial) is the closest we get to holding Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg, Quinn and even Thompson accountable.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg Subpoena CityTime Trial Haggetry Trial Part 2 Immunity and Testilying!

Mayor Bloomberg Subpoena CityTime Trial Haggery Trial Part 2

I called this over a year ago!!!!!!!   I love you Shargel!!!!
Mayor Bloomberg and Team Bloomberg suffered amnesia!!!!!!!
Mike Bloomberg king Mike deposed and he commited perjury.  Preet has to give immunity to Bloomberg Team Bloomberg like Cy Vance did -- a sitting mayor who won't wave immunity and his Team  Bloomberg didn't.
Christine Quinn Term Limits Dr King  3.7M Stop Frisk
PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS TAPE AND HEAR DEPUTY CHIEF MARINO FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury -- because it was a sure indictment. (starts about 17:50 minutes in to the podcast.)

This interview AMAZING AND VERY DISTURBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Listen to the part about down grading rape -- they even have on tape the NYPD raiding his home with SWAT team and tasers."

NYPD Tapes Schoolcraft Book NYPD Internal Affairs Fixed my Case2

Mayor Bloomberg Subpoena CityTime Trial Haggerty Trial Part 2  Immunity and Testilying!

Mayor Bloomberg NYPD Ray Kelly Adrian Schoolcraft Trial 911 CityTime  

I also have medical reports and photos before and after including defensive wounds and I never put down my 2 bags on my left shoulder my left arm numb from 2 injections to remove a cyst or my iphone.

In my opinion Dr Fagelman's violent receptionist Delita Hooks also submitted a false medical report and the corrupt Detectives sealed up all her criminal actions with their own.

Monday, September 23, 2013

When Mosaic Man Broke His Hip I Picked up Jesse Jane Not the Porn Star and Elsa and Clayton Took Jesse Jane in

I paid for Jim to be transferred to the Manhattan VA hospital and hired a car for me to take Jesse Jane to the East Village and first got her bathed and groomed before Clayton and Elsa Patterson (yes they are now married) generously took Jesse Jane in.

I would take her for walks especially the dog run which she loved so much.

How were we repaid.....   I was working on finishing the Mayor Bloomberg King of New York when I started getting cuckoo phone calls from the Hospital and they weren't filled with gratitude.

(How could my little painting turned in to a political poster lampooning Mike and the fact Democracy is for sale which I gave away FREE to everyone possible be as important as Jim's grand plans he had telephoned me from the VA hospital about?)

It went from bad to worse and we were all --- well if you know about him you know what happen...

same old story...

what a shock to see our names and I said Elsa you name isn't up there!

My name was always there ---- someone stole my Vincent Van Gogh piece Jim glued in there years ago but that's NYC.

When Mosaic Man Broke His Hip I Picked up Jesse Jane Not the Porn Star and Elsa and Clayton Took Jesse Jane in

Bill De Blasio go back to Dante because new YouTube not half as good

Bill De Blasio go back to Dante because new YouTube not half as good

I am voting for Bill De Blasio but this YouTube isn't half as good as the Dante video. FYI Melissa Viverito and her family sold 3 hospital making hundreds of millions of dollars and she obtained a townhouse claiming she earns under 77,000 when she is fabulously rich. The actors in this YouTube very rich and the one w/ the Scottish Accent is pro community crushing development E. Village so he is a phony. Melissa voted for Rudin Condos not a hospital. Bill go back to Dante. He is real!

I am voting for Bill but how many millionaires has he jammed back this video with and Russell Simmons is mega millionaire who could feed every poverty New Yorker in need for many years without having to miss a yoga class or suffer a lapse in luxury. Most New Yorkers can't imagine the luxuries the celebs in this video enjoy

CityTime Crime Trial Tomorrow Preet Bharara Teflon Treatment SAIC Snatch Time

CityTime Crime Trial Tomorrow Preet Bharara Teflon Treatment SAIC  Snatch Mode

Pre_trial tomorrow --- trial but pre-mode -- like heavy petting before the sex but all part of the trial right?

Contract squabbles heat up for SAIC as CityTime Pretrial starts tomorrow. CityTime curse continues as snatch technique backfires. 

