May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tompkins Square Park Mess Way Worse Under Bloomberg Quinn

Yes there were people cleaning up Tompkins but they cannot keep up with the massive amount of litter mostly from mentally ill addicted lost souls that habit the park benches more like ghosts but the presence is very real and the over whelming litter is proof.

Behind these benches all the bushes and trees have been pruned down to almost nothing because left alone they obscure the children’s park. There are 3 kids parks in Tompkins and if you download the free sex predator App you find an entire building close to the park filled with pedophiles so making sure the NYPD can see there are no pervs and other illicit behavior you can see there is almost nothing there anymore.

The park is filled with pushers -- more pushing baby strollers but the sad part is the really sick people that prey on the park and the folks trying to use the park as a park. NYC has over 8 million people living on top of each other so it is no surprise there is a lot of alcohol abuse and drug addicts from over the counter to prescription as well as illegal and a combination of the above..... the park is filled with people who are a mess....

Very sad and some need to be hospitalized....instead sooner or later it is left to the NYPD and EMS to deal with sad cases.

Bloomberg and Quinn’s sell-out to developers has impacted the park and neighborhood for the worse although the universities and hotels that busted through zoning would disagree but the area looks more like Dinkins-ville but it is worse it is Bloomberg-ville and a reminder the local rag most people won’t even take for free endorsed Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn and are in bed with NYU.

All over NYC are empty store fronts and I remember talking to Norman Siegel because I wanted to put my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York in the empty store fronts and still do....I just didn’t want to get tickets after all unlike politicians that break the law I didn’t have campaign donations to pay for the fines.

Still want to put the posters in the empty store fronts...

Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn have brought NYC down to it’s lowest low in a long time and Christine Quinn is raking in money from real estate developers and banks that recieved mega-bucks in bail-outs of tax payer money with no pay back required or jail time and Quinn is benefiting with them donating to her campaign! Her NYC gov. community out reach guy Tony Simone hails from Goldman Sachs and curses out community members as he walks by them if they are anti-Quinn. Sure hope he isn’t calling Goldman Sachs on NYC gov time asking GSers to donate to Quinn’s mayoral run.