Sunday, May 29, 2011
NYPD Rape Cop Kenneth Moreno’s Wife No. 2 Denial Blames the Rape Victim of her Husband!
She claims her husband is the guy other cops would pick to drive home their wives but the question is from where?
ProPublica Journalist Sues Mayor over Cathie Black Records
ProPublica Journalist Sues Mayor over Cathie Black Records
Dear friend,
The Mayor’s office isn’t making it easy for ProPublica journalist Sergio Hernandez to find out just what went on in emails between Bloomberg and soon-to-be Schools Chancellor Cathie Black way back in November.
After they denied his FOIL request – government employee communications are subject to those, remember – he fired back and is now suing the mayor.
Will Manhattan Supreme Court stand behind the mayor, or the public’s right to know just how royally the ‘education mayor’ screwed up in appointing this unqualified chancellor? And, more importantly, what is actually in those emails, that the original request would be denied with this comment:
“if disclosed, [the emails] would constitute an unwarranted violation of personal privacy”
Sound off in the comments on what you think is in these documents…
-Justin WedesEditor, OurSchoolsNYC
PS - Two weeks ago some of you joined the Guerrilla Street Team totake on the Koch bros. Here's another fun opportunity:
Wanna join the Guerrilla Glee Club on June 1? Text ‘SINGALONG’ to 760-670-3130 to find out more. .
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy’s 1st YouTube on CityTime SAIC! Rewind! Stop Do Not Renew Contract SAIC CityTime!
The New York Post Anger Over NYPD Rape Cops Free Pass, Suzannah B. Troy makes Post YouTube NYPD DNA Fix!
Suzannah B. Troy - NYPD DNA Fix! The NYPD find DNA from everyone in the planet but no DNA what so ever from the NYPD Rape Cops who were in her bed and on her couch?
Friday, May 27, 2011
NYPD seeks cross dresser in gang trashing Dunkin Donuts Village
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
New Hospital W. Village -- if You Want A Hospital Sign the Petition!
The Rudin/North Shore LIJ plan to replace our replace our full service hospital with luxury condominiums and a “Freestanding Emergency Room” is NOT A DONE DEAL.
I’m writing to let you know about two things we can do this week to fight back against the plan and hold our elected officials accountable.
The first thing you can do right now: The Rudin plan must next go before our New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman. The good news is, Eric Schneiderman supports our community’s efforts for a hospital. The bad news is he’ll be under real pressure to back down.
Make sure Attorney General Schneiderman knows we demand a hospital. Please sign this petition today. And then forward it on to everyone you know who cares about the health of New Yorkers. The link is .
Then Next Tuesday, May 31st at 6:30 PM, we need everyone in the community to come out and testify at an important Community Board 2 meeting to demand that CB2 stick to its July 2010 resolution to oppose “all changes in land use laws, zoning rules, landmarks laws, or any other laws that would eliminate hospital uses at the site of the former St. Vincent's”. The community Board will also be under pressure from the developers, and we need to be sure our voices are heard. Please join us there.
St. Vincent’s Omnibus Committee
Next Tuesday, May 31st at 6:30 PM
P.S. 41 Auditorium, 116 West 11th Street
Between 6th and 7th Avenues.
Thank you. We will continue to keep the pressure on.
In solidarity,
Mayor Bloomberg Rudy Gave US CityTime SAIC Tax Payer's Titanic vs. Clos...
Mayor Mike Bloomberg WSJ CityTime Up Left Out SAIC Subpoenas Greed Stup...
The Wall St. Journal “CityTime Finally Clocks In” No Mention of SAIC Subpoenas or Tax Payer’s Titanic How Greed & Stupidity Destroyed NYC from Real Es
Below is a comment I posted on The Wall St. Journal. Will it stay up? The NY Post editors stopped me from commenting for the 2nd time closing my account when I posted a comment demanding more investigative reporting of Gartner because of Sally Goldenberg’s article “Kick Back in Time”. I believe because of Rupert Murdoch and Mike Bloomberg’s relationship with Glenn Hutchins I was banned by The NY Post. Here is today’s comment on The Wall St. Journal and than I add a long piece you need to read. Also note I emailed this article to Dept. of Investigation and demanded they investigate Gartner.
