In my opinion Joe Tacopina not so handsome in real life.....but I am sure he is a super hottie in his own mind....mean while --- how many rapes cops have been exposed in the news since the shameful NYPD rape cop Moreno trial where Joe Tacopina put the rape victim on trial and his partner Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel compared the bruised rape victim's genitals to a venus fly trap -- a hate crime in court.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Albany to City Hall Mega Scandals Sex & Tax Payer $ Abuse Free NYC Condoms!
Is this why Mike Bloomberg gives out free condoms because we are so screwed?
Are these made in a sweat shop in Malaysia?
I lost some weight....I can see my cheek bones....
I put blond in my hair but happiest a brunette with my grays...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Google Does Not Remove YouTubes 2 Weeks of Threats on Behalf of mayor Bloomberg's NYPD Private Army
I am in shock -- it's been a lot to deal with 2 weeks of threats -- 5 videos threatened.
Google did not remove my work.
2 YouTubes flagged last week and three Monday of this week.
In shock -- very stressful and upsetting started Thursday and ends tonight after 3 videos flagged including first one of Det Kevin Lynch.
Scroll down you will get to Bloomberg NYPD Det. Kevin Lynch post -- that was this week...last week NYPD Det Kevin Lynch and Lt. Dan O'Sullivan I call Handsome Dan.
Exhausted -- two David vs Goliath videos and the David's win.
Thanks to everyone who supported me and continues too.
When the media gets around to covering this I will have them talk to Norman Siegel and the ACLU.
MTA Subway Woman Screaming Like a Banshie!
I was scared to point the camera at her. She ended up spitting and moving to another subway car on the 6 train.
I am under so much stress with the threat of my videos of Det. Kevin Lynch of Bloomberg' not so Intelligent Division I found this oddly a stress reliever.
Do New Yorkers secretly understand her screaming.....
Read more:
Google mayor Bloomberg NYPD 3 Videos Threatened with Removal YouTube
Click on this image to see it larger....
Thursday and Friday of last week some mysterious anonymous person --- anyone from NYC Gov perhaps associated with Mike Bloomberg, his infamous staff that calls up newspapers and tries to have stories critical of Mike Bloomberg killed as Michael Goodwin of The NY Post exposed...
who is trying to remove by Mayor Bloomberg NYPD private army abuse videos...
well they failed and over the weekend I do not receive an apology but by Sunday I knew I had one.
They backed off the "Handsome Dan" video -- Lt. Dan O'Sullivan doesn't do anything technically wrong and he is the only in Mike Bloomberg's not so intelligent division that knows NYPD police protocol which is when a civilian asks for your name, badge number and division you must give it unless you are deep under cover.
O'Sullivan cleverly forces me to move from where I was on the public sidewalk and as far away from mayor Bloomberg because I have Opera Singer lungs and I shout him down as the most corrupt mayor ever and I site CityTime and the 2 billion 14 million dollar ECTP 911 Tech System that does not work properly. (That is the short list.)
reposted Google Threatens to remove -- they left this alone. I filmed it out on the street. Original video -- I did nothing wrong that warranted being moved from the public sidewalk and ditto for the video itself being threatened with removal.
That is life with Bloomberg Baby Putin New York City.
This video with Det. Kevin Lynch was threatened last week.
Google YouTube did not remove it over the weekend as threatened so they ruled in my favor.
Now I await between 3 and 5 pm to find out if Google is going to violate my rights.
I remade the YouTube and posted else where.
I added in the deputy press secretary will not help me when I ask for her help confirming that Lynch is actually NYPD and if so I want to report him to Internal Affairs.
Pure Bloomberg Putin she won't tell me just like the press staff is there to protect Bloomberg's phony baloney pr she will not help.
I learn the info from Lt. O'Sullivan who Lynch finally calls.
I got the information and immediately stopped filming to call Internal Affairs, my lawyer Norman Siegel and than as Norman Siegel instructed CCRB.
I made complaints right away from the street to IA and CCRB.
The NYPD officer ordered me about without ever confirming he was NYPD, showing me a badge to prove in fact he was NYPD which violates protocol.
Lt. O'Sullivan follows protocol proves to me he is in fact NYPD and gives me the info I had asked Lynch, the deputy secretary and even his co-workers other men standing there who would not talk to me either as you can see in the video and Google YouTube is threatening me with removal of this YouTube filmed on the street that I went home, edited and added in the abusive NYPD cop Kevin Lynch's badge number which is public domain.
