May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Monday, April 30, 2012

El Diario NY Coverage of Our Protest Bloomberg Term Limits OWS Joined us City Hall Park Rewind

Note every main stream American speaking news outlet blacked out this protest....

Just have to rewind.....and repost....

the link to the english translation El Diario gone.

Christine Quinn Mike’s Mini-me Temper Storms Out

and I got my meeting brought famed Civil Rights lawyer Norman Seigel.

This is Quinn’s own district read on.....

Oh and Mike Rawson ex-Mercer Hotel boss quite a temper himself and he donated how much to Quinn’s campaign. Rawson famous for call Capt. Winski and the first precinct to complain about the vendors.

Capt. Winksi was not the problem....Michael Rawson was. What a surprise he supports Bloomberg’s mini-me Christine Quinn who has a temper just like Rawson who would act like Jack Nicholson in The Shining coming out of The Mercer taunting Veteran Vendors.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Giuseppi Logan NY Times Follow-Up My new YouTube tells a different story and after I filmed it a Chinese woman came up and gave him two cans of beans. At least she gave him food. He has declined greatly since my first video and when I met him he was straight. U want a slave - get them hooked - u own them. Who reintroduced GL? Sad stuff. GL had no understanding when I filmed him yesterday he was filmed by a Canadian for a documentary. Again it was my work years now of short clips that was a catalyst and only Pete Gershon, publisher of Signal to Noise fully acknowledged my work. John Leland refers to the body of my work minus my name. Thanks to Tim Madison for urging me to continue filming. I originally said no because I was too traumatized. U note I don't go to gigs but my filming remains in the park or in his small dwelling and one clip in the barbershop. I am not social but any other ideas on gigs and even my experience with Josh and Tompkins why I won't film that? GL wants to go to CA and I can give u a list of men that could make that happen but it does not serve their agenda. Jaee GL's son was abandoned by GL although Jaee doesn't see it quite that way. Jaee has too much on his plate to take on caring for GL and his Mom who was rushed to the hospital last we spoke. Nice article -- from where I sit a different view.

I don't smell roses but I do smell a smell of homelessness -- of someone who needs care. As long as he is playing he is alive -- without his instruments he is dead. He is older than his age -- he hustles every day to sell his CDs and to get cash for his needs and bathing and eating may not be number 1. Yes this is a story of imperfect small redemption and redemption how ever small is redemption. That his fans still have his records and love them
amazing. That people were touched by NY T article as they were Signal to Noise "Out From the Shadow" beautiful.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Giuseppi Logan Happy Canadian Interview

Women Photographers Out of Towners? NYPD Call Ambulance For Homeless Person

A man struggling to survive in the East Village muttered to me these women must be out of towners.

I photographed them and so they turned their expensive cameras on me as I photographed them with my dented crappy Ipad.


Giuseppi Logan Wants to go to CA

NYPD 9th Precinct Lights

Friday, April 27, 2012

9th Precinct 4 Guns stolen out of Precinct Inside Job?

Mayor Bloomberg Scandal Suzannah Troy Sings Birds Do it "DOITT Corrupti...

 I sing Birds DOITT Bees Doitt I want billions back for The Tax Payers of NYC. ps Where r the arrests of NYC gov top officials? Look at Richard Valcich whistle blowing letter. See 2 names at bottom of each page. Tell me their names. Christine Quinn brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime. No way she can be mayor. She green lighted all these Tax Payers Titanics.

Wow Rahaul Merchant just like most Bloomberg appointee$ -- short service to come I am guessing with golden parachute and platinum back room deal? a cleaner but the series of Tech Titanics to big to clean-up. Bovis also stole by over billing benefiting from Bloomberg and Amanda the People's Burden corrupt reckless Tsunami of Community Crushing Development on old ny's infrastructure with mass displacement and way too high death toll. For too many reason Blooomberg and cowardly Christine Quinn - a green lighting puppet must resign.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Uh Oh is 9th Precinct giving Pastor Dunn a hard time over mega-phone?