  1. 1.
    quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way.
    "she snatched a cookie from the plate"
    synonyms:grabseize, take hold of, get one's hands on, takepluck;
    grasp at,clutch at
    "she snatched the sandwich"

"Wyle Fires Back at SAIC in Latest Salvo over Billion-dollar Space Medicine Contract"

"WASHINGTON — After SAIC of McLean, Va., snatched more than $1 billion in NASA business away from Wyle Laboratories in August following a successful bid protest, Wyle hit back Sept. 3 with a protest of its own, asking the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to review Johnson Space Center’s awarding of the agency’s main space medicine contract."

  1. 1.
    quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way.
    "she snatched a cookie from the plate"
    synonyms:grabseize, take hold of, get one's hands on, takepluck;
    grasp at,clutch at
    "she snatched the sandwich"

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Vote for Tish James for Public Advocate

Dan Squadron has ignored my requests for help re: evil corrupt slum lord developer -- this one has a 2 million dollar home on Staten Island that is not in violation of how many DOB regulations but for $ome reason DOB doesn't seem to care...

Dan Squadron and NY Public Libraries....?

Dan I asked for your help for Veteran and Artist Vendors in Soho being harassed by the Economic Racists of Soho that have the NYPD wrapped around their fingers and you didn't help.

I asked for you help when I was savagely attacked at Dr Andrew Fagelman's in Soho and the NYPD and Internal Affairs fixed it for Dr Fagelman's office and Delita Hooks is violent lying receptionist and office manager the Jodi Arias of medical reception and the NYPD helped her get away with everything but murder.

The Public Advocate did respond to me and called Internal Affairs who lied to them and me stating the case is open when in fact the case is closed.   IAB says the case is open because IAB links any new complaints to the first one against Det John Vergona.  The corrupt Detectives at the First Precinct SEALED Delita Hooks false cross complaint to bury her crimes with their own coercion.

In my opinion Dan Squadron is a coward who caters to the rich in NYC at the expense of the poor unless there is a good face time publicity pay-off.

NYPD and medical doctors like Richard Lucente....for those who don't know --- just like NYPD PBA fixing and favors it isn't a big problem hardee har...
Feds Internal Affairs Dr. Richard Lucente When MD's deal to NYPD and where the MD now?
He has a better rating than Dr Andrew a Fagelman!!!!
ps  I am the 2nd 911 Tech Corruption Whistle Blower to fall victim to the NYPD First Precinct Detective Squad creative policing aka corrupt policing fixing and favors the goal to shut down whistle blowers on corruption.

NYPD and Internal Affairs caught fixing crime for Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent receptionist and office manager Delita Hooks aka "Delite".

I also have medical reports and photos before and after including defensive wounds and I never put down my 2 bags on my left shoulder my left arm numb from 2 injections to remove a cyst or my iphone.

In my opinion Dr Fagelman's violent receptionist Delita Hooks also submitted a false medical report and the corrupt Detectives sealed up all her criminal actions with their own.

Video exposes NYPD brutalizing students in protest against Petraeus’ professorship

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly any comment?

The only thing that could help these guys legacy is a Terrorist Attack. 

Video exposes NYPD brutalizing students in protest against Petraeus’ professorship

Monday, September 16, 2013


Mayor Bloomberg's 1 percent is a gated community with their own private military that wears NO IDENTIFICATION with Deutche  Bank leading the way so if one DB private security abuses anyone they can't be identified like the NYPD who I have video of them mocking specifically because the NYPD are some what accountable.   I have a video series that lead up to the NY Times doing an article although of course the invisible woman I was not acknowledged.
No ID private Police 

Look at these ex US soldiers with nothing identifying who they are or even that they work for DB.

Learn how I learned about Deutsche Banks direct role with the Nazis in mass murder and stealing our money and funding IG Farben as well as funding Dr Mengle.

Deutsche Bank Auschwitz Scream past to Now 3:24 DB Nazi Cheerleader? via @youtube

Deutsche Bank returns to it's Nazi roots re-creating the early stages of Nazi Germany outside their bank and in a Public Area given to them by the City of New York!!!!!

Deutsche Bank should be paying a hell of a lot more money to survivors that need assistants and DB along with all guilty Nazi's don't want to distinguish between those experimented by Dr Mengle and his pals and those designated as "slaves" all give paltry money.