Please explain no mention of the subpoenas served to SAIC and how about Garnter’s role doing “quality control” on Spherion doing “quality control” on SAIC and CityTime but Spherion consultants were stealing at least 80 million dollars and talk on the street is there was a whole lot of stealing going on in terms of consultants on CityTime from many different companies lying on their times sheets. As I understand it the City of NY made a deal that once CityTime was up and running the city would sell CityTime to gov. agencies and get a commission which now based on the fact CityTime has flaws like all the big monied tech systems NYC gov, no commissions in the near future. Last time I checked CityTime was not able to recognize the unusual time schedules of city staff and people were wasting lots and lots of time on the phone trying to fix errors that CityTime could not recognize and you can hear that from city staff I filmed and posted on a YouTube channel BloombergNoCityTiime. Under Bloomberg we spent a record amount of money on tech across the board and it appears most was a scam making consultants and owners of these companies richer as we face even harsher cuts than ever from schools, fire houses, libraries, homeless shelters etc. Reminder Bloomberg fought for a full renewal with SAIC last Sept. and I was part of a group that fought an won for less money to be handed over to SAIC with many conditions to begin to protect tax payer money. Also note Rudy Giuliani brought in CityTime although I have spoken with people who said we did not need CityTime and could have expanded AutoTime which was created and owned by NYC gov and Rudy brought in SAIC. Rudy’s best friend Peter Powers once his deputy mayor happen to be the lobbyist on SAIC MTA deal which again we all fought. Look in to how the MTA told the State comptroller tough we are going to use SAIC when the DiNapoli wisely and correctly put a kibosh on the deal. Too bad the newspapers don’t want to do investigative journalism and why ow why is that? The owner of Gartner (I hear Gartner practically runs NYC gov) Glenn Hutchins and Rupert Murdoch both sit on board of The Partnership of New York and both have big tech deals with DOE NYC gov.
Just an FYI: Every major newspaper is involved in real estate deals that were aided and abetted by Bloomberg or the previous mayor or mayors of NYC -- massive deals like Donald Trump got and they would defend their deals by saying they employee lots of people which is true. Some owners also have the same best friend and money manager as Mike Bloomberg, some are involved in lucrative deals NYC gov and my point is all are involved in silencing voices of opposition, voices calling for investigation and investigative journalism and all of the above are close to The White House as possible so you can say what is new or this is the worst suppression of information and voices of opposition in a very long time here in NYC in the midst of dire economic problems caused by greed and even more New Yorkers will continue to leave, be forced out.
It is sad and shocking how much New Yorkers don’t know and even if they were willing to read the newspapers or watch television the corrupt dealings are not reported.
In the HBO special movie last night -- the one woman character who fully understood what was going on is explained by a group of men in a dummy down way for movie viewers to understand.
As much as greed as destroyed this city including with a tsunami of reckless real estate development you can find the same with tech deals and look to real estate and corrupt failed tech systems MTA as well but stop the average New Yorker and they don’t know about the shocking rip-offs and wasted money with CityTime, 911 Tech System, Tech systems Board of Ed and no one will investigate why we I am told have to pay Gartner to consultant on almost every aspect of NYC gov.
The newspapers and TV media outlets do not want to investigate or report on this and the greedy people in power think they are protecting their interests and they are but they are further destroying this City and there will be even harsher economic problems and even more deaths because of services cut because of greed and stupidity -- the same kind that caused Wall Street to implode is destroying this city and one clearly starting with Rudy bringing in CityTime and SAIC and Bloomberg a supposed great biz man and manager took greed and stupidity to a level of destruction with the highest level of paid consultants we would have done better to do without that have robbed us blind and provided mostly flawed systems as the City is threatened against with falling in to a deeper economic depression that many have been living already in my opinion.