I don’t know. I just get phone calls and I can only guess that like a leap year -- x amount of time --- the NYPD every so often give Pastor Dunn a hard time -- and rumor is she was told to get a 40 dollar permit to use her mega-phone....over the years I hear her fire and brime stone speeches are a major turn-off that poor folk endure for the food but her intentions are good.

Who knows maybe it is a good thing? Anyway the best thang is feeding folks in needs and she has done that for years through thick and thin...

Mayor Mike Bloomberg DOITT Cover-ups Cleaner Rahul Merchant "Political P...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cy Vance Dirty DA Removed YouTube Vimeo Found!

Governor Cuomo Dave Paterson MTA NYU WOR Shame on You All

Shame on Gov. Cuomo! If Dave Johnson but his hands on one of Cuomo’s daughters and Dave Paterson politely attempted to intimidate his daughter would Paterson get the MTA appointment, NYU job and WOR job?

Shame on judge Judy Kaye and every political leader that aided and abetted a corrupt accidental gov who committed perjury just like mayor Mike Bloomberg.

Most of the folks should be serving a term in jail.

Mayor Mike Bloomberg DOITT Cover-ups Cleaner Rahul Merchant "Porno?"

Mayor Mike Bloomberg DOITT Cover-ups Cleaner Rahul Merchant "Porno?" What do I have to do to wake-up up -- political porno?

Wake-up New Yorkers!!!! I want billions of tax payer money back.

I should go work on a Federal level to get trillions back!!!!

Christine Quinn step down -- Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg, Quinn and Bill Thompson do not belong in city government -- they all failed us along with Dept. of Investigation.

You want sexual politics? The NY Times brings in an Out of Town Lesbian

NYT Metro Editor Carolyn Ryan to shill -- to sell Christie Quinn like her exclusive political pimp because the NY Times owner wants Quinn -- Mike Jr. in office Mike’s mini-me -- how is that for ethical news reporting --- The NY Times has yet to report how Quinn locked out her own district from testifying they want a hospital in front of City Council -- a 75 year old man from her district fainted and the ambulance took 30 minutes -- this is by City Hall NY Hospital -- No Investigations in to the LOCK-out -- not news reporting by The NY Times or any NY Media ---- how obscene and the People are screwed over and over

read my link today on Steve Rattner crook -- Mike’s best friend forever....

Sally Goldenberg Exposes NYC Gov Finance Commissioner Martha Stark Largest Ethic Punishment EVER!!!!!

Gall in the family: Ex-commish fined 22G for kin-job scam

Read more:

Amanda Burden is by far the worst commissioner in NYC gov history -- we call her Amanda the People’s Burden -- City Planning socialite city planner mega-millionaire who green lights every zone busting -- eminent domain abuse -- corrupt air sale deals like 120 E 12th St St. Ann’s Church -- you name it -- she is supporting it for her 1 percent pals at the expense of entire communities.

Mike Bloomberg Steve Rattner huge conflict of interest -- no one interested.

Monday, April 23, 2012

US Supreme Court Will Not Hear Rent Laws

911 Tech Scandal Will Break Bigger Than CityTime Bloomberg Tech Titanic Disaster! by Suzannah B. Troy

911 Tech Scandal Will Break Bigger Than CityTime Bloomberg Tech Titanic Disaster! by Suzannah B. Troy

Yeah right -- ECTP 911 Tech System bigger fraud than CityTime and Dept of Investigation the arm of the mayor. This is the news on CityTime blacked out by New York Media and it involved ECTP 911 Tech, etc. largest tax payer abuse, fraud, etc. ever all under Bloomberg who if he ran his private empire this way would be poverty level and homeless.

911 Tech Scandal Will Break Bigger Than CityTime Bloomberg Tech Titanic Disaster! by Suzannah B. Troy

911 Tech Scandal Will Break Bigger Than CityTime Bloomberg Tech Titanic Disaster! by Suzannah B. Troy

Yeah right -- ECTP 911 Tech System bigger fraud than CityTime and Dept of Investigation the arm of the mayor. This is the news on CityTime blacked out by New York Media and it involved ECTP 911 Tech, etc. largest tax payer abuse, fraud, etc. ever all under Bloomberg who if he ran his private empire this way would be poverty level and homeless.

