Rise Up Red, New York! | |
THURS, DEC 2 | |
ON THE STEPS OF TWEED COURTHOUSE, 4PMYou've signed the online petition, now make your voice heard as we gather to send a message to Mayor Bloomberg and NY State Education Commissioner David Steiner: |
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Even more empty store fronts welcome to Mike Bloomberg's hideous new NY
Mike Bloomberg's solution is to give people in massive debt. a loan!!!!
No wonder he and his gang used empty stores as campaign offices...how convenient!
Walking around NYC this morning I was stunned to see how many more stores are empty and one favorite of mine is getting ready to close. They just can't afford the super high jacked up rent so they are getting ready to go.
Heart breaking....
It looks like a major catastrophe has hit NYC and it has....Mike Bloomberg's ruling class....
Mayor Bloomberg's very own NYPD cop flies to high? Shoots an innocent man because he felt like it? Did the mayor's cop lie to 911 and Internal Affairs
Mayor Bloomberg flew to high -- believing he was and is above the law -- that he is King Mike and so far he is right -- for example -- Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and Cy Vance, the Manhattan DA refuses to prosecute Mike! Breaking campaign laws is a Misdemeanor A which carries jail time but in Mike's new hideous New York rich people do not get tickets they have the NYPD give out tickets and even find ways to arrest them and it is already coming back to haunt the NYPD with NYPD cops coming forward, with how many civilian complaints and more is to come I believe.
Now one of the mayor's NYPD security detail shot an innocent man and than allegedly lied to 911 and to Internal Affairs. Did he think he could do all this because he was spending too much time around king Mike or is this part of the rogue inner circle of NYPD that believes they can apply laws when they need to like a Mafia cop and turn a blind eye for their rich pals? It is very interesting how certain NYPD apply the law but in this case the NYPD officer felt he was above the law and that his alleged lies would be believed? Or maybe he wasn't thinking at all and just shot an innocent man because he felt like it they way some NYPD officers play God with their ticketing innocent people while turning a blind eye for some rich pals and than their are whispers are certain NYPD turning a blind eye for a reason...you begin to wonder....
The mayor's very own NYPD officer flew to high -- like way too many politicians and community board members - that think they are above the law, they they dictate to the law and in this case an NYPD officer in the mayor's elite group that shot someone because he felt angry...
The NYPD did take away his gun and badge. Did they check to see how many guns he owns....I sure hope he doesn't have some extra ones hidden away under his bed because he might get angry again.
Is this a sign of the times?
When you call Internal Affairs and someone doesn't answer right away than let the phone ring a really long time -- at least 12 or 13 times and an answering machine will take your message.
NYPD Internal Affairs
(212) 741-8401
24 hours, 7 days/week
Mayor Bloomberg flew to high -- believing he was and is above the law -- that he is King Mike and so far he is right -- for example -- Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and Cy Vance, the Manhattan DA refuses to prosecute Mike! Breaking campaign laws is a Misdemeanor A which carries jail time but in Mike's new hideous New York rich people do not get tickets they have the NYPD give out tickets and even find ways to arrest them and it is already coming back to haunt the NYPD with NYPD cops coming forward, with how many civilian complaints and more is to come I believe.
Now one of the mayor's NYPD security detail shot an innocent man and than allegedly lied to 911 and to Internal Affairs. Did he think he could do all this because he was spending too much time around king Mike or is this part of the rogue inner circle of NYPD that believes they can apply laws when they need to like a Mafia cop and turn a blind eye for their rich pals? It is very interesting how certain NYPD apply the law but in this case the NYPD officer felt he was above the law and that his alleged lies would be believed? Or maybe he wasn't thinking at all and just shot an innocent man because he felt like it they way some NYPD officers play God with their ticketing innocent people while turning a blind eye for some rich pals and than their are whispers are certain NYPD turning a blind eye for a reason...you begin to wonder....
The mayor's very own NYPD officer flew to high -- like way too many politicians and community board members - that think they are above the law, they they dictate to the law and in this case an NYPD officer in the mayor's elite group that shot someone because he felt angry...
The NYPD did take away his gun and badge. Did they check to see how many guns he owns....I sure hope he doesn't have some extra ones hidden away under his bed because he might get angry again.