That makes 5 Google YouTube attacks on my work filming Mike Bloomberg's private NYPD security and why of why is that?
5 total
2 last week and they were not removed after 24 hour
3 flagged today all for Det. Kevin Lynch of mayor Bloomberg the baby Putin ruler of NYC and Mike will reward Kevin for his behavior with what a stay at 5 star hotel in Bermuda?
Oh here is another one of baby Putin Mike Bloomberg "secretive" NYPD from his security division violating NYPD protocol -- well more than one...
Read more:
Gee whiz -- why should Mike Bloomberg's private NYPD be held to regular old police protocol....we have NYDN reporting that one of them shot a man!
The way Google YouTube NYPD and Mike Bloomberg ...?????? whom ever is doing this --- is Putin like and is the message Mike Bloomberg secret secretive NYPD Intelligence Unit -- his private security are above NYPD protocol and Bloomberg and gang or whom ever wants to abuse my first amendment rights and illegally remove my work.
Google ruled in my favor over the weekend and did not remove the videos as threatened and now here I am waiting another 48 hours -- 3 videos 2 on my channel Suzannahartist on one on RaphaelbySuzannah
Raphael a blogger Bloomberg and Christine Quinn banished from City Hall and Norman Siegel represented him and won his right to have a press pass.
A blogger with a press pass is Mike Bloomberg and his puppets worst nightmare because we ask questions news reporters are too afraid to ask.
They want this removed.
and this removed.
Funny Mike Bloomberg's "intelligence division" with the exception of handsome Dan Lt. Dan O'Sullivan are not able to utter the words I am an NYPD officer.
Funny that Det. Lynch could think on his feet and come up with a half decent way of communicating with me.
I turned to him in a friendly way and he was so out of line and it has been a week of harassment and attempted censorship because he in my opinion behaved like a 2 year old child and one that should not have a gun or badge.
Did anyone think that about Leopold McClean who was arrested for attempted murder?
I have been harassed and I won one victory the Lt. Dan O'Sullivan video where I yell down Bloomberg about CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech system 2 billion 14 million dollar system doesn't work properly remains up but will I win the 2nd round re: Det. Dan Lynch who will have to go with his supervisor Lt. O'Sullivan down to CCRB and swear under oath as well as answer questions regarding what happened in a video that someone or certain parties are trying to aggressively remove.
By 5pm I should have my answers.
Reminder all my YouTubes removed before the mayoral election on behalf of Mike Bloomberg?
I got an apology from Google but this time around even if I win no apologies not even a form letter your work is safe.
This weekend silence from Google but both NYPD videos under attack remained up.
Cuomo Ethics Committee on Sheldon a Fraud like Dave Paterson Walking on Perjury and Witness Tampering
Occupy Wall Street Protestors Take Shelter Outside Trinity Church
Email to Suzannah:
Outside trinity church they have protestors sleeping on ground
Next to gate on broadway
Saw it late tonight
You might want to take a coupel of pics
Probably thier tommorow night
Some/ a lot of them I think maybe homeless
On the concrete in font of gate message was writen in chalk against
Big banks
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The NY Times Stops & Frisks Critics of Christine Quinn!
the gum chewing would be next emperor of NYC Christine Quinn -- thanks New York Times for stopping and frisking my critics and killing all those damning stories for me!
Protest Against Christine Quinn at NYTimes
Good to hear the NYPD are behaving themselves. That is a relief. None of those unpleasant and strange visits from the NYPD Intelligence Unit and other NYPD that harass Christine Quinn critics on her behalf.
This protest has to be hugely embarrassing for The NY Times who stops and frisks any comments critical of Christine Quinn and kills stories on her behalf especially about St. Vincent’s Hospital.
Hey Carolyn Ryan why no stories on St. Vincent’s Hospital -- no investigation by Cy Vance in to the St. Vincent’s Hospital crooks?
Carolyn Ryan why no stories about community anger.
People have died and more will die because St. Vincent’s is closed. Is Rosie O’Donnell was living in her 9 million dollar condo Rudin Hospital condo she would have died because no hospital.
Small businesses dieing and wait until Sept. 11 when there is no place to honor the Memory of the Dead and the photo memorials.