Note: I can’t explain the level of exhaustion I am experience and the corruption I fight in your face or should I say in my face day to day living that started before I was forced to sell my home of 20 years fearing for my safety to shocking details I will be sharing with you down the road. Just like Sept. 11 I tell myself this should never ever have happened. I voted for Bloomberg two times. First time I believed in him, 2nd time he had no viable opposition but now I see him as the worst mayor ever that has finally destroyed this city. Koch and Rudy had great p.r. and sold themselves like a huge diamond from Tiffany’s but they did a lot of bad that was covered up but Bloomberg has destroyed this city and a record amount of people are profiting as an even larger record amount are forced to leave a city destroyed by greed and stupidity. I want to add I blame many at NYC gov including city council members that voted to extend a 3rd term like Diana Reyna I had to listen to at a Fire House closing protest last night. Even people like her know she found a financial boon like she could not find in the private sector so she voted to deny the people a referendum in a similar way editors have agreed to kill investigative reporting on behalf of the owners.
Read the article above == Glenn Hutchins Gartner tech deal nyc gov DOE and Rupert Murdoch -- question is it even legal for Joel Klein to be brokering tech deals so soon?
Understand why The NY Post won’t allow me to comment closing my account and shoving Mitchell Moss a mouth piece for Bloomberg, the Rudin Family and NYU down readers throats?
What else is not reported and why? The NYC economy will continue to tank because of greed and stupidity destroying this once great City.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Steve Cassidy UFA FDNY No Fire House Closures Speech Brooklyn Read on by Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy happy to be here but pissed to have a city council member voted third term Diana Reyna who The NY Daily News and NY Post listed on City Council hall of shame for taking lulus. She is no leader but someone who lives well off the NYC tax payers. The NY Daily News exposed city council members who don't want to pay up their fair share of taxes etc just like Wall Streeters and guess what we don't have money for fire houses and for school teachers?
Council people Let James and Dan Halloran gave good speeches. Halloran pointed out his Lt. Halloran brothers in Queens and Brooklyn are in fire houses that Bloomberg wants to close. Bloomberg is sending a message to the Hallorans.

Statement of Daniel Rivera
Executive Director,
The People’s Firehouse, Inc.
On City Fire Company Closures
The People’s Firehouse, Inc. is deeply concerned about the announced closures of 20 fire companies in our City. Such closures are certain to result in increased response times and fire fatalities. The projected closures are unacceptable ways of closing budget gaps.
As Uniformed Firefighters Association President Steve Cassidy rightly says, in this post 9-11 world, the FDNY’s expanded responsibilities to protect New Yorkers cannot be accomplished by service reductions. Since 2001 FDNY emergencies are up by 16 percent.
Eight of these projected closures affect our own Borough of Brooklyn, including Ladder Company 104 at 161 South 2nd Street in Southside Williamsburg, as well as Engine Companies 206 and 218, all of which serve our general area. Brooklyn neighborhoods are unfairly and disproportionately impacted by these cuts and closings.
Least our City’s elite believe that they are not impacted, they should know that Engine Company 4 at 42 South Street in Manhattan is slated for closure, too. EC 4 is only a few blocks away from the Mayor’s own office at City Hall and other important government structures and transportation hubs. These include the New York Stock Exchange, the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, the Broadway Federal Building, and Battery Park City.
The People’s Firehouse, Inc. is opposed to these 20 fire company closures, which put both civilian residents and firefighters at risk.

FDNY Save Engine 161 Protest Saturday June 4, 10 AM Staten Island
From Jessica!
Thank you Jessica!
Joe Brooks Alleged Rapist Composer Kills himself - no NY Jurors needed which is a relief
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Makes Me Vomit Mitchell Moss NYU Rudin Rape Cop Tacopina...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Cuomo Housing Laws Metropolitan Council
What Should Tenants Make of
Gov. Cuomo's Statement on Rent Laws?
Governor Cuomo finally broke his near-silence on rent regulations this week when he released a two-minute online video about the issue - which must be resolved before the laws expire on June 15. Watch Cuomo's video here.
Our analysis:
The good news: Cuomo is not threatening to let rent regulations expire entirely on June 15. Also, he acknowledged that deregulation has decreased the availability of affordable housing - an obvious point, but one that many elected officials (such as Mayor Bloomberg) either refuse to admit or dispute entirely.
The cause for concern: Cuomo could have called for the end of all forms of deregulation, but he chose not to. We're left to wonder what he means when he says that we should "strengthen" the laws. The biggest impact would come from ending vacancy destabilization and protecting tenants in former Mitchell-Lama and project-based Section 8 buildings.
