Thursday, December 30, 2010
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York, the king is dead, the art the media banned and remember my YouTube channel banned removed before the election. Googl
Sanitation Dept. did a lousy job to send a message? True or False?
True or False -- Sanitation Dept. did a lousy job on purpose to send a message no lay-offs?
Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith and his flaky ideas doom New York during storm by Juan Gonzalez slams Mike's new guy
MTA finally gets Subways running 5:35 am today and metaphorically speaking the king is dead, people of NYC are finally as angry as I am by Suzannah B.
5:35 am still mornin, the MTA and NYC notified New Yorkers all the subway lines are finally running since the Blizzard of 2010 hit this city like a terrorist attack.
Why did it take 3 full days to get all the subway lines running?
Why do the subways in general look so run down, rotted, leaking even on sunny days that you don't think you are in the greatest city in the world but that you are in the newest re-make of The Planet of the Apes....I haven't seen the original in many years but isn't there is scene where the State of Liberty is practically eaten up by nature, barely a relic swallowed up?
How did the corrupt MTA manage to make the SAIC deal happen right in our faces against our demands until the State Comptroller DiNapoli put the kibosh to the deal. This MTA SAIC deal sounds similar to the infamous MTA real estate Mafia deal that was also in your face.
Where is all the money going that MTA takes in hand over fist? Why can't they provide better service and why are the subway stations rotted and leaking?
Bloomberg pushed a reckless tsunami of development and people died in so many construction related accidents and even infrastructure as well because he refused to put safety before ruthless corrupt greed with the help of his A-list socialite gal pal mega millionaire city planner Amanda the people's Burden. Mike Bloomberg and Amanda the people's Burden's legacy will be the most massive displacement of New Yorkers since the American Indians and the shoddiest soulless reckless development all mirrored reflecting a history destroyed and communities no longer welcome not to mention the death toll.
Well people died this time around as well including a baby that was suppose to born in this world but no medics could get to that little soul who was to be born a proud New Yorker.
Well good news, New Yorkers, the MTA now finally as of this morning right before a fare increase -- now has all subway lines finally up and running.
NYC gov -- CityTime -- SAIC and their supposedly watch dog Spherion along with Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn and gang, the MTA all stink like the dead rat I saw on the subway tracks but worse were the rats up on the platform because because blizzard they were forced up to join us on the dilapidated run down dirty platform.
Reminder: True New For Change Blog reported the press was going soft (as usual) on Bloomberg and compared this to the press beating the hell out of mayor John Lindsay. The New York Times and The New York Daily News must have read True News because 24 hours later they came out with the comparison but still The NY Times and NY Daily News missed True News points as in willfully obtuse.
Lindsay was a big tall gorgeous guy and guess what he cared about New Yorkers! True News told me he was the last mayor to die in poverty. What True News did not tell is what I see, that after him mayors learned how to turn public service in to a money machine. Dinkins just got bought off by Columbia University as one big example aiding and abetting in eminent domain abuse and selling the great lie that Manhattanville is blighted. How does these people live with themselves? Rudy Giuliani made 31 million after he got out of office and reminder his no. 1 NYPD officer, Bernie Kerik is now in jail.
Just a reminder May 4, 2009 I made a YouTube Don't believe what the media is telling you Mike Bloomberg may not win the election because of voter angry. A month and half before the election my entire YouTube channel was removed and I was wrongly banned. Gee I wonder how that happened. The Wiki Page dedicated to this banning was removed. The page was attacked and the editors of Wiki page revealed attacked by sock puppet accounts but they still took it down. Up until the CityTime white collar crime broke under Bloomberg who was pimping for SAIC aggressively after the news broke because he did not want the SAIC MTA deal killed or the SAIC Sanitation Dept. killed had his thugs or his thugs on behalf of Bloomberg continue to mark all my comments as spam and any one who commented on my YouTube channel as spam. I also was banned from commenting on The NY Post website when CityTime broke but I wrote, called and emailed and I am now allowed to comment.
I am glad New Yorkers are as finally outraged and angry as I am. ....finally angry with mayor Bloomberg and calling for his impeachment so when I was sent the petition for his impeachment I added several more points about why he should be impeached from the third term debacle, breaking campaign laws, his pal Steve Rattner pay to play, the lousy abuse and mishandling of the pension funds, CityTime which will most likely be the largest White Collar Crime in NYC gov history and that is why we can't have Christine Quinn or Bill Thompson run for mayor next time around. Wc can't have Scott Stringer who would not rank on NYC top ten list of activists because he isn't half as good and Stringer is a black hole of tax payer money who should be taking the subway not being chauffeured around.