Note news worthy...
Note news worthy Carolyn Ryan Christine Quinn locks out her own district from testifying they demand a hospital and a 75 year old man faints from the freezing cold and the ambulance took a 1/2 hour.
Chuck Meara last time he and I spoke and it was on the steps of City Hall continued to deny it took a half hour and in fact it did.
I foiled the 911 calls and the mystery is solved in the foil report -- I just don’t know if it was a human error or a tech glitch from our infamous 911 Tech System!
Vito Lopez Resigns Goal to Continue to Rule Brooklyn
Vito Lopez Will Try and Hold on To Power Through Puppet
He is like a terminal disease we can't be free of us....
Although he is stepping down word on the street is he will continue to attempt to hold on to power and run Brooklyn like the mob boss he is.
Mike Bloomberg's NYPD Intelligence Division, FBI, MAÎTRE D' Wear Ear
When you come across a man or woman with a curly ear device it could be Mike Bloomberg's secretive NYPD Intelligence Division not big on obeying NYPD protocol except Lt. O'Sullivan and or an FBI agent or a Matire D' -- this photo is of a Matire D' at the eatery in Central Park.
Bloomberg NYC's Baby Putin and his Intelligence Division Det. Kevin Lynch -- Team Bloomberg trying to remove my YouTubes again?
Oh excuse me --- someone is trying yet again.......who could that be?
NYPD Kevin Lynch ranks on my top ten of NYPD officers disgraceful....sorry to have met him he is so awful.
I asked him what was that thing in his ear....really wasn't expecting to find a press conference in the middle of a street to clean-up a neighborhood but more like clean-out because the neighborhood wasn't invited and Putin Mike Bloomberg does not allow critics or tough questions from the Press.
but at least Lynch isn't like the other Det from Bloomberg's same division who was arrested on charges of attempted murder and violated a lot of NYPD protocol....Guess I am lucky even with all this Google YouTube harassment no bullet holes from NYPD bullets like Det. Leopold what his name's victim.
Just on going harassment and I await tomorrow....
Bloomberg NYPD Pull Strings Google to Remove my YouTubes?
Their or whom ever's attacks Thursday and Friday failed. Google makes u wait 48 hours.
Have to rest. Hard time with right knee flexing - painful stiff Need to ice left Achilles Tendon -- waiting for tomorrow by 5 will know my YouTubes safe or NYPD abuse Bloomberg Private army member Det Lynch removed.
They he she it tried Friday and failed. Do you think Howard Rubenstein and Bloomberg called up Google to try and pull some strings?
Bloomberg NYC's Baby Putin and his Intelligence Division Det. Lynch was awful but at least he isn't like the other Det from Bloomberg's same division who was arrested on charges of attempted murder and violated a lot of NYPD protocol....Guess I am lucky even with all this Google YouTube harassment no bullet holes from NYPD bullets like Leopold what his name's victim.
Just on going harassment and I await tomorrow....
Monday, August 27, 2012
NYPD Bloomberg's Det. Lynch Abuse YouTube 5 and 5 Threat of Removal
NYPD Bloomberg's Det. Lynch Abuse YouTube 5 and 5 Threat of Removal\
Besides being out in a public street and civil servants and public servants of NYC government no one says stop filming me all were alerted I am filming and posting on YouTube. Badge numbers of NYPD are public domain.
We have been through this before --- this is the 5h n time I am getting this complaint and I have the same response.
I cc: Norman Siegel my lawyer and a dream team of lawyers and BCC: newspapers and the ACLU.
I filmed this out on the street in NYC -- a public street and the people filmed and identified are public servants that work for the City of New York.
The NYPD officers badge numbers are public domain.
The NYPD badge you see is partially obscured by text and the badge id is part of public domain.
This continues to be in my opinion on going harassment.
May we know who is filling the complaint and also what specifically the person complaint concerns are as perhaps I can learn more about who is attempting to violate my rights.
This video and the other one where filmed out in a public street.
It is impossible to violate someone's privacy on a public street and filming civil servants especially Det. Lynch who was being abusive and violated protocol.
CCRB has already copied the video because I had to alert the investigators of this harassment and threat of removal of my work and Internal Affairs was alerted as I asked IA to please look at the video.
Why does google youtube allow annoymous people to take down my work.