Sent from my iPhone

Will The NY Times Ban Suzannah Troy Again on DB Article Part 2 The NY Time banned all 5 attempts at me "sharing my thoughts" on having been made to remove signs and art demanding a hospital in The West Village by Deutsche Bank security so here I go again. Thanks and gratitude to Norman Siegel and Howard Teitelbaum for writing a letter to DB and NYPD lawyers on OWS and my behalf. Norman included a video I sent him in his powerfully written letter which is a must read. (I did not write DBhas security tapes to prove what liars they are but what do you expect from Nazis that financed Auschwitz mass murder and profited from theft including Jewish gold. DB still big liars unwillingly to take responsibility.) I should clarify DB made me remove sign and art from my body!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Christine Quinn is not an Adult so Blame Bloomberg and her Gender!

Christine Quinn is not an Adult so Blame Bloomberg and her Gender!

I warned you all that the media like Wall St would not learn their lesson and remain as arrogant as ever selling lies that none of us believe.

Christine Quinn is an adult.   She made choices.  Mike Bloomberg did not hold a gun to her head when she lied to us at a meeting at City Hall and I brought Norman Siegel and community members.

Norman asked how are you going to vote tomorrow?  Christine Quinn said I don't know.

She did not know after 2 years how she is going to vote?  She voted for Rudin Luxury Condos, not a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS CARE.

Mike Bloomberg was not in the room holding up a gun.

She also lied to my face about what I said.   She disparaged me stating I called her fat.  I wanted to fight to get a hospital so I ignored her.    I said you lost weight but you are still a big fat liar.  I just sat there and listened to her lie and lie and all these years The New York Times, NYDN, and the NY Post most backed up her lies and finally endorsed her and today come out selling more lies.

Christine Quinn did not lose because she is gay....She did not lose because of her gender.  She did not lose because People associated her with Mike Bloomberg but because she lied to us, she made corrupt deals selling us out over and over and what thought we did not notice just like the arrogant newspapers now blame Bloomberg...

Mike Bloomberg did not hold a gun to her head.

Unless The New York Times think she is some how not an adult and handicapped last time The People checked Christine Quinn made the choice to act as Mike Bloomberg's deputy mayor;  Quinn made the choice to act as Mike's mini-me and enjoyed her status along with Pat Harris as the other little emperors of NYC.

Blame it on anything you want but Quinn has herself to blame and the media that backed her like Wall St has proven today they have learned nothing.

This is more than a disconnect.   The media's role protecting Bloomberg and Quinn for their corrupt dealings involving real estate and 911 the short list is criminal.

You all haven't read about me being savagedly assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman's and the NYPD and Internal Affairs fixed the violent crime -- the YouTube is 140 views away from 16,000 views and the lawsuit against the City of NY, NYPD and IAB has over 1,000 views on not news?

Everyone wants to go to the doctors and feel safe yet I was violated over and over and walked out with far more serious damage to my retina from a running punch by Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman's receptionist office manager.

For editors of the news desk to kill this story --- you have to be really monsterous people --- under Mike Bloomberg's reign I have been treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany.

Watch the video and ask why wasn't she arrested?  Why did the NYPD met with my violent lying attacker but repeatedly refused to meet with me to see the bleeding to my eye, damage to my neck and defensive wounds to my eye.  Everyone agrees that this violent crime was fixed and everyone says what a story and agrees shocking because it happened at a doctor's office.

On the front page of my lawsuit you see this --- the tale of Two Cities....

Bill De Blasio got that right and The NY Times, the NYDN, The NY Post coming out today even The Wall St Journal pretending St Vincent's Hospital turned in to Rudin Condos played no role in Quinn's entire district just like the same papers not covering the savage attack shows you the media is part of the tale of 2 Cities.

Click on image to see larger 

Click on it and see The NY Post's article on DOT commissioner getting special treatment by the NYPD and FYI an honest cop sick of NYPD corruption fixing and favors had to have been the source vs my quote on NYPD fixing stats / crime like a Las Vegas Casino.

I am not allowed to meet with the NYPD and the NYPD seal my savage attackers false cross complaint, her false medical report because FYI I barely touched her defending myself and my arm was numb, and I never put down 2 bags 1 heavy and my phone as she whaled away at me continually ignoring the women in the video who lied for her and blamed me but I have the video proving they are liars.  See those women -- not one of them asked me are you okay? and they work at a medical office and this is not news?  They were not fired.  Delita Hooks was not arrested.

Tale of Two Cities.    The media continues to sell lies and we will respond at the voting booth to say we do not buy your lies.  Why do we even buy you papers or tune in to news channels selling lies and killing news?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Arrogance of Bloomberg Wall St real estate greedand Media lose Bill DeBlasio wins!