I created the blog Mayor Bloomberg King of New York and that was the title of my first YouTube.
I am announcing officially today -- the king is dead speaking only of course in a metaphoric sense.
I have said before if Mike Bloomberg died today greedy ruthless real estate developers would prop up his dead body and push through a fourth term to make sure their real estate deals go through.
MTA and NYC Gov and ALBANY are so corrupt it is beyond sickening. A Blizzard made New Yorkers irate -- finally.
New Yorkers threshold for corruption is greater than our tallest sky scrappers thank goodness for a massive Blizzard.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Suzannah B. Troy's new YouTube Impeach Mike Bloomberg for Blizzard handling but here is an FYI re: corruption and tax payer $ abused, stolen, wasted
Petition to Impeach Mike Bloomberg for the Blizzard was sent to me. Impeach his mini-me Quinn as well for slush and intimidation impeach them both

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sanitation car owner talks to ABC news scared for her safety, ditto for guy who filmed YouTube sensation! + Christine Quinn and slush puppy city counc
The owner of the car that is now a YouTube sensation is interviewed by ABC new but she is afraid for her safety so no last name or face time.
family said unfortunate
MTA desperate Rats come up on to subway platform + WNYC reports SAIC no innocent new override! See Suzannah B. Troy's new YouTube on this and the pres
Joseph MercurioWouldn't it be refreshing if the City Council did oversight of the mayor's disaster planning before the winter storms set in? (Twitter)
Remember: MTA Fare Hikes Just Two Days Away!
Sanitation Dept. bashing YouTube over 131,000 hits + hold the buns, MTA, Sanitation Dept., Mike Bloomberg what is the DEAL? (Besides SAIC)
(Warning: this tube contains offensive language and boxer shorts) wow -- the Sanitation bashing Youtube went Viral -- check it out...On it's way to a quarter of a million hits at this rate; storm of a hit on YouTube.
Next read No Third Term's blog piece I nicknamed "hold the buns" (there goes my inner Mae West) and the city's below par snow removal job and reminder the MTA had to put a note on it's website asking New Yorkers to stay at home and not use the subway! The mayor how ever said to NYC gov workers "no stay at home Time" perhaps because he did not want more egg on his face "CityTime" because SAIC has not been able to get CityTime up and running minus the bugs and besides dealing with over-time I am not sure CityTime could have handled yesterday's time sheets if Mike said stay at home. CityTime may have handled "stay home Time" for NYC gov workers well as the Sanitation Dept. and the MTA handled the Blizzard.
Check out my YouTube from yesterday about the Blizzard and the mayor with lots of links in the text portion that report major scandals with Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn and I don't even refer to using "slush and intimidation" to push through a third term with the great lie, Mike Bloomberg we needed Mike to help us with the economy. Mike only helped his good pals. Is SAIC a pal?
Click on the links in the text portion to learn more about High Line, how Quinn had a homeless group called Picture the Homeless banned from attending City Council meeting which is gee whiz unconstitutional and thanks to famed Civil Rights lawyer Norman Seigel, Quinn's lawyers had to agree to grant them access plus more on SAIC, the MTA so tune in....
Monday, December 27, 2010
Suzannah B. Troy's amazing, dazzling Blizzard Snow storm photos East Village + reminder to read Blizzard MTA NYC Gov SAIC postings from today on this

Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn Blurry lines public vs. private add High Line to the list
Norman Siegel contacted City Council Speaker's office for 'Picture the Homeless" when City Council banned them for City Council Meeting!!!!!! Speaker
*The blog is cited as one of the top 50 blogs in the United States by Public policy blog award
A quote from an anonymous New Yorker who sent me this information on Picture the Homeless being banned from City Council meetings!
"It is disgusting. It says something about Bloomberg's New York if the poorest of the poor have no redress or legitimate avenue to deal extreme poverty and harsh living conditions."
Where did Christine Quinn and gang (City Council) get off banning homeless New Yorkers from attending City Council meetings and the poorest of the poor. This is Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn's New York and I made up the term economic apartheid to describe Bloomberg-Quinn and their rich ruling class buddies that use any means possible even the NYPD to do their will and sweep away have-nots and in this case banning them from City Council meetings!!!!!