Is this a sign of the times?
When you call Internal Affairs and someone doesn't answer right away than let the phone ring a really long time -- at least 12 or 13 times and an answering machine will take your message.
NYPD Internal Affairs
(212) 741-8401
24 hours, 7 days/week
Mike Daly on mayor Bloomberg -- the king is dead now just a mayor....
Bloomberg is not about higher education but higher greed just look at the corrupt real estate wheelings and dealings by NYU, Columbia University and Cooper Union...Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn have one priority and it is not serving the people but serving higher greed...
A source told me to expose Christine Quinn look to Highline and the non-profits and real estate connections all who I told her washing her hands as she washes theirs....aka campaign contributions...?
Suzannah B. Troy E. Village round up starts by paying late fee for all The President's Men
Ouch, next time I have to just buy the book from Amazon rather than renting from the library. Paid a steep fee for handing in All the President's Men late but I had this fear the NYPD would send a SWAT team or something -- just joking.
I tried to help a senior citizen today who is worried his troubled friend has been killed. I called the hospital and the 9th Precinct to try and get him some kind of information is his friend alive but the 9th was having a busy day and I could not get a human being. I offered to walk over to the 9th with him but he opted for a shelter that feeds poor people, homeless and seniors like him. He told me of his friends in Tompkins he sits with who have recently passed away, one actually in Tompkins and he fears his friend was so drunk he got clocked not far from the 9th Precinct and may not have survived.
I comforted him and than I said goodbye.
I tried to help a senior citizen today who is worried his troubled friend has been killed. I called the hospital and the 9th Precinct to try and get him some kind of information is his friend alive but the 9th was having a busy day and I could not get a human being. I offered to walk over to the 9th with him but he opted for a shelter that feeds poor people, homeless and seniors like him. He told me of his friends in Tompkins he sits with who have recently passed away, one actually in Tompkins and he fears his friend was so drunk he got clocked not far from the 9th Precinct and may not have survived.
I comforted him and than I said goodbye.
Chris Owens protest against Bloomberg-Black education scandal Sunday today 2pm
If you can, please join me on the Tweed steps to protest latest travesty in the Bloomberg-Black education scandal. On Sunday, 11/28, 2 pm, parent leaders will take another step in the case against this waiver deal. Be there and/or stay tuned!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Corrupt Mike Bloomberg makes a deal Steiner could not refuse NYC to be greatly harmed by yet another socialite Black is in but Bloomberg had to hire s
Amanda the People's Burden -- the worst city planner -- responsible for how many shady deals for her A list friends and perhaps the greatest mass displacement since The American Indians?
Now Bloomberg's Black eye Cathie Black with no qualifications....
it is amazing that we have an NYPD Commish with qualifications --
Bloomberg NYC are being sued round 2 for throwing out the requirements that the head of DOB have either an architectual or engineering degree. By the way -- how many people died because of Bloomberg's reckless tsunami of development construction, crane, scaffolding and infrastructure -- how many senseless deaths and injuries oh and he puts a Con Ed guy on the charter commission to decide on term limits. I wrote everyone possible including Con Ed and asked them to tell the mayor to slow down and put the safety of the people first to no avail.
Bloomberg is moving towards becoming the most despised mayor -- and at this rate more corruption and scandals like the fact Bloomberg broke campaign laws but Cy Vance doesn't have the gumption to apply the law to an emperor.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Mike Bloomberg do not touch our firehouses!!!!! Cut corruption and your campaign staff by Suzannah B. Troy
11/25/2010 7:49 AM
Mike Bloomberg DO NOT TOUCH our firehouses! Bloomberg closed our fire houses after 9-11 and sold them off while pushing a reckless tsunami of development!!!! We have had a record number of infrastructure breaks and related problems and the FDNY has to answer them! Check the stats for the E. Village, Lower East Side!!! A record number and I have photographed quite a few and posted on my blogs! Cut mayor bloomberg's campaign staff and make him re-imburse us 2 million dollars for his vanity hires! Cut Bloomberg's salary from 1 dollar to a penny - no charge him 2 billion dollars a year for each year of a term he stole. Stop the corruption that is robbing tax payers so aggressively NYers have to leave NY! Make all city workers starting w/Bloomberg's deputy mayor Harris take public transportation and serve her a subpoena and make her swear under oath that she works on 5 hours a week for Mike's charity! Do not touch our Firehouses!!!!!!! City Council unvote yourselves a raises and stop the corrupt slush money!!!!!!