Some landlord-backed measures, however, are being sold as pro-tenant measures to the media. One proposal being touted as a "strengthening" amendment would raise the amount at which apartments can be deregulated - from $2,000 to a higher amount, such as $3,000. This sounds at first like a step forward, but it could be a setback. Doing this may do more to halt the movement to end deregulation than to halt the loss of affordable housing. (For a longer analysis, see "With Rent Laws Expiring, the Showdown Is Over Deregulation" in the may issue of Met Council on Housing's newspaper, Tenant/Inquilino.)
It's good that Cuomo isn't gunning to end rent regulations in 2011, but until we fix our laws and stop the destruction of the system through deregulation, we are still in a fight for the future of affordable housing in New York City. We can't afford to let our rent-regulated housing dwindle each year!
Keep the calls going to Cuomo!
Call 212-681-4580 and say:
"Renewing the rent regulation laws just for the people who have them isn't enough.
End deregulation! Protect all tenants!"
Friday, May 20, 2011
PBA Guy Retiring - NYPD - exclusive NYDN
Thursday, May 19, 2011
FDNY Press Office Writes Suzannah B. Troy Re: her concerns for FDNY Radios
Suzannah B. Troy
Subject: Re: Please may I get an answer for my blog? Thanks you Suzannah B. Troy artist Activist FDNY supporter
Date: May 11, 2011 4:49:02 PM EDT
To: FDNYOPISuzannah,The FDNY radios worked on September 11th, 2001.Since September 11th, 2001, FDNY radio systems, policies, and protocols have all been improved and upgraded.Thank you for your concern and good luck with your blog.
Robert Lederman Artists Lose in Supreme Court Appeal Note from Suzannah B. Troy Bloomberg is Worse than Giuliani!
The 13 artists represented by the law firm Phillips Nizer have lost
their State Court appeal.
This means that the temporary restraining order is no longer in effect
in Union Sq Park, Battery Park, on the High Line or in Central Park
including Columbus Circle and Central Park South.
That means that the full revised park rules will now be in effect [See
the item on this page for the revised park rules - Adoption of Rule
Amendments and Maps Regarding Expressive Matter Vending [as published
in the City Record on June 18, 2010 - PDF, 781 KB and Frequently Asked
Questions about New Rules for selling art, photography, reading
material, or sculpture in City Parks [PDF, 1.46 MB]
The revised rules include a very tight limit on the number of artists,
marked spots, a 50 foot distance from monuments etc. Artists who are
not in compliance can expect to be summonsed.
In the meantime, the Federal lawsuit Lederman et al v Parks Department
is proceeding according to schedule. We fully expect to win it.
What can you do to help your own situation now?
As you will recall, I have repeatedly suggested that all street
artists in parks should display protest signs on a daily basis rather
than acting as if nothing is going on except business as usual. That
advice was never more important than now. Rather than give up, it’s
time to stand up. The public supports artists in parks and is
generally very negative about Mayor Bloomberg. Make your situation
visible to the world.
You can expect that within a few days that Parks Enforcement will
begin ordering artists around in an aggressive manner. It is important
that you record every single word of every such confrontation as
evidence. I suggest you download those rules, study them carefully and
have them with you while selling in any NYC Park. Also have a video
recorder and camera and use it.
Robert Lederman
New York Law Journal
Panel Finds Vendor Restrictions Do Not Violate Free Speech Rights
Andrew Keshner
Restrictions on the number of art vendors at four New York City parks
do not violate the vendors' state constitutional rights to free
speech, a Manhattan appellate court ruled yesterday.
A unanimous panel of the Appellate Division, First Department, upheld
the city's regulations of "expressive matter" vendors at Union Square
Park, Battery Park, High Line Park and parts of Central Park.
Since the vendors who challenged the rules did not show a likelihood
that they would prevail in the litigation, the panel declined to
overturn Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling's (See
Profile) denial of a preliminary injunction against the rules.