Economakis Mansion Rests on Mass Eviction and Greed

NY Law Dorm on 3rd Next to Hells Angels Broke Zoning Laws to Build Illegal Dorm -- Wow NY Law Carole Post Scandal Connect the Dots!

All roads lead to mayor Mike Bloomberg and his corrupt crew -- cronyism, above the law ism....

corrupt has the come ism.....

p.s. Can’t push through illegal community crushing development without the help of mega-millinaire socialite city planner commissioner Amanda The People’s Burden....voted the most evil dirt bag commissioner in NYC gov. by me.

Gov Andrew Cuomo Dave Paterson MTA Stinks Even More Corruption More proof MTA like Albany, NYU and WOR -- a corrupt cess pool -- and misogynist. Shame on the MTA but reminder the MTA told our State Comptroller to piss off when DiNapoli put the kibosh on the SAIC Deal so what do you expect. A signal that the MTA is going to be even worse than it has been with dilapidated subway system, dangerously over crowded, run down, leaking on sunny days.....Shame on the MTA for inviting even more cronyism and corruption.

Dave committed perjury and aided and abetted his 6 foot 9 inch friend he had on the payroll Dave Johnson in intimidating his victim of spousal abuse -- Johnson finally did plead guilty and Dave was polite when he had his staff intimidate her and when Dave Paterson called the victim himself.

The only people in Albany with integrity resigned.

In my opinion Judge Judith Kaye is as corrupt at they come and shame on Andrew Cuomo as well.

Homeless Woman no Longer Out on Street

She is in her late 50’s dark black fluent in English and Spanish and she was ill, an addict and a blogger would photograph her topless and drunk high out of her mind. She could get violent because of illness and the addiction but she broke the cycle....

She has been sober and straight and getting care she needs to balance herself out. She has moved to a half way house in Brooklyn.

The misogynists that would exploit and mock will have to look elsewhere. Cowards always do.

She never set out to be the target of cruel folks of the East Village who target ill homeless people.

She has found some kind of miracle and I pray she keeps sober and away from Tompkins.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

CityTime SAIC Scandal Washington Post Reports News NY Press Won’t Report but Suzannah B. Troy blogged on the last 2 years!

Steve Pearlstein asks how could SAIC have missed this -- CityTime corruption....

Steve -- how did Mike Bloomberg, Bill Thompson and Dept of Investigation miss this -- hardee har?

Almost laughable but not funny.

Steve Pearlstein sums up my work of the last 2 years and does make reference to mayor Mike Bloomberg’s embarassment about pushing SAIC CityTime --- oopsie but he puts it all on SAIC and folks SAIC and NYC gov both had fair warning Feb. 2003 from Richard Valcich, than head of office of payroll NYC gov.

Steve Pearlstein doesn’t focus on the fact that NYC gov. that means Mike Bloomberg, then comptroller Bill Thompson and Dept of Investigation had fair warning Feb. 2000 as Mike and Bill’s names are on the bottom of every page of Valcich’s letter.

Why has Steve Pearlstein finally jumped on my one woman band wagon and thank you Steven and Preet Bharara has not? Perhaps because Preet Bharara and the US Attorney are making like Cy Vance and the Manhattan DA

By the way --- why did Richard Valcich go from hero to zero to say? Click here to go direct to see infamous letter NYC gov stationary with Bloomberg and Thompson’s names on each page.

Let’s ask Mouse for some insights on Valcich CityTime and SAIC since she works for NYC gov and in some capacity for CityTime right?

(See bottom of post for why I mention her.....)

I ask because Mouse has a special mention re: CityTime on NYC gov website.

I would ask Richard Valcich for insights but I hear he isn’t answering any questions but why not. Preet Bharara is not going back in Time CityTime.

Did Mike Bloomberg and SAIC agree Gerald Denault was to be the fall guy and 500 million dollars of (tax payer money) returned to NYC gov was a low ball figure to sweep even bigger long term corruption under the rug?