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/firefighters_sound_the_twitter_alarm_Umom7ystUwi6898U8F4U2M#ixzz16IXUGFKw
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Miriam West's art written up in Conde Nast's Architectural Digest as one of the TREASURES you can buy for under $100 dollars

I am Jewish so I am using the Yiddish work KVEL -- beam with Pride....Miriam West is Japanese American and I am not her Jewish Mother but I am soooo proud of Miriam West!!!!!!
I love her ART, I love her great caring compassion heart and her activism so I was so thrilled to be in Union Square the other day when she sold one of her unique assemblage art works to someone who really had thought deeply about her work and which piece she was going to purchase! I was so happy for Miriam and now this news!!!!!
Miriam has the most amazing photos of NYC and she colorizes them in a magnificent way and you can buy a print or wear them as necklaces that have 2 sides sometimes a spiritual message on the other side.
She makes magnificent art jewelry including uses pieces that have to do with time like keys to clocks but do to the very strict laws under emperor Bloomberg she is not allowed so sell her stunning art jewelry in Union Square Park....these are the times we live in.
Any way great, great news!!!!!!! Congratulations to Miriam West my favorite Art Super Star....ehem, except for me of course...giggle xoxoxoxo!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Steve Rattner highlighted on Bloomberg News YouTube attacking Cuomo pretty much accusing him of extortion. Watch my short YouTube 62, 62, 61

Click on the above image and see how YouTube gives people a chance to have their voices heard when the press is doing their best to help Steve Rattner get away with "pay to play" "pay to not plead guilty" and pay to not go to jail.
Click on the image above and look to the right 2nd from the top....Rattner accuses Cuomo of extortion and it is featured on Bloomberg News on YouTube...
Like any abuser he blames everyone but himself and now he blames Andrew Cuomo.
If you click on the image above you will see to your right, Mike Bloomberg his best friend is using Bloomberg News to push an aggressive stance attacking Andrew Cuomo and I hear that Mike is using his Ken Doll Charlie Rose -- his puppet that he financial props up as well as Bloomberg news to attempt to force people to "Think Bloomberg" to actually buy what Rattner is selling.
Bloomberg and Rattner are making a huge mistake attacking Cuomo and it is going to make things worse for both Bloomberg and Rattner.
Mike Bloomberg 62 emails to Haggerty he refuses to turn over, Steve Rattner 62 times he pleaded the 5th and I contrast that with Roger Maris who was honesty and had integrity and they still put an * after his achievement. I understand why but what I see here is a mayor and his money manager that don't play fair and have no respect for the rules.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Columbia University's deceit & abuse continues to be fought by community and downtown it is NYU and Cooper Union!!!!
CPC Meeting 11/22, Eminent Domain, evictions & rats & NO JOBS
The next cpc meeting will be this Monday, nov. 22, at 6:30pm at St.
Mary’s church. (see flyer below for details).
Our next protest against Columbia’s deceit and eviction plan will be on
Dec. 7, starting at 3:30pm – details to follow.
The Sprayregens and the Singhs are still fighting for their rights.
Columbia is after them, and after us. Join in and help us resist this
elitist and racist gentrification process.
And the rats are already invading the buildings surrounding the
construction site, dining inside garbage bags 8 at a time, and eating
at car engine hoses for dessert.
For more info, see flyer below in english and spanish, come out.
Also below is a letter cpc wrote to the chair of community board 9,
larry english, asking for jobs information from columbia that we have
been requesting for five years. Mr. English has suggested that a
“partnership” with columbia is the way to go.
We cite columbia’s “partnership” at harlem hospital as a good reason to
talk about the facts of the eviction plan and not soft soap
The bleeding. So where are the jobs? So why not leave the last two
property owners alone? So why have bio-hazard labs here?