The panel's decision in Dua v. New York City Department of Parks and
Recreation, 5122N, observed that the regulations were "content
neutral" because, though addressed to "expressive matter" vendors,
they "are part of a comprehensive scheme which governs time, place,
and manner rules for all vendors under the Parks Department's
Moreover, the panel said the rules allowed "open, ample alternative
means of communication" because they only applied to the four parks in
question and did not prevent vendors from selling their goods at other
city parks.
"Any expressive matter vendor who is foreclosed from a designated site
may, among other things, sell his or her artwork on public sidewalks
throughout the city," the panel wrote, saying the plaintiffs could not
show irreparable harm without the injunction.
Finally, the panel said the regulations served the city's "significant
interest in preserving and promoting the scenic beauty of its parks,
providing sufficient areas for recreational uses, and preventing
congestion in park areas and on perimeter sidewalks."
Under 56 R.C.N.Y. 1-05(b)(2), artists and vendors of expressive
matter—defined as "materials or objects with expressive content, such
as newspapers, books, or writings, or visual art such as paintings,
prints, photography, or sculpture"—have been allotted 100 sites to
sell their wares in the four parks. The spots, marked by green plastic
circles, are open to vendors on a first-come, first-served basis each
The regulations were enacted in 2010 to cope with what city officials
said was a tripling of vendors in the parks since 2001. They argued
that the increase had created aesthetic concerns and congestion that
crowed out other activities.
The rules went into effect on July 19, 2010, three days after Southern
District Judge Richard J. Sullivan denied a preliminary injunction
because he found the rules did not violate the U.S. Constitution
(NYLJ, July 20, 2010).
On Aug. 25, 2010, however, Justice Martin Schoenfeld (See Profile)
granted a temporary restraining order blocking the rules' enforcement
(NYLJ, Aug. 27, 2010).
Justice Tingling vacated the order in his December decision denying
the plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction. However, the
First Department later decided the stay should be enforced pending
appeal (NYLJ, Feb. 2).
Justices Peter Tom (See Profile), David B. Saxe (See Profile), James
M. Catterson (See Profile), Karla Moskowitz (See Profile) and Sallie
Manzanet-Daniels (See Profile) sat on the First Department panel,
which heard oral arguments on April 27.
The plaintiffs were represented by Jon Schuyler Brooks of Phillips
Nizer. He did not return a call for comment.
Julie Steiner, a senior counsel in the city Law Department's appeals
division who represented the parks department, said in a statement
that the city is "extremely pleased" with the appellate ruling.
"The court correctly found that the Vending Rules are
narrowly-tailored, content-neutral regulations that do not infringe on
the plaintiffs' First Amendment rights to vend their wares," she said.
Gabriel Taussig, chief of the Law Department's administrative law
division, confirmed in an interview that the rules are "now
enforceable" and referred questions on how the rules might be
implemented to the parks department. A parks department spokeswoman
could not comment by deadline.
The Appeals Court ruling
Dua v. NYC Dept. of Parks and Recreation, 110344/10
Before: Tom, J.P., Saxe, Catterson, Moskowitz, Manzanet-Daniels, JJ.
Cite as: Dua v. NYC Dept. of Parks and Recreation, 110344/10, NYLJ
1202494339902, at *1 (App. Div. 1st, Decided May 17, 2011)
Before: Tom, J.P., Saxe, Catterson, Moskowitz, Manzanet-Daniels, JJ.
Decided: May 17, 2011
Phillips Nizer LLP, New York (Jon Schuyler Brooks of counsel), for appellants.
Michael A. Cardozo, Corporation Counsel, New York (Julie Steiner of
counsel), for respondents.
Order, Supreme Court, New York County (Milton A. Tingling, J.),
entered December 15, 2010, which denied plaintiffs' motion for a
temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, and granted
defendants' motion to vacate the existing temporary restraining order,
unanimously affirmed, without costs.
