May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sanitation Dept. bashing YouTube over 131,000 hits + hold the buns, MTA, Sanitation Dept., Mike Bloomberg what is the DEAL? (Besides SAIC)

(Warning: this tube contains offensive language and boxer shorts) wow -- the Sanitation bashing Youtube went Viral -- check it out...On it's way to a quarter of a million hits at this rate; storm of a hit on YouTube.

Next read No Third Term's blog piece I nicknamed "hold the buns" (there goes my inner Mae West) and the city's below par snow removal job and reminder the MTA had to put a note on it's website asking New Yorkers to stay at home and not use the subway! The mayor how ever said to NYC gov workers "no stay at home Time" perhaps because he did not want more egg on his face "CityTime" because SAIC has not been able to get CityTime up and running minus the bugs and besides dealing with over-time I am not sure CityTime could have handled yesterday's time sheets if Mike said stay at home. CityTime may have handled "stay home Time" for NYC gov workers well as the Sanitation Dept. and the MTA handled the Blizzard.

Check out my YouTube from yesterday about the Blizzard and the mayor with lots of links in the text portion that report major scandals with Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn and I don't even refer to using "slush and intimidation" to push through a third term with the great lie, Mike Bloomberg we needed Mike to help us with the economy. Mike only helped his good pals. Is SAIC a pal?

Click on the links in the text portion to learn more about High Line, how Quinn had a homeless group called Picture the Homeless banned from attending City Council meeting which is gee whiz unconstitutional and thanks to famed Civil Rights lawyer Norman Seigel, Quinn's lawyers had to agree to grant them access plus more on SAIC, the MTA so tune in....