(What is it with Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn banning people that they don't approve us? Reminder blogger Rafael Martinez? Rafael was banned from the press room from City Hall by king Mike until Norman Siegel won yet again and got Rafael entry although Bloomberg-Quinn blatantly ignored him. Bloomberg and Quinn are not big on democracy and the constitution so no surprises here. Thank goodness for Norman Siegel.)
Quote from the press release I was given from Picture the Homeless : "They banned Picture the Homeless from attending pubic meetings." said PTH member Frank Clark, "They got our pictures up at the desk, and an extra police presence outside. The City Council treats Picture the Homeless like America's Most Wanted."
more from press release...
"We shudder to think what folks do who don't have brilliant attorney friends".
(From Suzannah B. Troy, "Norman Siegel, you are truly the people's advocate!)
"Housing Campaign members had attempted to attend a public meeting of the Buildings and Housing Committee but the City Council security desk advised us that Picture the Homeless were no longer permitted to attend public meetings. When Norman Siegel contacted the security team he was referred to the Speaker's Office. When he finally heard back from the Council's lawyers -- they acknowledged that guilt by association was wrong, and promised that we would not be banned today or ever again.
The press release packed with disturbing information including how the NYPD against the homeless which was discussed at "standing-room only -- disorderly roundtable" in partnership with the Center for Constitutional Rights. The round table brought together homeless folks, legal professional, elected officials, community activists and grass roots organizations to discuss the NYPD's abuse of vagueness of disorderly conduct and to build support for our campaign to change it.
Note from Suzannah: I wish I had the entire press release on line for you to read!!!!!!
Picture the Homeless 2427 Morris Avenue - 2nd Floor, Bronx, New York, 10468
Organizing For Justice and Respect: Don't Talk About Us: Talk With Us!
p.s. From Suzannah, Picture the Homeless appreciates donations of any size.
Mayor Bloomberg AWOL?
Record blizzard 20 inches NYC to halt just like record corruption CityTime wait for forensic audit by Suzannah B. Troy
From Notify NYC:
10:30 AM today: The Long Island Railroad, Metro-North and the Staten Island Railway are suspended due to the snow. Subways and buses are experiencing major delays. Visit for the latest updates.
12/27/10 at 9:15 AM. The New York City Department of Transportation has suspended all parking meter regulations for Monday, December 27th. The NYPD will not be issuing parking meter tickets today.
I am sure glad I was not stuck on the A Train for 6 hours because I always feel pregnant with twins. I do feel very sorry for all the people stuck on this train when the power was lost. The MTA is just a mess including parts that are so dilapidated with pipes bandaged like wounds, I have seen leaks and puddles on sunny days. (Have video footage on YouTube.) Note: Reminder the SAIC MTA deal for 110 million was put to death and thank goodness based on corrupt over rides by SAIC for hundreds of millions for CityTime. Mysterious how the MTA would not discuss why they were go with SAIC after their massive budget over rides...hmmm.
The winds and the blizzard inspired many to stay home but some people including me went out to do some errands. If my knees were not shot I would have gone for a run like I have all my life living in NYC which now totals 27 years. My girlfriend (for gay bashing homophobes that means friend) took her beautiful fluffy dog out for a walk and the snow was up to her head -- the beautiful dog with winter coat LOVED it!
Stay warm stay tuned....
Sunday, December 26, 2010
IPhone Gloves by Suzannah B. Troy
Note convenient opening to use IPhone + dog teeth holes lower thumb that inspired the creation of my Iphone Gloves! |
The on coming snow blizzard and an over enthusiastic puppy dog finally made me do it! I transformed a pair of pink gloves that I love in to IPhone gloves!
Why? It is freezing out there and I do not want to take off my gloves to answer telephone calls, emails, text messages and search the internet and now I do not have to. The Iphone does not work unless it senses your finger pad --no human flesh touching the screen of the Iphone no functions!
That has always driven me crazy along with a few other Iphone and Mac Book issues I need to write Apple about but this one I resolved when the most adorable puppy confused my favorite new gloves for a chew toy. I took a nail scissor and got an arched where the pad of my pointer finger is and any finger I might use with my phone and did not remove the material to attempt to keep my hands as warm as possible. No I just have to push my pointer finger or pad through the strategically place incision and I can use my Iphone through my "IPhone Gloves".
There are a one of kind and I love them.
Stay warm.