United for an Open and Strong Community
POST OFFICE BOX 50 - Manhattanville Station
365 West 125th Street
NEW York City, New York 10027
Coalition to Preserve Community (CPC) meeting – Monday, November 22,
St. Mary’s Church, 521 West 126th St. (bet. Broadway and Amsterdam)
Do you need a job? We had about 2,000 jobs in Manhattanville before
Columbia’s expansion began. The University promised 7,000 jobs.
Where are they?
Would you like to stay in your apartment? Will you loose it because
of eminent domain, gentrification or the privatization of public
*Columbia continues to deregulate apartments in the
buildings it owns. Some 7,000 have been lost.
*3333 Broadway was taken off the Mitchell-Lama program.
Hundreds have already been displaced and more than a
thousand are threatened with the loss of their subsidies.
*Public Housing is under attack as privatization becomes
ever more real.
Join us (1) on Nov. 22 to discuss what’s happening and (2) on December
7th for a jobs protest against Columbia.
CONTACT US: Call (917) 969-0669, (212) 234-5005, or (212) 234-3002 (se
habla espanol) or go towww.stopcolumbia.org and sign up to be on our
contact list.
Unidos por una comunidad abierta y fuerte
POST OFFICE BOX 50 - Manhattanville Station
365 West 125th Street
New York City, New York
-------------------------------------------------- -------
La Coalición para Preservar a la Comunidad (CPC) invita a una Reunión
Miércoles, 22 de noviembre a las 6:30 PM
En la Iglesia Santa María, en el 521 W de la calle 126 (entre Broadway
y Amsterdam)
¿Necesita un trabajo?: Teníamos alrededor de 2,000 puestos de trabajo
en Manhattanville antes de que comenzara la expansión de Columbia. La
Universidad prometió 7,000 puestos de trabajo. ¿Dónde están?
¿Le gustaría permanecer en su apartamento? ¿Lo perderá debido a la
expropiación forzosa, el aburguesamiento o la privatización de la
vivienda pública?
• Columbia sigue desregulando los apartamentos en los edificios de su
propiedad. Ya se han perdido unos 7,000.
• Al edificio 3333 Broadway lo retiraron del programa Mitchell-Lama.
Cientos de residentes ya han sido desplazados y más de un millar están
amenazados de perder sus subsidios.
• La Vivienda Pública está bajo ataque, ya que la privatización se
cada vez más real.
Únase a nosotros en las fechas siguientes:
1. El 22 de noviembre para discutir lo que está sucediendo
2. El 7 de diciembre para protestar contra los trabajos de Columbia
CONTÁCTENOS: Llame al (917) 969-0669, (212) 234-5005 o (212) 234-3002
(Se habla español) o visite www.stopcolumbia.org e inscríbase en
nuestra lista de contactos.
ENGLISH - OVER (Nov. 2010)
United for an Open and Strong Community
POST OFFICE BOX 50 - Manhattanville Station
365 West 125th Street
NEW York City, New York 10027
Hon. Larry English
Community Board 9 – Manhattan Nov. 15, 2010
Dear Mr. English:
Since 2004, Columbia University has emphasized the employment
opportunities that will result from its proposed Manhattanville
expansion for Harlem residents and others. The figure of 7,000 jobs
has frequently been mentioned in public relations statements. Ever
since Columbia opened an employment center on Broadway and 124th
Street, not long after President Lee Bollinger made Columbia’s initial
presentation at the Board, CB 9 members and community residents have
requested basic information about the effectiveness of this center –
that is, some hard quarterly numbers on who is getting the jobs that
the center offers as well as job training that Bollinger suggested was
in the cards. We have lost more than 2,000 jobs in the businesses and
in the area surrounding the expansion site since Columbia started its
quest to re-zone West Harlem and end the employment development
concepts we outlined in the CB 9 197A community plan.
Former Chair Jordi Reyes-Montblanc advised members of the Coalition to
Preserve Community that he had tried for years to follow up on our
requests for job statistics from this center. He said that he
constantly got the run-around every time he raised the issue.
We were disheartened to read your statement in the Columbia Spectator
that the entrepreneurial spirit in Harlem is lagging, and your
suggestion that building a partnership with Columbia is the pragmatic
way to proceed.
We intend to mount a campaign in early December to focus on Columbia’s
job promises and we would like to know what the facts are. The
employment center has been operating for years and they consistently
refuse to disclose how many community residents were able to obtain
jobs there, or any other basic statistical information about who has
gotten a job as a result of coming to the center. The Community Board
itself has requested this information. The Coalition to Preserve
Community has requested this information.