Back in Time to Guiliani Time since Rudy threw away “AutoTime” a payroll system created by City Workers and run by City Workers that could have been expanded even with GPS tracking folks but no fancy White House, FBI, CIA alumnists -- difference between eating at Elaine’s and a diner. If you want to be in The White House which Rudy and Mike both did and do -- than you don’t a good honest system and outsource to Defense contractors and fortune 500 companies....look at Verizon a big player in 2 scandals -- one mega -- ECTP 911 Tech system -- the other Board of Ed....donating big to Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me Christine Quinn’s mayoral run. Go back to 2012, 2011 and take a looksie.

Rudy’s guys all lobbyists?

Look to ECTP contracts and lobbyists as well.....Do it! DOITT -- get it hardee har!
Also insider trading sited yet again and another mega-law suit against SAIC by Shareholders re: CityTime making it number three and still no New York Media willing to report
No mention of Gerald Denault suing SAIC in any media news anywhere and Denault beating SAIC is huge and now SAIC must pay his legal bills which SAIC and Bloomberg had not counted on.

Reminder -- when the 80 million dollar theft of NYC gov tax payer money was exposed as stolen by Spherion consultants on CityTime
Read this and tell me you are glad we tax payers paid a fortune to Gartner Group to advise us on everything but wiping our behinds NYC gov. "Kick back in Time” by Sally Goldenberg on SAIC CityTime Spherion and Gartner...ho hum....

Wake-up New Yorkers!!!!!!

Really do not no what else to do to get your attention and it is bigger than CityTime SAIC -- ECTP the 911 tech system is a bigger scam than CityTime and now after going a billion dollars over budget we hare hiring NASA who has been rumored to be guilty of abusing tax payer money on other contracts......

don’t forget FDNY Wireless and we are handing mega-millions over to Defense Contractor Raytheon on top of 500 million tax payer dollars spent on this flawed system along with all the rest.....

I have tried everything to get you to wake-up!!!!!!!!

I also made this YouTube this weekend as well on mega-law suits blacked out by NYC media.

Mayor Bloomberg Billions Tax Payer Abuse Expose My Breasts

Lilia ‘Mouse’ Ashjian works at the Office of Payroll Administration on the CityTime Project, a citywide automated timekeeping system. She serves on the project as Director of many functions - Production Support, Training, Communications, Agency Relations, and Agency Support. Her responsibilities include oversight of the CityTime consultant team, where she provides guidance and feedback to ensure activities are in accord with City culture. Mouse has worked for the City since 1995 in both line and oversight agencies and has been involved with implementing and supporting new City systems from both the line and oversight perspective. She is a graduate of Vassar College with a Bachelors degree in English and Italian.

Steven Pearlstein -- reading Suzannah B. Troy ’s blogs the last couple of years?
My first YouTube May 2010. Union folks asked me to look in to CityTime and I did. I told them I was going home and making this YouTube. Do not renew with SAIC...instead we need a full investigation.

Thanks Steven for your article....maybe in another year when Mike is out of office and the goal to get his puppet who greenlighted all this corruption and Christine Quinn even brushed aside two investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James -- maybe we will see articles like yours a year plus after my blog posts finally?

Juan Gonzalez got his award and than he got pretty quiet didn’t he?

p.s. No arrests NYC gov officials CityTime scandal -- and folks stay tuned because ECTP 911 Tech System way bigger scam than CityTime.

Homeland Security Secret Service SAIC Awarded Contract!

Along with other Defense contractors -- wonder if any of them also bilking NYC gov -- and don’t forget all the other deals SAIC had in the works from Albany to City Hall and the MTA with Mike Bloomberg and Rudy’s boys pushing SAIC like heroin.

Well maybe SAIC can help the Secret Service “obfuscate” on sex with under age sex workers?

SAIC can help homeland security bilk tax payers even more?

"This familiar narrative, of course, comes straight out of the Official Corporate Scandal Handbook that they must pass out to all executives when they are first ushered into the C-suite. Ignore. Deny. Obfuscate. Fire a few bad apples. Hire expensive outside counsel. And in a final flurry, acknowledge that mistakes were made but assure that it’s all behind us. The only thing left is for SAIC to quietly settle the inevitable shareholder class-action lawsuit to guarantee that the full story of who knew what and when will never see the light of day.

