May 4 before the election only one to state Bloomberg may not win due to voter anger...used my political art poster lampooning king Mike - media blacked out. My YouTube channel was removed. Google apologized.
The YouTube that said No to renewing SAIC CityTime.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Corrupt Mike Bloomberg makes a deal Steiner could not refuse NYC to be greatly harmed by yet another socialite Black is in but Bloomberg had to hire s;jsessionid=13F35C5A16D6E229E855100C766078B8.w5?a=704826&f=19

Amanda the People's Burden -- the worst city planner -- responsible for how many shady deals for her A list friends and perhaps the greatest mass displacement since The American Indians?

Now Bloomberg's Black eye Cathie Black with no qualifications....

it is amazing that we have an NYPD Commish with qualifications --

Bloomberg NYC are being sued round 2 for throwing out the requirements that the head of DOB have either an architectual or engineering degree. By the way -- how many people died because of Bloomberg's reckless tsunami of development construction, crane, scaffolding and infrastructure -- how many senseless deaths and injuries oh and he puts a Con Ed guy on the charter commission to decide on term limits. I wrote everyone possible including Con Ed and asked them to tell the mayor to slow down and put the safety of the people first to no avail.

Bloomberg is moving towards becoming the most despised mayor -- and at this rate more corruption and scandals like the fact Bloomberg broke campaign laws but Cy Vance doesn't have the gumption to apply the law to an emperor.