In the interests of honest community advocacy and cooperation, we are
repeating our oft made request that the Board once again demand this
information which should be a matter of public record and should be
made available forthwith.
Please let us know what the results are. Thank you.
Tom Kappner Tom DeMott Nellie Bailey Luis Tejada
For the Coalition to Preserve Community Action Committee
cc. Perkins
The next cpc meeting will be this Monday, nov. 22, at 6:30pm at St.
Mary’s church. (see flyer below for details).
Our next protest against Columbia’s deceit and eviction plan will be on
Dec. 7, starting at 3:30pm – details to follow.
The Sprayregens and the Singhs are still fighting for their rights.
Columbia is after them, and after us. Join in and help us resist this
elitist and racist gentrification process.
And the rats are already invading the buildings surrounding the
construction site, dining inside garbage bags 8 at a time, and eating
at car engine hoses for dessert.
For more info, see flyer below in english and spanish, come out.
Also below is a letter cpc wrote to the chair of community board 9,
larry english, asking for jobs information from columbia that we have
been requesting for five years. Mr. English has suggested that a
“partnership” with columbia is the way to go.
We cite columbia’s “partnership” at harlem hospital as a good reason to
talk about the facts of the eviction plan and not soft soap
The bleeding. So where are the jobs? So why not leave the last two
property owners alone? So why have bio-hazard labs here?
United for an Open and Strong Community
POST OFFICE BOX 50 - Manhattanville Station
365 West 125th Street
NEW York City, New York 10027
Coalition to Preserve Community (CPC) meeting – Monday, November 22,
St. Mary’s Church, 521 West 126th St. (bet. Broadway and Amsterdam)
Do you need a job? We had about 2,000 jobs in Manhattanville before
Columbia’s expansion began. The University promised 7,000 jobs.
Where are they?
Would you like to stay in your apartment? Will you loose it because
of eminent domain, gentrification or the privatization of public
*Columbia continues to deregulate apartments in the
buildings it owns. Some 7,000 have been lost.
*3333 Broadway was taken off the Mitchell-Lama program.
Hundreds have already been displaced and more than a
thousand are threatened with the loss of their subsidies.
*Public Housing is under attack as privatization becomes
ever more real.
Join us (1) on Nov. 22 to discuss what’s happening and (2) on December
7th for a jobs protest against Columbia.
CONTACT US: Call (917) 969-0669, (212) 234-5005, or (212) 234-3002 (se
habla espanol) or go towww.stopcolumbia.org and sign up to be on our
contact list.
Unidos por una comunidad abierta y fuerte
POST OFFICE BOX 50 - Manhattanville Station
365 West 125th Street
New York City, New York
-------------------------------------------------- -------
La Coalición para Preservar a la Comunidad (CPC) invita a una Reunión
Miércoles, 22 de noviembre a las 6:30 PM
En la Iglesia Santa María, en el 521 W de la calle 126 (entre Broadway
y Amsterdam)
¿Necesita un trabajo?: Teníamos alrededor de 2,000 puestos de trabajo
en Manhattanville antes de que comenzara la expansión de Columbia. La
Universidad prometió 7,000 puestos de trabajo. ¿Dónde están?
¿Le gustaría permanecer en su apartamento? ¿Lo perderá debido a la
expropiación forzosa, el aburguesamiento o la privatización de la
vivienda pública?
• Columbia sigue desregulando los apartamentos en los edificios de su
propiedad. Ya se han perdido unos 7,000.
• Al edificio 3333 Broadway lo retiraron del programa Mitchell-Lama.
Cientos de residentes ya han sido desplazados y más de un millar están
amenazados de perder sus subsidios.
• La Vivienda Pública está bajo ataque, ya que la privatización se
cada vez más real.
Únase a nosotros en las fechas siguientes:
1. El 22 de noviembre para discutir lo que está sucediendo
2. El 7 de diciembre para protestar contra los trabajos de Columbia
CONTÁCTENOS: Llame al (917) 969-0669, (212) 234-5005 o (212) 234-3002
(Se habla español) o visite www.stopcolumbia.org e inscríbase en
nuestra lista de contactos.