Christine Quinn is Mike Bloomberg Junior w/ Emily Giske Twist!

Besides out they crushed the pedicap industry to benefit guess who?

Christine Quinn is Mike Bloomberg junior with Emily Giske twist....

Christine Quinn serve a term in jail for illegally pushing through a third term using slush (aka tax payer money) and intimidation as well as being a mega-real estate sell-out. For a gay woman you sure are in bed with a lot of billionaire men and Goldman Sachs, etc.

Mayor Bloomberg Billions Tax Payer Abuse Expose My Breasts

Bloomberg City Council Approved Billions Tax Payer $ Wasted & Suzannah B. Troy Lifts Up Shirt Breasts Exposure St. Marks to Say Wake-Up New Yorkers!!

Wake-up New Yorkers. Do I have to set myself on fire? Mayor Mike Bloomberg, min-me Christine Quinn (our future mayor let’s hope not) and City Council GUILTY green lighting mega billions Tax Payer Abuse.

Sad to say any breast exposure gets me more views. Pathetic!!!

My audience not smart enough to know I am talking about the male gaze -- power grabs. Hugh Hefner smart enough to figure out even the poorest guy could buy a mag for a few bucks and feel power over women --- if you need to feel power guess you don’t feel that powerful huh?

As an artist I am talking about the male gaze -- power grabs especially economic, politic, real estate and NYC gov is my center focus.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg 3 Mega Lawsuits SAIC CityTime Not News NYC!!!

Played Basketball Tompkins

An older man very slim and in good shape joined me and he feed me a lot of passes which was really fun. Very pleasant fellow -- nice time.

Voltaic Solar Panel back pack backpack universal battery charger Thumbs ...

Money Shot

Clayton Gallery & Outlaw Art Museum

Whole Earth Bakery & Kitchen Community Support Prayer

Someone Wants to Do Away W/ Tradition of Feeding Homeless Due to Rats

Some homeless and poor have mental illnesses and throw left over food on the ground feeding rat population but this long tradition will continue.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Announces Bridge & Tunnel Blockades May 1

David Dinkins on Columbia University Civil Rights Basic Rights a Hospital it comes to community crushing real estate David Dinkins is silent! Columbia University and perhaps some billionaires have bought his silence. Here he is attending an award for Rudin for AIDS but trouble is there is no AIDS care or a Rape Crisis Center or a Trauma Level 1 hospital like there was Sept. 11, 2001 instead it is Rudin Luxury Condos! See you at the next award ceremony where rich and political connected pat themselves on the back for EVEN MORE GREED and Stupidity.

Stop Columbia University Activists sent me the above link -- take a look!!!!!!!! Columbia University like NYU, NY Law with illegal mega-dorm East 3rd St., Cooper Union are worse than bad neighbors but evil real estate magnates crushing our communities -- celebrated among the most greedy New Yorkers.

When Mike Bloomberg say Progress, he means get a moving van.

Amanda the People’s Burden -- the most evil destructive commissioner of city planner in NYC gov history, a socialite mega-millionaire is another evil guilty player in all this. She has a 40 million dollar trust for her kids! She is also responsible for the most displacement since The American Indians in this region.

That David Dinkins for your great insights or should I say prof. sell-out.

Occupy Wall Street Health Care Protesting Crain’s Billionaire’s Breakfast Wealthcare!

and Suzannah B. Troy protesting Rudin AIDS award, Christine Quinn billionaire puppet gal for Bloomberg, Amanda the People’s Burden etc for not getting us protective zoning for a hospital only where St. Vincent’s was.