Please stop this policy and make the person identify themselves, their contact information, their specific concerns and if my my freedom of speech and my first amendment rights are violated I will take legal action.
thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
Re: [#1101955085] YouTube Support Inbox x

| 4:10 PM (2 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
complaint from an individual regarding your content:
The information reported as violating privacy is at 0_01-6_58
like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and
remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or
contact the complainant. You have 48 hours to take action on the
complaint. If you remove the alleged violation from the site within the 48
hours, the complaint filed will then be closed. If the potential privacy
violation remains on the site after 48 hours, the complaint will be
reviewed by the YouTube Team and may be removed pursuant to our Privacy
Guidelines (
be considered for removal, an individual must be uniquely identifiable by
image, voice, full name, Social Security number, bank account number or
contact information (e.g., home address, email address). Examples that
would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names,
and address information in which the individual is not named. We also take
public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining
if content should be removed for a privacy violation. If the alleged
violation is located within the video itself, you may have to remove the
video completely. If someone's full name or other personal information is
listed within the title, description, or tags of your video, you can edit
this by going to My Videos and clicking the Edit button on the reported
video. Making a video private is not an appropriate method of editing, as
the status can be changed from private to public at any time. Because they
can be turned off at any time, annotations are also not considered an
acceptable solution. We're committed to protecting our users and hope you
understand the importance of respecting others' privacy. When uploading
videos in the future, please remember not to post someone else's image or
personal information without their consent. For more information, please
review our Privacy Guidelines
The YouTube Team

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NYPD Bloomberg's Det. Lynch Abuse YouTube 5 and 5 Threat of Removal
NYPD Bloomberg's Det. Lynch Abuse YouTube 5 and 5 Threat of Removal\
Besides being out in a public street and civil servants and public servants of NYC government no one says stop filming me all were alerted I am filming and posting on YouTube. Badge numbers of NYPD are public domain.
We have been through this before --- this is the 5h n time I am getting this complaint and I have the same response.
I cc: Norman Siegel my lawyer and a dream team of lawyers and BCC: newspapers and the ACLU.
I filmed this out on the street in NYC -- a public street and the people filmed and identified are public servants that work for the City of New York.
The NYPD officers badge numbers are public domain.
The NYPD badge you see is partially obscured by text and the badge id is part of public domain.
This continues to be in my opinion on going harassment.
May we know who is filling the complaint and also what specifically the person complaint concerns are as perhaps I can learn more about who is attempting to violate my rights.
This video and the other one where filmed out in a public street.
It is impossible to violate someone's privacy on a public street and filming civil servants especially Det. Lynch who was being abusive and violated protocol.
CCRB has already copied the video because I had to alert the investigators of this harassment and threat of removal of my work and Internal Affairs was alerted as I asked IA to please look at the video.
Why does google youtube allow annoymous people to take down my work.
Please stop this policy and make the person identify themselves, their contact information, their specific concerns and if my my freedom of speech and my first amendment rights are violated I will take legal action.
thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
Re: [#1101955085] YouTube Support Inbox x

| 4:10 PM (2 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
complaint from an individual regarding your content:
The information reported as violating privacy is at 0_01-6_58
like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and
remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or
contact the complainant. You have 48 hours to take action on the
complaint. If you remove the alleged violation from the site within the 48
hours, the complaint filed will then be closed. If the potential privacy
violation remains on the site after 48 hours, the complaint will be
reviewed by the YouTube Team and may be removed pursuant to our Privacy
Guidelines (
be considered for removal, an individual must be uniquely identifiable by
image, voice, full name, Social Security number, bank account number or
contact information (e.g., home address, email address). Examples that
would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names,
and address information in which the individual is not named. We also take
public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining
if content should be removed for a privacy violation. If the alleged
violation is located within the video itself, you may have to remove the
video completely. If someone's full name or other personal information is
listed within the title, description, or tags of your video, you can edit
this by going to My Videos and clicking the Edit button on the reported
video. Making a video private is not an appropriate method of editing, as
the status can be changed from private to public at any time. Because they
can be turned off at any time, annotations are also not considered an
acceptable solution. We're committed to protecting our users and hope you
understand the importance of respecting others' privacy. When uploading
videos in the future, please remember not to post someone else's image or
personal information without their consent. For more information, please
review our Privacy Guidelines
The YouTube Team

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