ENGLISH - OVER (Nov. 2010)
United for an Open and Strong Community
POST OFFICE BOX 50 - Manhattanville Station
365 West 125th Street
NEW York City, New York 10027
Hon. Larry English
Community Board 9 – Manhattan Nov. 15, 2010
Dear Mr. English:
Since 2004, Columbia University has emphasized the employment
opportunities that will result from its proposed Manhattanville
expansion for Harlem residents and others. The figure of 7,000 jobs
has frequently been mentioned in public relations statements. Ever
since Columbia opened an employment center on Broadway and 124th
Street, not long after President Lee Bollinger made Columbia’s initial
presentation at the Board, CB 9 members and community residents have
requested basic information about the effectiveness of this center –
that is, some hard quarterly numbers on who is getting the jobs that
the center offers as well as job training that Bollinger suggested was
in the cards. We have lost more than 2,000 jobs in the businesses and
in the area surrounding the expansion site since Columbia started its
quest to re-zone West Harlem and end the employment development
concepts we outlined in the CB 9 197A community plan.
Former Chair Jordi Reyes-Montblanc advised members of the Coalition to
Preserve Community that he had tried for years to follow up on our
requests for job statistics from this center. He said that he
constantly got the run-around every time he raised the issue.
We were disheartened to read your statement in the Columbia Spectator
that the entrepreneurial spirit in Harlem is lagging, and your
suggestion that building a partnership with Columbia is the pragmatic
way to proceed.
We intend to mount a campaign in early December to focus on Columbia’s
job promises and we would like to know what the facts are. The
employment center has been operating for years and they consistently
refuse to disclose how many community residents were able to obtain
jobs there, or any other basic statistical information about who has
gotten a job as a result of coming to the center. The Community Board
itself has requested this information. The Coalition to Preserve
Community has requested this information.
In the interests of honest community advocacy and cooperation, we are
repeating our oft made request that the Board once again demand this
information which should be a matter of public record and should be
made available forthwith.
Please let us know what the results are. Thank you.
Tom Kappner Tom DeMott Nellie Bailey Luis Tejada
For the Coalition to Preserve Community Action Committee
cc. Perkins
Friday, November 19, 2010
Michael Rawson mgr. of The Mercer Hotel stop harassing Veteran Vendors...preparing to protest dreaming of James Gandolfini telling Rawson to STOP it!

How you get through to an arrogant creep that has no respect for Veterans!!!!!!
Calling James Gandolfini who made a powerful film for HBO on Vets!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
WPIX News Greg Mocker questions MTA contract!!!!!! Guess what SAIC over-rides will be picked up by tax payers further bankrupting the city meaning mor
Greg Mocker's piece is powerful and devastating and reveals pure corruption that will further bankrupt the city of NY as any over rides by SAIC will have to be picked up by the tax payers -- meaning the people of NY so that means more FDNY, NYPD, homeless shelters, senior citizens, school cuts to keep SAIC's pockets filled to the brim.
It also exposes how corrupt and reckless the MTA continues to be as they also pocket huge amount of money from New Yorkers leaving us all to wonder where is all that money going and the answer is in to some very deep, deep pockets == stinks of corruption!!!!!!
Check out Mocker's coverage and don't forget my YouTube....
SAIC who's your pimp?
WPIX News Greg Mocker questions MTA contract!!!!!! Guess what SAIC over-rides will be picked up by tax payers further bankrupting the city meaning mor
Greg Mocker's piece is powerful and devastating and reveals pure corruption that will further bankrupt the city of NY as any over rides by SAIC will have to be picked up by the tax payers -- meaning the people of NY so that means more FDNY, NYPD, homeless shelters, senior citizens, school cuts to keep SAIC's pockets filled to the brim.
It also exposes how corrupt and reckless the MTA continues to be as they also pocket huge amount of money from New Yorkers leaving us all to wonder where is all that money going and the answer is in to some very deep, deep pockets == stinks of corruption!!!!!!
Check out Mocker's coverage and don't forget my YouTube....