Mayor Mike Bloomberg Billion + $ Fine From The People of NYC!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

David Dinkins, Eric Rudin, Issac Mizrahi Yelled Down Rudin AIDS Award

Rudin AIDS Protest Man Connected NYPD

Created a playlist

David Dinkin Silent Hospital & Columbia U Eminent Domain Abuse

Yippie Cafe OWS photos Giles Clarke Peter Harris

Demand a Hospital W. Village Joins OWS Healthcare Protest Thursday

WHAT: On Thursday, Crain's New York is holding a healthcare symposium entitled : "Reinventing Health Care: The Road To Reform" Keynote speech by : Dr. Nirav Shah, NY State Commissioner of Health Members of OWS Healthcare for the 99% will be there! WHEN: 8AM (Some people will arrive at 7:30, so we invite you to arrive earlier if you can!) WHERE: Essex House, 160 Central Park South (near Columbus Circle) Come dressed as a billionaire to gloat over our fabulous future health care profits or come as you are and help to shout down the billionaires! Please join us if you can! -- Note from Suzannah: I was suppose to go and dressed as Christine Quinn to demand a full service hospital - and I may but most likely not -- have to be some where else 9am -- may be too big a commute -- can't be late. Probably won't attend. Will protest Rudin tonight.

Monday, April 16, 2012

NYPD Tulip Power Occupy Wall St Tiny Tim Liberty Park Empty

Liberty Park clear Tulip Power Tip Toe Thru The Tulips Tiny Tim NYPD Flower Power however around the corner on Wall Street a large crowd and a big old NYPD Chief with a night stick he isn't shy about using but all peaceful.

Governor Andrew Cuomo Nixon Move on Ace Reporter Liz Benjamin Liz Benjamin dares to report news not infomercials and Cuomo has gone Bloomberg with Nixon like desires to be in White House and control the media.

William Barnacle St Marks Place What's New?

What's new....16 kinds of absinthe, Irish dancing and music every Monday night, and Lorcan Otway's true life jazz-age murder mystery; The Girl in the Safe!

OWS Gordon Gekko not my Home Boy

Suzannah B. Troy Updates Christine Quinn Rudin + story ? new YouTube Mike Bloomberg on Trial -- live from Union Square.

I got my Apple computer back....dressed as Christine Quinn with dress listing Rudin family campaign donations and the may ways Christine Quinn is a sell-out Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me.

For an openly gay woman she sure is in bed with a lot of billionaire men.

Reunited with my Apple computer and despite the photo I don’t feel so great. Feel over whelmed and like I need a vacation.

Occupy Wall St. Evicted from sleeping on Wall Street this am

OWS evicted side walk Wall St I am on my Way to St Vincent's

I was told 4 NYPD captain issued 20 minute eviction notice --- to Occupy Wall St - for those OWS literally sleeping on Wall Street downtown-- a loop hole to evict protestors that no more than 20 could sleep there. There may have been arrests but I can't confirm. I am here at Union Sq and made a powerful YouTube. I am talking with OWS activist about homelessness. He said there are 100,000 homeless in NYC. NYC needs to look at shelter system. Question is how are homeless being represented? Answer not good.

Mayor Bloomberg On Trial! SAIC ECTP etc. Union Sq

Sunday, April 15, 2012

9th Precinct Info Searching

Jesse Cohen "Heartbroken" St. Marks Church

Blossoms Like Snow Flakes

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mort Protects John Sexton NYU Evil Empire Destroying Village!!!

Shame on you!!!! NYU mega dormed the East Village to death using the term "community facility" to illegally bust thru zoning and exclude the community as well as displace the community. USPS illegal air sale to NYU was never brought before State of NY as legally required when selling air space over St Ann's 120 E 12 from 1847. Andrew Berman can educate u on this illegal deal. Cooper Union, NY Law mega dorm next to Hells Angel - a law dorm broke the law and built to high but like NYU St Ann's got away with it. SVA and The New School guilty. I met with Alicia Hurley and demanded community outreach centers in every mega dorm that would get college kids involved in helping the struggling community from kids to seniors to homeless. John Sexton the darth vader of NYU the evil empire said no. He ran down to city hall to testify Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn mike's puppet have an illegal 3rd term to protect NYU's Purple Reign of Terror even more community crushing development. When Mike sez Progress he means getting your moving vans!!! Columbia U and NYU guilty of corrupt real estate deals ruthless evil and the only thing they haven't done with the help if the Cathie Black of city planning Socialite mega millionaire Amanda The People 's Burden is to provide buses and trains to move us out. By the way didn't Cathie Black broker an air sale deal for Mort Zuckerman by Bloomberg and her reward chancellor job? No wonder Mort's editor supports the evil empire NYU and Bloomberg Administration!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Giuseppi Logan

