May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Suzannah Troy Gates of City Hall in Drag as Christine Quinn Corrupt Dirt Bag Tribute to John Sexton NYU

John Sexton press of NYU mega-dormed East Village to death and is destroying the Village and eating up all the green space and beauty to replace with sky scraping concrete -- the only green Sexton understands is dollar bills and is one of the most greed and stupid men in NYC.

He will get prime real estate in hell with bill rudin for eternity.

I definitely wanted to flash my gold sequin undies but didn't want stress out the NYPD guards plus I want over sized dollar bills to hanging out with Bill Rudin, John Sexton NYU, Mike Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs and Emily Giskie's ames written on the big bills.

A man from W. Village said to me, I thought Christine Quinn is gay....than why is she %^$^ all these rich billionaire guys?

Christine Quinn along with Bloomberg and billionaire pals tried to prevent The People from testifying Term Limits, than Quinn with NYU and the Villager turned away Quinn's opposition stating there was not enough room but snuck Quinn's people in and Tuesday the same but evil Bill Rudin and his gang with the help of 250 Broadway and Christine Quinn preventing her own district from testifying and kept them standing for hours in the freezing cold while a 75 year old man passed out. Here is a quick posterior and Bloomberg Rudin and Giskie written on my butt pay to play pals. Front of the dress term limits, slush aka tax payer money abused, real estate sell-out St. Vincent's NYU...

I want my big male gay husky friend to dress as Emily Giskie and I will be Quinn and we will rent an SUV and make stops around key hots spots pretending to be Quinn and Giskie... NYC courtesy of the tax payers. It will be so funny. I want to swing by City Hall for a humorous YouTube of us in drag.

Christine Quinn is such a real estate whore -- no disrespect to sex workers, sell-out and guilty of corruption pushing through an illegal third term and for aiding and abetting SAIC CityTime corruption by brushing aside 2 investigations by Tish James and discouraging a third!

Christine Quinn and Mike Bloomberg serve a term in jail!