Arrogance of Bloomberg Wall St real estate greedand Media lose Bill DeBlasio wins

IBill De Blasio wins!!!!!!

Huge Victory sending a message no more Bloomberg!!!!  No more Kelly. 
Kelly leaves with NYPD brand at the newest low since Mollen Commission. 

Only a terrorist attack could help Bloomberg and Kelly's legacy after they exit but their 911 system will collapse so they leave us their nightmare and the lie the system works.  Quinn won't be there to protect all of their roles in 911 tech corruption the largest corruption in nyc gov history!!! Stringer will do his best to protect and hide 911 crime like Cy Vance.  So glad hynes is gone. 

Bad news  Stringer Bloomberg Quinn puppet and back room dealer who belongs in jail
along with them with no qualifications who can't do his own taxes wins -- that is sicko worse than Spitzer wins.  Scott Stringer far sicker and less intelligent and backer an illegal third term
NO Trauma Level 1 Hospital and every evil real estate deal to harm our communities possible.  

Stringer will protect Bloomberg Quinn for 911 tech corruption and try to cover it up but he will be voted out in 4 years. 

Spitzer should call for a re-count. 

Beyond on thrilled Vito Lopez lost.  I am
worried for those kittens possibly in far worse danger than the 2 on subway tracks.  A know it all told me wrongly Lopez would win. 

The NY Times The NY Post The NYDN Christine Quinn The Oligarchs of NY taught a lesson but they are too greedy and stupid to learn. 

FYI if Bloomberg is approved of why not vote for his puppet Quinn? Bloomberg Quinn lied and lied along with Scott Stringer and the press sold their lives protected their corrupt dealings and Christine Quinn lost.  

I had my twitter account suspended perhaps Carolyn Ryan and her evil groupie were behind it but what ever karma eventually gets served.  

The NY Times continues to alienate People and silence them along with Bloomberg and other media acting as a block and tonight a clue they are not going to get away with it. 

The NY Times with Carolyn Ryan acting as a publicist cheerleader thought they could shove Quinn down or throats despite her selling out her entire community NO HOSPITAL and as I said despite the NYT silencing the opposition along with NYDN, NY1, and NY Post  Quinn lost. 

Hynes losing a true Joe.  I don't think he will learn his lesson and now give me the Interview he should have for NYPD hero Joe Sanchez The Hispanic Serpico.  

Charles Hynes reaches career end in bitter campaign. Too many bad prosecutions, and never a word of apology or remorse.

Joe and I will ask mayor De Blasio
for an honorary re-instatement for Joe
framed by corrupt Internal Affairs officers

So glad Dan Squadron did not win.  He never helped me so I will vote against him. 

I will vote for Tish James.  

I hope Steve Levin lost.  

High point huge victory for Bill De Blasio!

Huge loss Scott Stringer an evil Bloomberg Quinn puppet who passes himself off as a nice guy who lives high off ny tax payer $$$$ and every perk he can squeeze so worst comptroller ever in nyc history.  

Quinn will have to pay her own legal bills for a change.  Even with Stringer protecting her and Bloomberg as comptroller they are all guilty CityTime and 911 oh and Board of Election Tech corruption.  Quinn's legal bills could be staggering even with Cy Vance Preet Bharara Teflonization.  Quinn may have to use a subway for the first time in a long time. 

The NYPD were sent a message tonight and include me because I caught the NYPD and IAB fixing me being savagely attacked and seriously harmed at Dr Andrew Fagelman's by Delita Hooks his receptionist office manager.
The mantra The NYPD are out of control. 

Will De Blasio get us a Commission into NYPD and IAB corruption?

Eliot Spitzer demand a recount. 

Sept 11 St Vincent's Hospital Was Open but in Jim Dwyer's World Kissing Quinn's Tucas is The Issue

Sept 11 St Vincent's Hospital Was Open but in Jim Dwyer's World Kissing Quinn's Tucas is The Issue

To The Editor and Public Editor:

Dwyer doesn't even bother referencing St Vincent's Hospital and the deaths including Mark Carson's Quinn very own LGBT hate crime.

Her own district voted against her but for Jim Dwyer Hospitals aren't an issue apparently.

Shocking k a piece.

Did Carolyn Ryan right this
and Jim Dwyer put his name on it?