By the way I have the Otter Box uber protective bulky covering called The Defender and it has protected me from smashing the glass on the phone when I dropped which which I did a lot and from water damage.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Giuseppi Logan Christmas Time Tompkins He still needs support, he needs some help

Mike Bloomberg say Mosque asked for help. We helped them, that is our job. Well Mike why do you turn a deaf ear to the people of NY when they ask for
Read more:
Friday, December 24, 2010
Suzannah B. Troy artist with Patrick Barr photogragher
Here we are! Patrick Barr is back at his spot on Prince Street...he has just shifted a little. One of my favorite pictures of his of an NYPD officer playing drums along with musicians was photographed right here in the park. I love Patrick's work and his sweet humanity...he has a lot of compassion for people....good soul. You can find a series of YouTubes I made on Patrick if you search in YouTube's search engine.
Mike Bloomberg still pimping SAIC CityTime deal....
A full forensic audit of CityTime should reveal a lot more thievery by Suzannah B. Troy
Check out above link -- Henry Stern vs. Suzannah B. Troy's view of CityTime big difference is me, Suzannah comes out and squarely blames Bloomberg.
Fun reading for Suzannah B. Troy blog followers if you haven't read the Vanity Fair piece on SAIC
Here is my comment on The NY Post this morning on Joel Bondy quitting.
12/24/2010 5:32 AM
Tip of the iceberg. A full forensic audit will tell us more but the excessive overrides and mayor Bloomberg pushing for a full renewal with SAIC on Sept. 30 when it was a no brainer going from aprox. 60 million to over 700 million that this was criminal and why was NYC gov. going along. I made part 1 and part 2 YouTube series of why and who was pushing SAIC starting with our mayor. Thank goodness the MTA deal with SAIC and also Sanitation Dept. are now dead. CityTime was meant to prevent low tier workers from stealing but mean while consultants were stealing. The question is how many and I believe the amount of the theft and thievery is staggering. I have links to articles and CNNiReport of a whistle blower from 2 years that takes you in to meetings with Joel Bondy and fingers Mazer and others including a SAIC consultant. NYPost doesn't allow link postings sadly. Way more to this story including I was told kickbacks for NYC gov.
Read more:
Suzannah B. Troy's YouTube makes True News for Change Blog
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Part 2 respect news guy says I am wrong CityTime owned by NYC gov but is it just semantic & SAIC owns what is valuable hear why! by Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy exclusive SAIC own's City Time
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
when CityTime scandal broke Mike immediately did P.R. for SAIC! Why? He wanted SAIC MTA deal to go through! Pimping. Deal now dead MTA SAIC deal DEAD
Just the header on this piece answer the question to why he lied and praised SAIC.
DiNapoli kills deal.
MTA SAIC deal DEAD! Mike sang SAIC's praises after 1st veil removed on CityTime massive crime! Why! He is SAIC's PIMP
The NY Observer selling the lie Mike knew nothing but he knew and he was till trying to push the SAIC MTA deal thru by going on John Gambling show and praising SAIC which was dishonest but he wanted the MTA SAIC deal to go through. Mike knew nothing. I have BFA from Rutgers and I did the the YouTube I made this morning on how Mike had to know....
Missing the real big crime bigger than the 80 million stolen CityTime watch Suzannah B. Troy's new YouTube
Sent to press and activists -- but make sure to read the posting below this and it is the top link on this new YouTube in the text portion of the YouTube.
My new tube
I talk about Juan Gonzalez's new piece but guess what there were plenty of people that did not blow the whistle and why? No brainer.
My new youtube -- you are missing the point -- 80 million the small crime -- the 700 + the big crime and reminder Mike Bloomberg was pushing SAIC renewal -- a full massive over spend yet again for SAIC Sept. 30 and when this story breaks MIke immediately does p.r for SAIC and even praises them on the John Gambling show and I have it from plenty of sources CityTime still does not work so why more smoke and mirrors....
We need a full audit and if investigator with brains do their job SAIC and Spherion and how many consultants made-off like mini Bernie Madoffs.
I talk about a warm up to CityTime another failed attempt by Rudy Guiliani called Maximus which help make his friends big bucks and they they shelved the failed program....and I ask why didn't Sal Salmone blow the whistle and why could I figure this out in 24 hours and I have a BFA from Rutgers and Mike Bloomberg couldn't figure this out in less than 24 hours?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Casino Jack and The United States of Money documentary coming soon Casino Jack the film starring Kevin Spacey - thieving corrupt lobbyists, congress,
Watch---us--the people of New York for free... as we live here in NYC and witness the unfolding of a major white collar crime courtesy of CityTime and NYC gov..... I call the thieves of CityTime "mini-Bernie Madoffs". The only reason they are "mini-madoffs" is because they couldn't steal multi-billions.