Giuseppi limped to the subway and went to his old record label to get CDs to sell and to chat with Bernard Stollman who produced his 2 records in the 1960's. Watch the video I made to learn more but how does someone with a broken hip do that and why? He is hoping for more work.

Giuseppi told me he will compose new compositions next week.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Giuseppi Logan's Ex Returns to Hospital San Francisco Prayers

GL's great love - his 2nd wife is in the hospital returned by ambulance. Jaee is with her right now as she receives Dialysis. She understood GL's passion and love for music. Sending prayers. Told Jaee of compassionate comments including for him.

Giuseppi Logan Moments of Bliss Tompkins 1 Week Ago

Mike Bloomberg John Sexton Christine Quinn NYU Orgy of Destruction,

David Seifman reports Mike Bloomberg continues to support John Sexton NYU the evil empire of the East Village the Purple Reign of Terror' s destruction East West where ever NYU occupies. No one knows where John Sutter gets the money to give away free papers The Villager Chelsea Now, etc but they endorse Bloomberg Quinn and are in bed with NYU and play dirty.

John Sexton a real corrupt dirt bag ran down to testify Bloomberg must have a third term.

George Bliss Bike Shop East Village Crushed by Cooper Union and illegal NY Law Dorm photos of a west village George Bliss space where yet again he was forced out but don't forget Bliss was next to the Hell's Angels in a one floor garage bike shop. NY Law dorm who has no Campus in the East Village but jumped on the NYU mega dorm the East Village to death along with Cooper Union, The New School, and SVA. NY Law to set an example to future lawyers broke the laws like NYU's illegal purchase from the USPS 120 East 12th -- an illegal air sale by USPS and NYU and NY Law built too high. NY Law illegally busted thru zoning - and did not remove the offending floors.

Note: all these illegal dorms use the term community facility and exclude the facility. I had a sit down meeting with NYU reps and brought a woman from Andrew Berman's office as a witness and demanded community out reach centers in every mega dorm and Thr NYU housing center. John Sexton the evil real estate magnate posing as pres of NYU said no. These centers would raise awareness with students that people are struggling and give them an opportunity to volunteer to help. I wanted a table for parents to ask for tutoring for their kids to seniors in need to free computers including homeless.

Cooper Union owned a gas station space where George was allowed to have his bicycle space and Cooper Union another evil real estate magnate evicted him for the creation of a yuppie eatery. Later land lord Cooper Union sold the space on the Bowery and 3rd. Cooper Union Studio build in which community sued, the parking lot they now lad lease that is the mirrored eye sore and the Science building illegal corrupt build that Rudy's commissioner City Planning said no it is a shell game destroyed the East Village with evil Amanda The People's Burden aiding and abetting and Thr new build with one floor of Ed Cooper was shamed in to having will be as tall as the illegal ugly Cooper Union mega dorm.

+ When the Hell's Angels were last raided by the NYPD the NY Law Students stood out on their balconies in their pajamas. I thought just married people with children wear pajamas so u see I learned something.

Was Mike Red Square Rosen's Hideous red square the prototype for these dorms. I have an old story on him and his rent fees that further expose he is no activist but a 1% percenter who lives in a duplex in the Christadora that was a Welfare building and Rosen's rich man toy is a Lenin sculpture a top his Red Square a kind of dorm with balconies from college kids that want to grow old on Lower East Side and feel like they still live in a dorm.

George Bliss is now on Charles Street but Columbia University crushed Manhattanville abusing eminent domain and George lost his work studio in a land grab. By the way George lived across from my windows facing 12th Street in the 80's just before his bike venture and George and his than girlfriend let a homeless man Ben live in his space. If that is not front line NY rescue I don't know what is.