Dwyer's last piece on Bloomberg pretended Bloomberg and Quinn didn't push thru a billion dollar over-run on a 2 billion 4 million 911 Tax Payer Titanic that doesn't work properly and CityTime, Board of Ed and Election Tech Corruption, NYCAPS, etc didn't happen as Dwyer praised Bloomberg at length. 

If we had a Terror Attack today the 911 Tech system would collapse.
Sent from my iPhone

9-11 SAIC Investors NYC Omen and Preet CityTime Crime to Cough or not to Cough?

9-11 SAIC Investors NYC Omen and Preet CityTime Crime to Cough or not to Cough?

9-11 SAIC Investors NYC Omen 
and Preet CityTime Crime to 
Cough or not to Cough?

CityTime Crime Preet won't go back 
in Time

Preet working over time 
to protect
Bloomberg Team Bloomberg Christine Quinn and Rose Gill Hearn = Preet's
Teflon list add SAIC top officials. 

Preet time to indict more People????

Rudy, Mike, Rose Gill Hearn, Christne Quinn, Bill Thompson, Mark Page
to be deposed?  

No word yet on Barry Bohrer  motion to identify denault co-conspirators. And other motions to detail specifics of inflated bill rates. That's odd,
 trial just weeks away. 

Maybe Bohrer is right and the government must
cough   up more names  on the "maybe to be indicted list"?

9-11 Investor Day on Leidos. SAIC holds breakfast at the Waldorf

How tragic SAIC Investor date 9-11
for NYC meeting

Sept 11 Tragic Day A Reminder Bloomberg Quinn Wall St Arrogance Won't Learn

Sept 11 Tragic Day A Reminder Bloomberg Quinn Wall St Arrogance Won't Learn

Sept 11 Tragic Day A Reminder 
Bloomberg Quinn Wall St Arrogance 
Won't Learn

Suzannah B. Troy artist: Arrogance of Bloomberg Quinn Oligarchs of NY backed by Media loses!!!

mayor bloomberg king of new york: Jim Dwyer Sept 11 No St Vincent's Hospital Not an Issue as He Fawns on Christine Quinn

Suzannah B. Troy artist: Sept 11 Still a Day Of Heart Break and Grief

mayor bloomberg king of new york: 9-11 SAIC Investors NYC Meeting an Omen and Preet CityTime Crime to Cough or not to Cough?

Dr Andrew Fagelman in my opinion
an evil man Delita Hooks insanely
violent Oct 1, 2012 and corrupt 
NYPD IAB also involved would greatly harm my 
life, besides permeant damage to 
my eye even effect how I feel about 9-11
since I had been an advocate after 9-11 for NYPD and all rescue workers. 

Tragic $430 medical care office visit
at 155 Spring St would harm my life,
my health and damage my retina with NYPD caught fixing violent crime. 

From Suzannah the most visible invisible 
woman treated like a Jew in the Early Stages Nazi Germany under Bloomberg Kelly regime they treated critics like terrorists. 

mayor bloomberg king of new york: I predicted Christine Quinn Would Face a Tsunami of Voter Anger

You can read a bit of my 9-11 advocacy for NYPD in my lawsuit that all of the above mentioned plus more brought me to a place of calling for a New Commission in to the NYPD and IAB corruption. 

Suzannah B. Troy v NYPD IAB Lawsuit

The lawsuit -- see above....right now just broke 1,000 views

Today looking at the 5th Amendment YouTubes to begin preparing for my case....

NYPD Abuse of Power Let's Look at the 5th Amendment re: fixing Violent Assault using false cross complaint coercion

As I prepare my case I want to look at the 5th amendment.  I wanted to look at the aspect that 
involved this sentence below.....  I was treated like a Jew in the Early Stages of Nazi Germany by
the NYPD and IAB.  I will be re-visiting the 5th yet again but here's my focus today.

Well it sure seemed to me like all involved were not fair and were arbitrary and capricious. 

From my lawsuit: "...freedom from the threat of lodging of false charges against her (that would be me, Suzannah B. Troy) by police officers in violation of her rights to due process under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments;"

My lawsuit focuses on the 1st Amendment and the 14th Amendment as well.

A fundamental, constitutional guarantee that all legal proceedings will be fair and that one will be given notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard before the government acts to take away one's life, liberty, or property. Also, a constitutional guarantee that a law shall not be unreasonableArbitraryor capricious.