Plaintiffs, artists and vendors of expressive matter — defined as
"materials or objects with expressive content, such as newspapers,
books, or writings, or visual art such as paintings, prints,
photography, or sculpture" (56 RCNY 1-02; 56 RCNY 1-05 [b][2];
Administrative Code §20-473)—seek to enjoin the enforcement of revised
regulations (the Revised Rules) promulgated by the New York City
Department of Parks and Recreation. The Revised Rules would limit such
vending to 100 specifically designated sites or "spots" in Union
Square Park, Battery Park, High Line Park and portions of Central
Park. These sites would be allocated on a first come, first served
basis with only one vendor allowed at each site (see 56 RCNY 1-05
Plaintiffs failed to demonstrate "a likelihood of ultimate success on
the merits" of their challenge to the subject regulations, since they
failed to show that the regulations violated their rights under the
New York State Constitution (see Central Hudson Gas & Elec. Corp. v.
Public Serv. Commn. of N.Y., 447 US 557, 566 [1980]; see also Matter
of Von Wiegen, 63 NY2d 163, 170 [1984]). The Revised Rules, although
addressed to expressive matter vendors, are part of a comprehensive
scheme which governs time, place, and manner rules for all vendors
under the Parks Department's jurisdiction. We find that the Revised
Rules are content neutral (see Bery v. City of New York, 97 F3d 689,
697 [2d Cir 1996], cert denied 520 US 1251 [1997]). The City has a
significant interest in preserving and promoting the scenic beauty of
its parks, providing sufficient areas for recreational uses, and
preventing congestion in park areas and on perimeter sidewalks (see
id.). The Revised Rules respond to Parks Department concerns that,
since 2001, expressive matter vendors have tripled. The general
restrictions applicable to all vendors were no longer sufficient to
balance the vending of expressive matter with the use of parks by the
general public. The Revised Rules provide open, ample alternative
means of communication (see Matter of Rogers v. New York Tr. Auth., 89
NY2d 692, 701 [1997]), since they only apply to four parks. Expressive
matter vendors may operate at any other city park, subject only to
general restrictions. Thus, the Revised Rules satisfy the narrow
tailoring requirement of promoting "a substantial government interest
that would be achieved less effectively absent the regulation" (Ward
v. Rock Against Racism, 491 US
781, 799 [1989]; cf. Time Square Books v. City of Rochester, 223 AD2d
270, 276 [1996]; People ex rel. Arcara v. Cloud Books, 68 NY2d 553
The fact that the designated sites are limited in number does not turn
the Revised Rules limitation into de facto licenses in contravention
of Local Law 33. Unlike the lottery system rejected in People v.
Balmuth (178 Misc 2d 958 [1998], affd 189 Misc 2d 243 [2001], lv
denied 97 NY2d 678 [2001]), the Revised Rules do not regulate who
obtains any particular designated vending site on any particular day.
Nor do the Revised Rules appear to run afoul of the legislative intent
of Local Law 45. While the Revised Rules allow expressive matter
vending at sites and times when food or general vending is allowed,
the record reveals that the Parks Department designated 68 sites for
expressive matter vending in and around Central Park below 86th Street
and authorized only 36 food and souvenir carts to operate in that
area. Equally unavailing is plaintiffs' contention that the first come
first served system of allocating designated sites is
unconstitutionally vague; due process "requires only a reasonable
degree of certainty so that individuals of ordinary intelligence are
not forced to guess at the meaning of statutory terms" (Foss v. City
of Rochester, 65 NY2d 247, 253 [1985]; see also Heffron v.
International Soc. for Krishna Consciousness, Inc., 452 US 640,
648-649 [1981]). Finally, the record is not sufficiently developed
regarding plaintiffs' assertion that the Revised Rules violate section
8-107[4] and [9] of the City Human Rights Law and section 296[2] of
the State Human Rights Law. The testimony at the preliminary
injunction hearing highlights that, during the time the Revised Rules
were in effect, both individuals over 40 and women were able to obtain
designated spots.
Plaintiffs also failed to demonstrate that either the prospect of
imminent and irreparable harm or the balance of equities tips in their
favor (see Doe v. Axelrod, 73 NY2d 748, 750 [1988]). Any expressive
matter vendor who is foreclosed from a designated site may, among
other things, sell his or her artwork on public sidewalks throughout
the City (see Administrative Code of the City of New York §§17-306 and
§§20-452; Bery, 97 F3d at 698-699]) or sell in any part of the
perimeter of Central Park north of 86th Street, any part of the
interior of Central Park other than the pathways along the Central
Drive and Wein and Wallach Walks, and any other park in the City,
provided they comply with the general provisions of the Revised Rules
(see 56 RCNY §1-05 [b]).