SAIC who's your pimp?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Mike Bloomberg and NYU crushing our communities
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mayor Mike Bloomberg king of NY, are we talking about a revolution? We are sick of your A listers running the city and the protests and anger are risi
If you can't feel the anger on the streets than you are NOT walking on the sidewalks, you don't use the subways and you are listening to your Ipod. The people of New York are furious with Mike Bloomberg and appointing an A-lister magazine head that specializes in spin is a yet another explosive tinder box courtesy of Bloomberg.
Let's face facts. Mike Bloomberg stole a third term with the encouragement of his best friend Steve Rattner who also has no respect for limits which is why he is in "pay to not go to jail" mode for his role in "pay to play" and so many other corrupt friends like John Sexton of NYU who ran down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have a third term and why so Bloomberg and his socialite city planner mega-millionaire Amanda the people's Burden could help push thru commercial zoning for NYU's Hotel and massive complex to make La Guardia Pl, Bleeker to Mercer like Mid-Town instead of a village. If Mike Bloomberg died right now, John Sexton of NYU and gang would prop up his dead body to make sure their corrupt shady real estate deals go through.
The appointee of another rich A-lister has ignited rage through NYC and there is already a protest, a petition and more to come....New Yorkers have had it. They are fed-up and they are angry.
Sign the petition!!!!
Attend the rally:
Charles Barron denounces the new school chancellor Black.
Read my piece on how covertly and secretively Mike Bloomberg arranged for the hiring of Black and also how I continue to be victim of cyber stalking identity theft cyber thuggery on behalf of Mike Bloomberg and Steve Rattner. The lasted communiqué was pure misogyny in the name of Steve Rattner.
Below a partial postings from True News....
NOVEMBER 11, 2010
Bloomberg's Old Media Dinner Party Unqualified School Chief Pick Outs the Elite
Bumper-Sticker Patriotism Is No Way to Honor Our Veterans
Bloomberg's Old Media Dinner Party
Unqualified School Chief Pick Outs the Elites
A review how today's tabloids covered for the mayor on his pick of his dinner party hack reveals how New York's Elite considers themselves are a ruling class who can do what it wants. Someone squarely in his comfort zone of wealthy and socially prominent Upper East Side resident. NYT on this one breaks with the ruling class * Chris Quinn, John Liu Hedge On New Chancellor
Pumping Up Klein their new innovative education product salesman
Departing innovator Klein gets high marks (NYP) *Joel: 'We played big - and got big results'Cig-tax hike creates total drag on sales Sales of taxed cigarettes have plummeted a staggering 27 percent statewide since the highest cigarette tax in the nation took hold in July (NYP)
Murdock's WSJ Supports Black Cathie Black Used to Tough Choices (WSJ) * The WSJ looks for clues on how Black might manage the public school system in her book.
Dinner Party Member Mort Zuckerman's Daily News Supports Black New chancellor Cathie Black hits the ground running (DN) Daily News never misses an opportunity to blast Murdock Daly: Joel Klein shamefully selling out with new gig (DN)
NYT Editorial Questions if Black is Qualified
"David Steiner, the state education commissioner, needs to thoroughly vet Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed successor, the media executive Cathleen Black, to determine if she is up to the job." The papers also looks into the elite questionTransition in New York's Schools (NYT Ed)Bloomberg Took Secret Path to a New Schools Chief (NYT) * Were You Asked About the School Chancellor’s Job? The mayor said his choice was a result of a search, but The Times has not been able to turn up any candidates. (NYT)
Bloomberg's Elite Dinner Party New Schools Chief . . . Where is Sharpton?
"What has become a Bloomberg hallmark, the mayor relied on someone he knew through business and social networks, someone squarely in his comfort zone of wealthy and socially prominent Upper East Side residents, someone with whom he has shared many friends and colleagues, dinners and drinks." UFT-pal state senator out to block Cathie from becoming schools chief (NYP) * Black a 'fearless' straight-shooter: friends (NYP) * Mayor Takes Idea of Education Outsider to New Level (NYT) * Who’s Qualified to Run New York City Schools? Is it necessary to have an education background to run a school district (NYT) * In choosing Black, Bloomberg passed over even other outsiders with more pedagogical experience. * Barron Denounces Mayor, Choice of Black as Chancellor * Cathleen Black's First Memo to Her Staff at the Board of Ed
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