Whether it is Mike Bloomberg buying a 3rd term and with the help of Christine Quinn, I dubbed Mike's mini-me -- a sell-out, CityTime....or movies like Client 9 and for me this film, Casino Jack and The United States of Money" which possibly more disturbing than Client 9 -- and yet the clearest --- "Washington -- the congress has lost sight of who they serve -- as the end of the film summarizes.
Congress serves......we are told....Chinese sweat shop owners, Russian is so accepted it is part of our culture -- the average citizen doesn't have a voice these people have because they are better financed ." says a guy interviewed who's name alludes me.
Casino Jack refers to dirty corrupt dealings Jack Abramoff and pals pulled of using the American Indians, charging them mega-millions and doing every thing dishonest possible plus making hateful comments about them as well.
Rented "Casino Jack and The United States of Money" from ITunes and it was the regular rental fee for Itunes vs. Alex Gribney Client 9
After watching this documentary "Casino Jack and The United States of Money" I renamed the political machine, "political industry" -- political industry -- pay to play -- trading "favors" for industry not a machine.... (political industry is another Suzannah B. Troy-ism.)
There is a segment of the film that takes place in the Mariana Islands ... Let me put it this way....this part of the film made me want to scream and cry at the same time. I wanted every congressman and lobbyist -- any and all political figures that enabled the human rights abuses documented ever so briefly in this film to go to jail. To serve suffer. People from China, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines were charged 6-7 thousand dollars to go to these islands promised jobs but instead it was indentured servants with no money but money being taken to pay for their passage. Some were raped, all worked in garment factorys, the women found themselves working in the sex trade... Democrat George Miller tells us a man says something through an interpreter to him as he cried. Miller asked why is he crying. The interpreter told him this man asked if he could sell him both his kidneys to pay his debt and return to China. Miller is the only member of congress that visited that appears human and has a soul. Really after watching this Tom Delay should rot in prison not get out and get his 15 min. on Dancing with the Stars.
Tom Delay is accused in this film of opening the flood gates like never before for pay to play and he protected all kinds of corruption and abuses to keep the floodgates of massive money flowing in.
Note: The sweatshops of Mariana Islands made sure to put "Made in the USA" in all the garments sewed by men and women paid a just over a dollar an hours working as indentured servants almost really slave labor.
Do you understand my response....wanting to scream and cry? Wanting the harshest punishment punishment for our congressmen and lobbyists.
Tom Delay wasn't alone and either was Jack Abramoff in dirty corrupt play but Abramoff took it to another level. The film even implies Abramoff may be indirectly responsible for the murder a Greek business man that owned Casinos on ships that Jack essentially used Congress to help him steal by using a loop hole to make the guy sell.
The corruption is both Republican and Democrats and is is disgusting.
Money paid to Lobbyists has increased by a billion dollars and the Financial sector gives the most. Wall St. doesn't want a democracy or limits of any kind....they want to dictate....sounds like Mike Bloomberg king of New York....
FYI: The film notes at the end January 2010 the Supreme Court eliminated all restrictions on campaign ad spending! (This is criminal. I know some of my pals don't agree with me but I want a cap on spending for anything to do with running for office.)
Jack Abramoff wrote "....bill your clients like demons" -- the people that stole tax payer hand over fist here in NYC using CityTime to do so took Jack Abramoff's advice....
Yes, when "Casino Jack" starring Kevin Spacey comes out Dec. 17, I may go to the movies to see this film or do I? Should I just keep blogging about CityTime, Mike Bloomberg's money manager Steve Rattner and pay to play, how Mike Bloomberg bought a 3rd term proving democracy is for sale and lucky the CityTime debacle did not come out Feb. 2007 when whistle blowers were posting on the CNN iReport and telling Dept. of Investigations but no one cared or noticed and than there is Christine Quinn sold us the people of NYC out, Espada, Seabrook, Martinez, Arroyo mother and daughter, etc., etc. etc. how tax payers are paying for defense attorney for some of Christine Quinn's staff that specialize in White Collar crime and even hired Sullivan & Cromwell, the same firm Goldman Sachs uses.
At the end of the documentary on Abramoff there is a close up of senator Charles Schumer implying he has been bought by Wall St. and a close up of Goldman Sachs logo as well...ho hum.
... so do I pay 13 dollars + 6 dollars for popcorn or do I rent Casino Jack on itunes...