Rally to Mourn The Loss of 35 Cooper Square and to Save the Bowery
~Rally to Mourn the Loss of 35 Cooper Square and to Save the Bowery!~
Wednesday, May 25, 6pm
Join us and our colleagues on Wednesday, May 25 at 6pm in front of 35 Cooper Square to mourn the loss of this 1825 Federal building and demand that the remainder of the historic Bowery gains protection now!
The Bowery Alliance of Neighbors has a list of 16 properties on the Bowery endorsed by Council member Margaret Chin – ranging from 1807 Federal townhouses to 20th century Beaux-Arts bank buildings - which need to be landmarked. Please join us in raising our voices to ensure that 35 Cooper Square is the last historic building on the Bowery to fall.
Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn Lying To Us Again The RX discount is available free to Everyone in the USA!
Hey my friend, here's one for you:
Regardingtoday's articles on the "prescription discount card",, eg
Apparently this service was already available free to anyone in the country: Not sure what's different about"", other than turning an already existing free program into a PR opportunity for Bloomberg/Quinn. I have to call this a blatant PR move to counter the negative reactions to the Bloomberg service budget cuts. Having might even be ultimately a more expensive way to get the service to NYC'ers compared to simply encouraging people to use the existing service.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tacopina Seigel as Vile as Rape Cops - Tacopina Seigel How About Your Back Doors Violated and Discussed iCourt compared to Venus Fly Trap Misoygnists
5:44 PM
May 17, 2011
Explain why the PBA did not use one of their in house lawyers? Duh? Why did they get one of their most or the most expensive sharks for higher Joe Tacopina who you can watch on YouTube saying van der sloot who I believe raped both of his victims and than tossed them like trash was innocent. Why did the PBA hire two liars oops lawyers for one moron AMORAL cop and how much does Chad Venus Fly Trap charge an hour. Tacopina Seigel’s goal was to dehumanize and demonize the rape victim and all women sending a signal to all dirty cops to rape away and they will cover them and scare off more victims of rape! Tacopina Seigel think they will never get raped and their back door discussed and compared to a Venus Fly Trap. They are as vile as the rape cops.
The NY Post Sued by Brooklyn Judge Back Fired! Media Blacked Out Rape Pr...
Monday, May 16, 2011
New Yorkers Fleeing New York
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy Breaks Over 301,217 hits Upload Views!!!! Channel Views 38,819
Christine Quinn Shame Shame on YOU! We dont’ want you for mayor or manhattan borough pres.
My comment: Excellent work. She is a sell-out. She betrayed the People with the great lie we needed Mike for a 3rd term. She sold her soul to developers!
Below the info I was sent!
In 2005, Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered lawyers for New York City to appeal the trial court ruling issued by New York Supreme Court Judge Doris Ling-Cohen, who decided that marrying the person of one's own choosing was both a privacy right and a liberty right.
If he really believed in marriage equality, why did Mayor Bloomberg appeal Judge Ling-Cohen's ruling ?
If City Council Speaker Christine Quinn really believed in LGBT civil rights, why did she change term limits in 2008 to reward Mayor Bloomberg with a third term in office ?
Watch has how protesters talk to one of Speaker Quinn's campaign donors -- and convince him to leave Speaker Quinn's fundraiser.
Even though some groups discriminate against LGBT New Yorkers, Speaker Quinn defends using city taxpayer money to support those hate groups :
More and more, as New Yorkers learn about Speaker Quinn's record, they, too, will walk away from her mayoral campaign.
Ollie’s Place moves to East Village after Fire! Loving Soul Cats Need homes!!!!
Cooper Union Students Sick Gay bashing and Hateful Comment Retarded as in slur at the expense of physically challenged
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bubblebomber123 has made a comment on Cooper Union I feel is endangering community, Cooper like NYU greedy real estate magnate: Gay You can reply to this comment by visiting the comments page. Cooper Union Student Gay Bashing? Last abusive comment was using the world “retarded” Peter Cooper never would have approved the destructive community crushing development or spoiled rotten hateful college kids that are gay bashers and use words like retarded. |